Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3712: ?The suffering of real people


Xiao Hua sank into the dream space again, and then secretly said in his heart, "The method of dream escape does not have wings, but the poor way is wrong..."

But the development of the matter once again went beyond Xiao Hua’s expectation. When the sound of his two wings was also colorful, it did not require more understanding. Xiao Hua only needed to use the power of dream to spread his wings, and he would be able to Soaring freely in the dream space.

"The body of the ancient dragon of Taixuan~"

Xiao Hua sighed while flying, "It's really profound, and at this time, Poor Dao can't find out all of this profound."


During the flight, a dragon roar sounded, and a rather large dragon phantom flew from one direction. Seeing Xiao Hua, he immediately opened his mouth and roared and rushed forward.

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua laughed and cursed in a low voice, "I am the king of the dream space, I just need to look for you, do you dare to come to see Laozi?"

With that said, Xiao Hua also greeted him with his teeth and claws.

How could the Dragon phantom be Xiao Hua's rival? However, Xiao Hua was strangled by the bite for a moment. Seeing that the phantom of the dragon's body was shattered and turned into a dazzling color, Xiao Hua's heart moved, opened the dragon's mouth and sucked, "brush~" The broken dragon's body was actually sucked into Xiao Hua's abdomen.


Xiao Hua was pleasantly surprised again. He looked down at his left and right wings, thinking in his heart, "Since the poor Dao can absorb the power of dreams, it can naturally also absorb the power of the stars and the moon. Wouldn't both of these powers be poor. Condensation of double helix?"

Just as Xiao Hua was about to try, he saw a dragon-shaped silhouette shattering and disappearing like blisters in the distance.


Xiao Hua's thoughts turned sharply and said, "It's not the time to practice now. I'll go look for Li Moyi and see if I can kill him first. At the worst...and I won't let him get the Star Hua Yao Sun Fruit."

Afterwards, Xiao Hua let out a sense of longness and explored everywhere...

Not to mention Xiao Hua's trouble with Li Moyi, but only to the real person Lun, he followed a group of Dragon Guards into the Star Dream Sea, and looked at Xiao Hua who was with Ao Sheng, but his mood was mixed.

After trying all the way, the status of the two dragons has undergone an earth-shaking change.

Before "Mi", this position belonged to Lu Zhenren, and Lu Zhenren still ignored Ao Sheng, but after "Mi", the situation has undergone subtle changes; especially after "Hu", Ao Sheng is obvious Starting to attach importance to Xiao Hua, Zhenren Lu could no longer follow Ao Sheng, but at that time Ao Sheng still respected Zhenren Lu; the recent "electricity" is the most changing situation, and it is also the biggest psychological gap between him. Yes, Xiao Hua's "loyalty and bravery" completely squeezed Zhenren Lu from Ao Sheng's heart.

And now, the real man can only follow Dragon and Guard, looking at Xiao Hua’s back, psychologically sourly secretly said: "This **** clown dragon, really can slap dragon ass, if it is not for a certain family to need star dew, a certain family will slap their **** and go. Dragon."

It's a pity that it is not easy to find Star Dew in Xingmeng Sea. With the strength of the real person, even if he has a business alliance in his hand, he can't easily get it.

In fact, as early as the real person in Lun was in danger in "Suo", and the dragon body penetrated into Long Chen, he had already sent messages to the Luoyi Business League disciples to find the star dew, and at all costs, exchange "friends" for the star dew.

However, until now, Luoyi Shangmeng has not found Xinglu.

Speaking of Luoyi Business League, Zhenren Lun felt even more irritable. His situation was actually similar to Feng Wu and Huang Tong, and even worse than them. After all, there are still many monster races in the Demon League. The Luoyi Business League can survive in the cracks, and can also trade things from different monster races. The Dragon Region is different. The dragon race in the Dragon Region is one water, and the eight heavenly dragon forces. Great, even if there is something to be traded, it is impossible for Luoyi Business Alliance to intervene.

Not to mention that the Dragon Clan of the Dragon Territory basically has a history, but if someone with some strength is overwhelmed by some big forces, how can it be the turn of the real person?

The Luoyi Business League of the real man Gulu is considered to be the most depressed among Xiao Hua’s clones. The disciples are also the most complicated and the weakest. That is, when Xiao Hua was in Huang Zengtian, the Luoyi Business League in the Dragon Region can also provide some rare After the Luoyi Business League develops and grows in the Jade Demon City, the grades of the dragons that they can provide are already very limited.

It's just that there are too many immortals in the Dao Immortal Realm, and the things they need are all sorts of strange things. If there are things in the Dragon Realm, they are always rare, so there is usually nothing to see.

The real person expects Xiao Hua to come to the Dragon Region. On the one hand, he can take him to test, and on the other hand, he also wants Xiao Hua to give his own network of business alliances. Of course, the most important thing is to get the Xingchentian team. Come out, so that Luoyi Business League can walk sideways in the Dragon Region.

It's a pity that Xiao Hua disappeared as soon as he arrived in the Dragon Realm, and he suddenly messed up the plan of the real man, and he himself was even more unlucky, falling into the calculations of the other dragons, and now he can't get out.

As for Xing Menghai, Zhenren Lun has never been here. There are countless places where the Dragon Realm can be tried, and there are so many magical places. Xing Menghai is extremely gorgeous in Xiao Hua's eyes, and it is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the dragons.

Therefore, when the real person Dangdelu flew into the starry sky, he still muttered to himself: "When someone has a chance, you must cut this clown dragon..."

But as soon as he thought of this, Master Lu suddenly thought of Xiao Hua's Nine?yan Mangbiwen fan, which is something that even Jingangzhuo would be afraid of. What can he do?


Zhenren Lun couldn't help sighing.

While sighing, Zhenren Lu swam his eyes around, gazing over the mountains, the streamer like a sea of ​​waves appeared like a mountain torrent and tsunami, watching the streamer, all kinds of scenery came out with the secret memory in his heart, the real man Lu Exclaimed: "I'm going, why is this starry sky so familiar, this...this place I...have I been here?"

However, before realizing the exclamation of Reality Lun, "Swipe~" Reality Lun felt gray and white all around, and the beauty of various colors burst like blisters, and he was actually in another space.

"This...what's going on?"

Zhenren Lun hurriedly looked around, UU reading, but suddenly he found that a familiar dragon body was standing upside down underneath him with the dragon's tail upside down.

Isn't it his own dragon body?


Real man Lun was surprised, "What's the matter with me? I enter the dragon statue..."

Zhenren Lu thought that his mind fell into the face of the dragon, but at this time, "Shushu~~" his dragon body suddenly glowed with golden light. Within the golden light, the outline of the golden dragon body bloomed like a flower. Every time a heavy silhouette appeared, his dragon body would change by one point. I don't know how long it took before the dragon body of the real man turned into Ao Sheng.

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