Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2764: Heaven and Earth Tower Retreat

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Seeing the surrounding mountains and rivers once again turned into mountains and rivers, Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect his time, and hurriedly sat down cross-legged, trying to understand the secret technique, but his figure sat down, and the surrounding voices began to disappear. If the other scholars would be at a loss, and Xiao Hua was fortunate enough to have the heart, he slightly squinted his eyes and raised his hands, and unexpectedly began to use the magical powers of finger painting. He wanted to copy this magical ink painting scroll and create this landscape with his hands.

Of course, is it easy to copy a universe?

At the beginning, Xiao Hua's time body had no place to start. It took about a few months to look for. Xiao Hua's mind moved slightly and began to stimulate the Qingxu Jue's Qingxu Chi Qi, Qingxu Huangqi and Qingxu Ziqi Sure enough, as the child’s body practiced, Xiao Hua actually saw the roots of the water and the mountains in the beautiful scenery. Xiao Hua was overjoyed. He was practicing, listening, and copying. He didn’t need to deliberately engrave flowers. The petals of mountains and rivers are condensed magically...

What made Xiao Hua ecstatic most was that at the same time he engraved the human flower, Xiao Hua's three souls and seven souls were also being recast, which did not prevent him from comprehending any secret techniques.

On Xiao Hua’s practice, the sixth floor of the Heaven and Earth Tower has undergone significant changes. First, a pillar of wind emerges from the pavilion and penetrates into the void, and then the pillar of wind condenses into a dragon, and the hurricane emerges from the void, hanging directly in the air. Above the tower of heaven and earth.

Soon after, the heaven and earth towers gave birth to five colors, and all kinds of clouds were peeled from the heaven and earth towers and poured directly into the hurricane.

At the end, the sixth layer of the Tiandi Pagoda was earthy yellow, and there were no more clouds, and the sixth layer of space began to vibrate!

"Not good~"

The patrol officer found that there was a difference, and his face changed drastically. This was an unprecedented situation, and he did not dare to neglect and hurriedly report it.

However, just as the immortal official had just rushed out of the Heaven and Earth Tower, he suddenly woke up, turned his head and looked at the first floor of the Heaven and Earth Tower, and whispered, "Oh, Xiaosheng got it, the sixth floor is Xiao Wenzong inside! If so, he must be practicing some secret technique!!"

Xianguan's eyes turned slightly, and he hurriedly took out the messenger and directly reported to Kong Xu.

"what's up?"

Within the communication tool, Kong Xu was quite unhappy, but where is the inspector immortal official qualified to give him a message?

"My lord~"

The patrol officer hurriedly said in a low voice, "The humble post, Zhao Cheng, inspected the Heaven and Earth Tower today and found Xiao Wenzong on the sixth floor..."


As expected, Zhao Cheng didn't wait for him to finish speaking. Kong Xu already exclaimed and exclaimed, "Something happened on the sixth floor of the Heaven and Earth Tower? I'll pass by right away!!"

"My lord, don't worry~"

Zhao Cheng hurriedly agreed, "The humble job must be..."

Unfortunately, Kong Xu didn't even bother to listen to him, and immediately turned off the messenger and hurried to the Heaven and Earth Tower.

"My lord~"

Zhao Cheng was in front of the Heaven and Earth Tower early, and saw Kong Xufeng rushing over, hurriedly greeted him, just about to speak.

Kong Xu scolded: "If you don't pay attention to the changes in the world tower, why do you come out?"

Zhao Cheng was shocked, knowing that he had a mistake, he thought about it, and immediately whispered: "My lord, the humble position has just come here. In the sixth floor of the heaven and earth tower, Xiao Wenzong seems to be practicing some secret technique. The humble position is afraid that someone will come over. Just guarded the door."

Kong Xu ignored Zhao Cheng's lie. He looked up and saw that the entire tower of the Heaven and Earth Tower was still standing tall, but the sixth floor was already surrounded by a circular outline. In the void, the vague Hongyun was drawn into this outline. .

"It really is Xiao Wenzong~"

Kong Xu couldn't help but praised, "But the strength of Yuqing's immortal can actually cause the world tower to change!"

After all, Kong Xu hurriedly flew in, waiting for him to see the abnormality around the sixth floor, and he knew it in his heart.

He glanced at Zhao Cheng meaningfully and said with a smile: "If you usually encounter this, what should you do?"

"My lord~"

Zhao Cheng didn't even want to answer, "If it is normal, the humble position will immediately enter the sixth floor and prevent students from practicing. After all, the bottom of the heaven and earth tower is only where the secret technique is understood. Although it can be practiced, it is far inferior to the sixth floor or above; but Now that I’m practicing in the inner court, I’m the only Wenzong selected by the Heavenly Court, how can the humble post be disturbed? According to the humble post, the sixth floor should be closed to prevent other people from disturbing, and the literary edict should be used to move the heaven and earth tower below ten floors. All kinds of Hongyun are quoted for use by Xiao Wenzong!"

"Not bad!"

Kong Xu looked at Zhao Cheng and nodded, "Zhao Cheng, you said it well, just do it like this!"

"Yes, my lord~"

Hearing Kong Xu calling out his name, Zhao Cheng was overjoyed. He hurriedly bowed and said, "I'm going to ask Wenqu Shenggong Wenjia for my humble position."

Zhao Cheng went, Kong Xu did not leave in a hurry. He frowned and looked around. The six-layer space was now more shaken in the hurricane, and the surrounding Hongyun surged like a sea.

"How can it be?"

Kong Xu was puzzled, "No matter how powerful Xiao Wenzong is, and if he spends 70 million people, it is impossible to absorb Hong Yun on such a scale!"

However, when Kong Xu's eyes were full of light, his face suddenly appeared, and he secretly said: "No wonder, there is such a strong rhyme of time in this six-story pavilion. Rhyme, but it is absolutely impossible to be so strong, it must be your Majesty's writing!"

When he thought of the Emperor, Kong Xu’s face was as wonderful as Zhao Cheng. When Zhao Cheng came, he exhorted: “Since there is no good candidate now, the Heaven and Earth Pagoda is idle and idle, so you might as well put Hong Yun below the 30th floor. Send it here!"

"Yes, yes, the humble job also meant it!"

Zhao Cheng immediately nodded and said, "Because of the humble position, how can a hundred years be enough for Xiao Wenzong to comprehend the exercises? It's not too late to wait for Xiao Wenzong to complete the exercises..."


Kong Xu smiled and said, "This is exactly what the old man meant, but you have to master the time and don't delay the selection of talented people."

"Yes, UU reading is, this is handed over to the humble post!"

Zhao Cheng was overjoyed and hurriedly answered.

The Tiandi Pagoda is naturally not comparable to the Luxiang Garden of the Tianshu Academy. With the twenty-sixth floor of the Shangqing Dixian Xianxuan, there is no space trembling on the sixth floor.

Xiao Hua naturally didn't know what was happening outside the pavilion. His time body was like a fish in the rich rhyme of time. The 13200 petals above the human flower really condensed like a magic clock.

In particular, Xiao Hua originally thought that the condensation from human flower to ground flower would be extremely difficult, but he did not expect that when Xiao Hua urged the human race's time Hongyun practice method to spin the sky, the entire landscape and universe were bright and masterpieces. The rebirth of the sun, moon and stars is not only the condensing of Xiao Hua's dazzling and natural craftsmanship, but also more profound meanings appear in the landscape, guiding Xiao Hua's time body to copy the charm of the mountains and water more vividly!

I don’t know how long it took. When Xiao Hua’s time body was once again engraved with more than 30 million petals, Xiao Hua’s time body suddenly trembled and looked out with a frown...

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