Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3713: Long Hao's arrangement

"No, no~"

Zhenren Lu whispered in his heart, and tried his best to call out, "This...this is Long Hao, not Ao Sheng, I...I'm still Zhenren Lu, I'm not Long Hao..."


However, when the image of Long Hao was born, the dragon's body looked up to the sky and roared, and the soaring Long Wei pounced on the real person.


He couldn't tolerate the real person to break free, his mind fell into the dragon's body again.



The golden light that had previously emerged from the dragon's body returned once again after the real person fell into the dragon's body, but the golden light at this time had already brought a lot of brilliance.

I don’t know if it’s the time dragon within the golden light, or the magical power within the nine colors. The time for the golden light to return is much longer than the time for the golden light to bloom. The dragon body of the real man seems to have not changed, but it is hard to say. The dragon pattern began to float out of the keel, and was quietly imprinted in the scales of the real man, while the eyes of the man was turning crazily.

I don't know how long it took, the dragon pattern gradually stopped engraving, and the golden light was completely submerged in the dragon body of the real man, "Kachacha~" Madam Lu opened his eyes, and nine lightning bolts emerged from his eyes.


It seems to be windy, holding the huge dragon body of Lu Zhenren and flying high, but in fact, just flying out a few feet, the gray around the "brush~" Zhenzhen Lu disappears immediately, and the real person Lu reappears in the sea of ​​star dreams.

It's just that, at this time, the golden bottle appeared in Xingmenghai, and all kinds of dragons and all kinds of secrets fell on the star-moon tree. All the dragons stared at the star-moon tree, and no one noticed what appeared at the end of Xingmenghai. Lu real person.

Zhenren Lu has now returned to his original appearance, but the expression in his eyes is different from before, and he looked up at the end of the sky, and said faintly: "It turns out that he still has a dark hand here. In such a field? Why urge Xiao Daoyou to rush to Longyu in a hurry?"

"Ao Sheng, Ao Sheng~"

Zhenren Lu urged his body to move slowly towards a place, while he was flying, he secretly said in his heart, "A certain family is a little frightened now, this place should have been the arrangement of your previous life, but... but you actually don't have a trace of memory. , A certain family doesn’t know if the secret here should tell you."

"If Daoyou Xiao knows, I'm afraid he will tell you, but a pity that a certain family is not Daoyou Xiao, and a certain family hasn't done so much for self-interest. Since a certain family knows this thing, then... it's a certain family."

The place where Zhenren Lu flew was exactly the direction where Menglan was born. He got closer to the so-called source of dreams, unspeakable soul impact, and inexplicable imprisonment began to emerge one after another.

However, the strange thing is that the real person Lun revisited as if, or flew high, or crawled, or walked left and right, and quickly approached an ordinary eight-faced hill.

At this time, the golden bottle had disappeared, and the Xingyue tree had also converged into the eight-faced mound. The real man flew in front of the eight-faced mound. He did not rush into it, but squinted his eyes to look closely. After a stick of incense, he spoke. Muttering: "Twenty and four are shoulders, six and eight are feet; three on the left and seven on the right, wearing nine shoes and one; five in the center, the sky and the time are smooth..."

Following the weird formula, Real Person Lu began to fly around Bamianqiu, breathing out the breath of the dragon every time he flew. When ninety-nine and eighty-one breaths of the dragon came out, Real Person Lu's face turned pale.

"It's your turn~"

Zhenren Lu was a little limp under the Bamianqiu, calling out, and there was a golden light flashing at the dragon's horn, "Pay attention to the movement, but also to cover up the breath, Ao Sheng is in the Star Dream Sea!"

"Don't worry~"

The dragon Xiang answered in a low voice at the dragon's horn, not revealing his figure, only slightly revealing the Nine-Eyed Heavenly Crown.


A golden light shot into the Ba-mian mound above the descent, and the Ba-mian mound actually began to rotate in the golden light, and the eight mirrors flew out, turning into gossip.

"I'm going back~"

Seeing the gossip appearing, the Dragon Xiang said in a low voice, and once again disappeared into the dragon's horns, and exhorted, "Be careful. From the information obtained from the dream, that place is an extremely important arrangement for him, which is very dangerous. If you are not sure, you don’t have to be radical, we have time."


Seeing the evolution of the gossip, all the hexagrams came one after another, and the real man answered indifferently.

Just after the dragon phase disappeared, the Lin hexagram, one of the sixty-four hexagrams, appeared.

"Xianlin, there is no disadvantage to luck, nor is it obedient."

Reality Lun had perseverance in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "At this moment!"

After speaking, Zhenren Lun stepped into the hexagram image without hesitation.


It is very strange, as the real person Lu stepped in, the hexagram screamed, and the dragon body that rolled the real person directly rushed into the star dome, but it was only soaring, and there were three hundred and sixty-one stars all around. , 361 star forces fell vertically, and the rotating hexagram disappeared.


Zhenren Lu was acting secretly on his own, and he also surveyed the surroundings before initiating the prohibition, but what he didn't know was that as soon as the star power disappeared, there was a sound of surprise from a distance, and then a blue light beam came.

The azure light fell on the Bamian Hill, where the real man Lu had just stood. When the azure light dissipated, a female fairy with indifference on her face stepped out from within.

This female fairy was dressed in ordinary Tsing Yi, her figure was not outstanding, and her cold breath made people retreat.

The female fairy looked at the Bamian Hill in surprise, and the star power that had just dissipated on the Bamian Hill, and said to herself: "How come the dragon clan knows Fang Zhu's Xiaotian realm?"

With that said, the fairy raised her hand in the air a little bit, "Swipe~" Green light appeared like bamboo knots, confining the space near to the left, and the star power that had disappeared before now appeared loomingly.

"Really so~"

The female fairy looked at the Star Force Seal, her face was more confused, "Moreover, this dragon race easily entered Fang Zhuxiaotian realm, and was not blocked by the prohibition. This... this is really strange. Could it be that the second master is still staying in the Dragon Realm. Can't play other secret hands?"


The female fairy stared at it for a long time, UU read www.uukanshu. Com raised his hand and grabbed it, closing the cyan light, and said faintly, "Don't you know when I go in and take a look?"

After speaking, the female fairy explored her hand to offer a light yellow gossip, and the hexagram of this gossip was also a temporary hexagram.

It’s just that the female fairy urged her body to fall on the hexagram elephant, not towards the eight-faced hill, but continued to fly high, flying straight towards the place where Menglan fell. At the beginning, the female fairy’s speed was still extremely fast. , But in the end, the female fairy hardly moved, and the surrounding starry sky did not move in particular, except for the sound of "crack" like bamboo joints breaking.

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