Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3926: black ring

"Because there are innate restrictions in many parts of your dragon body, you can't detect it, it can only be smelted through the spiritual aperture, and now your dragon body and the dragon ball have been fused halfway, and you are extremely satisfied with the result. ."

"Hundreds of thousands of years~"

Xiao Hua said oddly, "It's only half-integrated? Isn't it too slow?"

"Even if it's half-baked~"

Zhang Qingxiao pouted and said, "From this stubborn consciousness, there should be the so-called dragon master's strength. Moreover, this half seems to have the fusion of the things in your dragon body..."

"Oh, I understand~"

Xiao Hua woke up immediately, and he still had a kick and a dan in his body. If these were also half-integrated, it would be really amazing.


Zhang Qingxiao said with a smile, "These three **** dragon beasts seem to be intriguing again, you can be a oriole with peace of mind."

"That's right~"

Xiao Hua thought of something again and asked, "How about my clone that follows Ao Sheng?"

"I have arranged for my younger brother to follow him, there should be no problem~"

Zhang Qingxiao replied, "It's just that the space here is special, I can't contact the younger brother, and even the younger brother in the space can't perceive it, and I will tell you when I can get in touch."

"This space is so powerful?"

Xiao Hua secretly frowned.


Zhang Qingxiao said, "As far as Hao thinks, this is a place where two old people dare not come. Of course it's amazing."

"Two old things?"

Xiao Hua asked in his heart, "Do you know who it is?"

"I don't know~"

Zhang Qingxiao replied, "I don't dare to think too much, but I occasionally curse in the primordial spirit of the soul, that's why I know it."


Xiao Hua nodded, he already understood in his heart, if nothing else, that mysterious voice was one of them.

Xiao Hua and Zhang Qingxiao figured out how to be a oriole, while Chen, Hao and Luo wanted to be fishermen in "Ji". Luo looked at the dimly yellow sky impatiently, scratching their ears and cheeks quite clearly. Chen Du is cultivating with all his strength, only it can't do it now, it needs to quickly enter "Silence" and find Xuan Yanyuan, otherwise its body will be snatched away by the two of them sooner or later.

There seems to be no time in the dim world, and the scene has not changed for more than a hundred years. However, just when Ziluo was about to lose patience, at some point, a black color like dark eyebrows emerged from the dim yellow, and then a huge shadow that did not match the size of the black color filled the world, and even directly pressed on the three such as Ziluo. one's heart.


Ziluo was overjoyed and couldn't help shouting in a low voice, but strangely, it suddenly found that no matter how loudly it shouted, there was no sound at all.

"Sure enough, it's 'silent'~"

Ziluo was certain in his heart, "It is because after it appeared, there was silence for hundreds of millions of miles, so this place was called 'Silence'!"

That is to say, when Ziluo thought about it, the black color of the eyebrows just now had turned into a long rainbow and traversed the sky, tearing the dim yellow, and under the black color, layers of twists seemed to hit the waves.

Ziluo didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly flew up, but when it looked at Chen and Hao again, Chen had already put his hands behind his back and looked at Xuanse with cold eyes, while Hao's whole body was full of fire, and he was also staring at Xuanse. It seems to be waiting for the black color to be fully revealed.


Ziluo snorted coldly and said secretly, "Just wait!"

It seemed that there was a wind, twisted and mixed with messy fluctuations and rushed towards Chen, Chen thought for a while, but did not retreat, "Woo~" Sure enough, where the fluctuations impacted, Xiao Hua's fairy body flashed golden light, and the faint water light shone from the skin. It appeared below, and Chen's figure not only did not retreat, but instead looked more like a jade because of the water.

“Not bad~”

Chen said with a low smile, "With the help of the law of time here, I have already integrated 30% of 'Miao' into this body, and when all 'Miao' is integrated, I can treat this body as a divine embryo, even if that Xiao Hua comes again, There is absolutely no way he can take it back."

"Haha, am I thinking too much?"

Thinking of this, Chen almost laughed, "Xiao Hua is just an ordinary Taoist immortal, could he come to 'Ji'? Isn't this body my current body??"

While Chen was laughing, a silent wash of "Shushua~" suddenly appeared, a force that approached the soul and even corroded the source like a gust of wind.

Looking at the black color that was like a long rainbow just now, it has already revealed a hideous face. It is a huge black disk. A terrifying aura rushes out of this disk, and the storm-like fluctuation is even more Everything was torn to shreds.

The disc grew rapidly in Chen's surprise, as if to cover all Chen's vision.

Chen's eyes swept across the huge disc, his eyes flashed blue water, and he stared at the black disc. Inside the black disc were countless black ellipses. These ellipses were of different thickness and size. Different, overlapping together becomes "silence".

However, before Chen could see what this ellipse was, the huge black disk crashed down towards the other end of the sky like a dark cloud blown by the wind.

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Chen naturally knew that this was the only chance to enter "Silence", but before he could call, a firelight had already rushed into the disc like a meteor from the corner of his eyes. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Why are you more anxious than the snail?"

Chen was a little puzzled, and hurriedly looked at another place. Sure enough, Ziluo pulled out strips of purple from all over, and penetrated into the black like tentacles, and Ziluo's body swirled and rushed into the disc.


Chen whispered in his heart, stepping on the water light and rushing into the black color.

"ssssssssssssssssssssssss out~"

Without waiting for Chen to get close to the black color, spirals as thin as needles had already formed on its surface, and the spirals penetrated deeply into the water light, directly destroying the skin on its surface.

"No way?"

Chen Du was a little dumbfounded, and said in shock, "I have mastered 'Miao' in this life, and the defense power far exceeds that of Longzu. Why haven't I entered 'Silence', and the wind alone can defeat the body surface? This' Si' is too dangerous, isn't it?"

Thinking of this, Chen didn't feel the desire to escape. After all, it has Xiao Hua's immortal body and "Miao", so there is no need to come to "Ji", it just falls into Ziluo and Hao's calculations, afraid to stay Yu Zejie was punished by two old things, and came to "Ji" in a hurry.

But when Chen Chen looked at Ziluo and saw the purple qi rising from Ziluo's body, the originally small figure suddenly swelled, and layers of vortices were born on the surface of Ziluo's body, Chen's heart moved, and he said with a wicked smile: "I actually It's wrong, why can't I go to the place where the snails and hustle can go? Besides, if I don't go, wouldn't I be freed by them?"

Then Chen, like a mortal flying against the wind, rushed into the black circle step by step...

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