Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2763: Yi Ling Secret Skill

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The mountain is not high, but three; the water is not deep, but Qiqu.

There is no rhyme in the scenery of the mountain and water, it is just an ordinary ink painting. If the painting had not been given to him by the Emperor himself, Xiao Hua almost suspected that Zhaoming Qitian was teasing himself.

"This is weird~"

Xiao Hua looked at the scroll and squeezed his chin, frowning slightly, "The five oldest cultivation methods in the heavenly court, such as planting jade, plucking weeds, casting swords, containing light and yiling, seem to have their own methods of inheritance, or Cultivation method, or secret realm."

"In addition to the five cultivation methods, except for Yi Ling, the other four heavenly courts are understood by people. Take sword-making as an example. In the election of Xiao, he met several students who were proficient in sword-making secrets."

"This is good for Yi Ling, even the Jade Bureau Weng etc. don't know why."

"Previously, Xiao did not know the reason, but now it seems that the picture scroll knows. Even if the picture scroll is given to Yu Juweng, he may not be able to understand it!"

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua used the technique of clearing eyes to explore and use the technique of clearing eyes. He even raised his hand to type out various tactics and texts. The picture scroll did not change at all.

"Does it have to show flowers?"

Xiao Hua was a little helpless, so he had to slap the door and reveal the three flowers. Sure enough, where the three flowers fell, there were some water patterns flowing on the scroll. However, Xiao Hua looked at it carefully, and there was some artistic charm within the water patterns. But these rhymes are not enough to make him realize anything.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Hua suddenly understood something, and cursed lowly, "Could it be that only Taiqing Tianxian can comprehend this secret technique of Lingering?"

"If so, Xiao's cultivation has reached a dead end again."

"Qing Yun Dao Song~"

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua's eyes lit up and immediately sang Qingyun Dao Songs to release Qingyun.

Fortunately, as Qingyun gushed out, the Seven Songs of Water finally moved. Xiao Hua even heard the sound of "babble" in his ears. This sound was weird, like ice thorns pierced into the soul, making Xiao Hua a kind of ear and eye. Feel refreshed.

Moreover, with the rhythm of Qing Yun's Taoist songs, the water started to move in front of Xiao Hua's eyes, and some faint profound meaning began to hit Xiao Hua's eyes as the water rose.

However, by this time, the three major mountains have not changed in any way!


Xiao Hua shook his head, "This way of comprehension is not the right way. Xiao Mou can only get a part of the profound meaning, and in the end there is still a shortcoming."

After receiving Qingyun and stopping Qingyun Taoist songs, Xiao Hua pinched his eyebrows with his fingers, with the urge to tear the ink painting apart.

Xiao Hua quite likes the method of inheritance of the heavenly morality, but he also hates this method of mumbling. Since it is an inheritance, it should be taught in an honest manner. Why hide and hide?

This is also the reason why Xiao Hua directly taught others the method of alchemy in the Heavenly Court during the long examination of the British election.


Xiao Hua suddenly had a thought, "Since the Secret Art of Yi Ling is the soul-casting method of the Heavenly Tribe, can the Primordial Spirit Chapter, Shuo Ling, etc. be inspired?"

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Hua performed the exercises such as Yuanxing Shenling Chapter, but unfortunately there was still no movement in the picture scroll.

Xiao Hua was helpless for a while, murmured a few times and put the scroll into his sleeves, and released hundreds of millions of shadows to assist in his physical training, while he was out of his mind and continued to practice Tai Su Yuan Shi Chapter.

When Xiao Hua's mind and Confucian figure separated, he sat down cross-legs, and was about to cultivate, his eyes swept across his body, and suddenly he was stunned!

Because Xiao Hua's mind and Confucianism actually saw the picture scroll inside the sleeve of the flesh body, the picture scroll now became a universe inside the sleeve.

"The body!!"

Xiao Hua received the enlightenment, and whispered, "This secret technique of lingering spirits requires the enlightenment of the sub-body!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Hua's mind-like Confucian raised his hand and took out the scroll from the sleeve of his body.

However, Xiao Hua was disappointed after all, because the picture scroll has become extremely hierarchical in the eyes of the sub-body, and it is self-contained, but the sub-body can only see the inner outline through the landscape, and there is only a small part of the outline in the outline. You can comprehend!

In other words, this Yi Ling secret technique does require the sub-body to comprehend, but the sub-body's requirement is the Taiqingtian fairy body, Xiao Hua still can't comprehend the complete.


If you are someone else, you should be poor at this time and can only be content with destiny, but Xiao Hua smiled when he looked at the picture scroll of the world like a small thousand. First he returned to his place, and then shot the door again, Renhua and Qingyun released Later, the time sub-body emerged from within the physical body!


When Xiao Hua's time body appeared, the scroll shook, and the landscape in the interior was alive. A smart landscape scroll appeared in front of Xiao Hua.

But see the landscape in this picture scroll at the same time.

The mountain is steady, high-spirited, with its qualities of high, deep, broad and big, not only persistent, upright, straightforward, simple style, but also upright, looking directly at the sky, casting the style of rock proud;

The water is long flowing, rushing and not decayed, and has the power of life. Not only is it inexhaustible, but also gurgling, overflowing with talent, looking for the valley down, along the fields and forgiving, rushing to the rivers, until Wanchuan enters the sea. artistic conception.

This painting is really a benevolent person Leshan, the wise person enjoys the water, the mountains go high, the peaks are ridged, the mountains are endless, how magnificent; the water flows low, clear and pure like a mirror, the big waves are surging to the sky, how wonderful!

Xiao Hua's Time Law Body was sluggish for a while, and was shocked by the artistic conception of the landscape.

He doesn't know what kind of person can paint such a scroll, nor does he know what ink pen can paint such a majestic scroll.

Almost subconsciously, Xiao Hua's time body walked towards this picture scroll.

It is also weird to say. In ordinary time, Xiao Hua's time body can't get away from the physical body at all, but in the face of the charm of the mountains and waters, Xiao Hua's time body easily escapes and step into the picture scroll in a few steps.


While the time body fell into the picture scroll, the world shook, and everything in front of Xiao Hua changed again.

That mountain is no longer a mountain, but a human being, a man who has experienced many years of sang mulberry. This man has a silent, humble temperament, fortitude and arrogance, and even more slanderous, unhappy, humiliated, never raised his head, condescending, domineering, and arrogant.

This man seemed to look at the clouds and the clouds every day, enjoying the flowers and blossoms year after year, his height was not high, his body was not thick, he was calm when facing major events, and he stood still without fear of the wind and waves.

That water is not water, it is also a human being. She is a pretty woman who is charming and charming. This woman has aura, charm, and grace...

However, just when Xiao Hua's body was greedy, suddenly there was a thunderous sound around, and the sound of singing was endless, which was deafening!

"Why benevolent husbands, why are they happy in the mountains? Say: The husbands of the mountains, the people of all people pay their respects, the vegetation grows, all things are planted, the birds gather, the beasts rest, the four directions are good and the beasts. Izumo Taofeng, 嵷It is between the heaven and the earth. The heaven and the earth are made, the country is the peace. This benevolent person is happy in the mountains. The poem says: Taishan rock and rock, Lubang sees it. Leshan is also called."

"No world is weaker than water, and no one can win against a strong one."

"The questioner said: Why do wise husbands be happy with water? They say: those who are water husbands, do things according to reason, do not leave a small room, seem to be a wise man. Move and move down, seem to be a courteous man. If you dance deeply, you seem to have a brave man. . Obstacles and clearness, like the one who knows fate. The adventure leads far, the death is not destroyed, and the virtuous. The heaven and the earth are formed, the group is the life, the country is peaceful, all things are level, and the quality is right. This wise man is happy with water. Also, the poem says: "Think about Panshui, pick up its mao, and Luhou will stop drinking at Pan." Le Shui is also called "Pan Shui"."

"Those who know are happy, and those who are benevolent are happy; those who know are active, those who are benevolent are quiet; those who know are happy, and those who are benevolent live long."

"The deceased is like a husband, and will not give up day and night."

"The topography is Kun, UU reading is a gentleman with virtue."

"The highest good is like water, water is good for all things without fighting, and it is more than the way to deal with the evil of everyone."


The various words and sentences fell into the ears of Xiao Hua's time son, causing his body to tremble, because all the words and phrases dignified the mountain and inspired the agility of the water, the seemingly ordinary mountains and waters actually gave birth to infinite meanings. This profound meaning is straightforward. Human Soul!

If there are tears in the body of time, tears must be bursting into the face at this time, the sage classics, the student's singing is actually the method of human soul casting! !

It's no wonder that there is no secret technique of soul casting in the heavenly court, because ordinary Confucian immortals recite day and night and refine the soul at all times, so there is no need to deliberately cast the soul! !

Only when Xiao Hua's metamorphosis has reached its extreme, a human flower actually has to engrave 133,200 petals, can it be possible to use the heavenly soul casting method, right?

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