Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3714: Attack on Lee Moy

The female immortal had the same expression. She knew in her heart that she seemed to be flying, but she was passing through the confinement of Fang Zhuxiaotian realm. This confinement implies the law of time, which is definitely not her own strength to detect.

However, just when the female fairy felt that the restriction was slightly reduced and was about to urge the fairy power to fall to the pale yellow trigram, her face suddenly changed again. She looked at the colorful Jiucai not far away with extreme surprise, and yelled: " Who??"

Speaking of Xiao Hua, he knew that Reality Lu had another chance, but he never expected that Reality Lu’s keel could have such a big effect in Menglan. It not only gave Reality Long the memory of Long Hao, but also gave other Xiao Hua’s memories. Something you might know.

What Xiao Hua thinks now is to find Li Moyi, kill Li Moyi, and avenge Zhao Ting.

Li Moyi should also be unlucky. He was not far from Xiao Hua, and he took He Qiong to find Xinghua Yao Riguo before, but did not fly too far. Xiao Hua found Li Moyi only after looking for a meal. The outline of the human form with He Qiong, as for the fairy bodies of the two, is not far from the outline of the human form.

"Damn thing~"

Xiao Hua saw Li Moyi's mind and thought of Zhao Ting's tragic death in front of the Jade Demon City. He gritted his teeth and said in secret, "Li Moyi, you fulfill the vow, the poor way will take your life!"

Li Moyi was the first immortal to swear a poisonous oath in front of Xiao Hua, and he was also the first immortal Xiao Hua wanted to kill with the help of a poisonous oath.

Unfortunately, Xiao Hua yelled a few times in his heart, and Li Moyi was nothing unusual.

"No way?"

Xiao Hua began to doubt the power of faith. After a little thought, he understood, secretly, "The impoverished immortal body is imprisoned by Lin Huan, can't use the power of faith?"

"Or, the power of faith is not used in this way?"

Think about it, Xiao Hua himself can't perceive the space, nor can he perceive the crystalline godhead. Now he is purely a Taixuan ancient dragon. How can he let Li Moyin promise?


Xiao Hua gritted his teeth and said, "Since you can't make your promise, let Pindao take the shot himself!"

With that, Xiao Hua spread his wings, urging the power of dreams to pounce on Li Moyi's figure.

Just when Xiao Hua's dragon claws grabbed the outline of Li Moyi's humanoid figure, a light golden light wheel emerged from the eyebrows of the humanoid outline. This light wheel suddenly expanded, blocking Xiao Hua's dragon claws.


Xiao Hua felt that the light wheel was indestructible, and that his dream power could not be defeated. He immediately understood, "This man is too cautious, and he must protect his dreams!"

"That's it~"

Xiao Hua looked at Li Moyi's celestial body again, and secretly said, "This celestial body must also have defenses."

Sure enough, Xiao Hua flew down, and the dragon's tail directly hit, "Swipe~" Li Moyi rippled like fish scales all over his body. Although the ripples had no offensive power, they could be able to block Xiao Hua's respect.

Xiao Hua was about to find another way. Li Moyi's eyelids suddenly moved a little. "Woo~" On the top door of Li Moyi's celestial body, a whirlpool appeared immediately. The silhouette of the human figure who was with He Qiong was caught by the whirlpool. And Li Moyi's fairy body slowly emerged from the gray-white space.


Xiao Hua rolled his eyes and cursed in a low voice, "I can't kill you within Menglan, I can't kill you in the starry sky!"

Afterwards, Xiao Hua's wings condensed, and with the power of dreams, his figure slowly emerged.

Li Moyi returned to his position, his face turned pale, he looked around.

Starlight was still shining all around, but there were roars and screams of dragons everywhere.

When Li Moyi touched his forehead, he was sweaty. He let out a long sigh and looked down at his fairy body, but it didn't matter that this didn't matter, his face changed instantaneously, and he almost whispered: " could it be possible? ?"


"Human race takes his life~~"

It's a pity that before Li Moyi's voice fell, there was a dragon roar not far away, Xiao Hua shook his head and flew out, raising his dragon claws, and Wulong Zhao Jujue grabbed it out of thin air!


Li Moyi's heart trembled. Seeing an impenetrable eagle dragon pounced, a grin appeared on his face, and he roared, "Little dragon boy, dare to be arrogant!"

With that said, Li Moyi didn't make a move, and between his mouth, a silver light, like electricity, pierced Xiao Hua's heart.


Seeing Xiao Hua tried his best to avoid, but the silver light still shot into Xiao Hualong's body, and the spatial dragon in Xiao Hua's dragon claws shattered, and Xiao Hualong's body rolled in the air, and the scream of "Oh~" came into his ears, Li Mo Yi sneered and turned to look at He Qiong.

But just as Li Moyi turned his head, "Om~", in Xiao Hua's other dragon claws, a nine-colored glow broke through the sky, and Long Hao fixed the celestial nail to hit Li Moyi's door!


How long is the Long Yu Dingzhou nail? The first time it was made, Li Moyi, who was caught off guard, was terrified. He exclaimed and wanted to fly upside down, but the dragon had nailed his dragon body long ago, and Li Moyi was even half-pointed. Can't move.


It's a pity that just when Long Yuding Zhou Nail was about to kill Li Moyi, a scream came from the eight-faced mound not far from Li Moyi, and then a silver light like a sword hit Long Yuding directly. Zhou nails on.

"Dao Xian Hun Yuan?"

Xiao Hua perceives the power of the vast laws within the silver light to rush towards his dragon body. Long Yu Dingzhou nails were tumbling and unable to attack at all. He couldn't help being bitter in his mouth, and cursed in his heart, "Damn it," These two or five boys actually found Hunyuan's helper!"


Immediately, Xiao Hua wailed, sprayed out a dragon's breath, swept Long Hao Dingzhou nail, turned and rushed into the starry sky.


The silver light flashed again, but this time it was like a lotus flower. A tall male immortal stepped out of the silver light. His eyes were like electricity, he looked at Xiao Hua who had fled, raised his hand, and counted the shadows of his big hands. Breaking through the air grabbed the past.


The big hand just passed Li Moyi, and among the nine colors in front of her head, He Qiong's immortal body flew out like a lotus flower. Her face was as pale as Li Moyi, and she shouted, "Where are you?"


The big hand trembled slightly, and just after He Qiong flashed past, Xiao Hua's dragon body in front of him had disappeared.

"Far wind,"

Li Moyi frowned slightly, waved his hand, "Don't chase the poor, in case something bigger troubles or worse, forget it~"

"Yes, my lord~"

Daoxian Hunyuan named Yuanfeng respectfully agreed.

"Called Big Brother~"

Li Moyi smiled and said, "This is the Dragon Region. If it is called an adult, I am afraid that it will make people misunderstand."

"Yes, big... big brother~"

Dao Xian Hunyuan hesitated for a moment, and called his elder brother in front of him, and said, "Little brother forgot."

"what happened?"

Li Moyi looked at He Qiong and his face was wrong, UU read www.uukanshu. com asked in a low voice.


He Qiong was about to answer, but there was something wrong with Li Moyi's expression, and he quickly asked, "Moy, seem to..., what do you see in Menglan?"

"You would never think of it~"

A panic flashed in Li Moyi's eyes, and he replied, "I saw that person in Menglan!"

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