Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2762: Black Jade Pillar

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The armillary sphere in the same realm has disappeared. Except for the pavilion in front of him, everything else is chaotic. Xiao Hua feels that he has gained a lot, so he is not greedy for other things and enters the pavilion again.

As Xiao Hua thought, when he came back this time, there was no one else in the pavilion.

Xiao Hua slightly released the time sub-body, knowing that the entire pavilion has been shrouded in the rhyme of time, and that the rhyme of time is stronger than that of Linquan Gaoyi. If there is no accident in the pavilion for one year, at least five thousand years outside the tower of heaven and earth. !


Xiao Hua looked around, smashed it, smashed his mouth and said inwardly, "If Xiao had this kind of fairy weapon, he would definitely be able to cultivate more Hunyuan disciples."

Envy belongs to envy. Xiao Hua also knows that time is precious. He sat down cross-legged and first took out the Qibao Ling whip for sacrifice. This thing was used by the saints, and it was also a gift from Zhaoming Qitianlu. Hua knew how precious this thing was.

Even if it was a quasi-sage, Xiao Hua still used nine drops of essence and blood to finish the Qibao Chi Ling whip sacrifice and take the treasure as his own. Xiao Hua breathed a long sigh of relief.

He raised his hand and took out a Cangbi from the space, with a strange solemnity in his eyes.

This Cangbi is not the jade card that Xiao Hua had obtained from "Qingyu" before. This Cangbi is heavy and unusual, within the ring of jade color, the rhyme of the great Zhoutian flows in an orderly manner, on the surface of the Cangbi, both front and back. There are more than one hundred and thirty-two hundred condensed Hongyun, these Hongyun flashes like stars.

"What does your Majesty give this thing to mean?"

Xiao Hua secretly said in his heart, "Since he knows what the three characters Wu Danqing mean, why didn't he say it? Is it possible that he knows that I am not Wu Danqing's opponent and wants me to use this thing to defend himself?"

"But even so, why only let me use it three times?"

"Could it be that I have to meet Wu Danqing three times and fail?"

"Or your Majesty has calculated that I have two other life and death catastrophes?"

"Fine, nothing~"

Xiao Hua thought about bringing Cangbi into the space again, and smiled, "In any case, if Xiao exchanges Qitian Zhaoshijue, Xuanqiangquanxiangpian, and Shuoliling with him, he won't suffer."

As he said, Xiao Hua suddenly raised his brows, and raised his hand to take out a brocade box. This brocade box looked ordinary, but the nine dragons on it that were as thin as hairsprings were particularly eye-catching.

"what does it mean?"

Xiao Hua was a little puzzled, "Why did Xinxin suddenly give me this thing and didn't let me ask?"

As he said, Xiao Hua raised his hand a little, and wanted to unlock the dragon spirit, but when his fingers fell, "Roar~" The nine dragon spirits turned into dragons to resist, and Xiao Hua was unable to unlock it.


Xiao Hua smiled, curled up the brocade box and fell into the space.


Xiao Hua raised his hand and grabbed it, and the dragon spirit on the brocade box broke every inch.


The brocade box burst immediately, and an unspeakable breath of law rushed to the surrounding like a volcanic eruption!

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua was surprised and delighted again. He hurriedly raised his hand and grabbed the law, until it fell in front of Xiao Hua's eyes, turning it into a pitch-black cylinder with incompleteness.

Xiao Hua took a close look at the jade monument, the column was so cold, the interior was vast, with laws, essence, imprints of spirits, etc., and there was even a humanoid figure without a head!

This human figure fell into the eyes of Xiao Hua, the jade cast Xiao Hua, the jade cast Xiao Hua was radiant all over his body, his figure suddenly rose, and a shocking jade cast Xiao Hua was born in his heart!

"I'm going~"

Yu Di Xiao Hua exclaimed, "Could this be the Heavenly Sovereign killed by Lao Zhangren??"

Xiao Hua placed his big hand on the column and closed his eyes slightly, his figure soared so rapidly, and the light around his body gradually turned into pitch black.

After a full half an hour, Xiao Hua's eyes widened, and with a low whistle "roar", his figure instantly recovered, and then a little bit on it, a spiral-shaped imprisonment emerged.

"Pan Dao understands~"

Xiao Hua looked at the heavenly space with a smile, and muttered to herself, "No wonder your Majesty didn’t give this thing to the poor road. It turns out that he was worried that the poor road could not be controlled; it’s no wonder that Xinxin just smiled without saying anything, even with his face on his face. Being shy, this thing is probably your majesty’s dowry for her, right? Only when the poor Dao can help him, he is willing to marry the new one to the poor Dao!"

"It's a pity that your majesty doesn't know, your daughter has long been Kun Shengdi, her elbow turned outward..."

Xiao Hua smiled triumphantly, and brought out the space with the black cylinder that was once again imprisoned.

Xiao Hua returned to his position, raised his hand and patted the immortal mark on the eyebrows. The blue light inside the "brush" the immortal mark covered the dark cylinder and directly sucked in the immortal mark.

Xiao Hua’s physical body’s stepping technique was always running, and it was only suspended when the British election was a last resort. At this time, the pitch black cylinder fell into the immortal mark, and the entire immortal mark of "Boom Rumble" was trembling. The dark cylinder swells and deforms!

Of course, after the dark cylinder swelled to a certain extent, a spiral confinement was formed around the cylinder. Shengsheng compressed the cylinder again, and the immortal mark gradually returned to normal.

"This is absolutely left by a Tianzun~"

Xiao Hua's heart became more determined, and he immediately urged Tread God Que.


Not unexpectedly by Xiao Hua, a mysterious light flashed above the spiral imprisonment, and the surging sound of sea waves emerged from within the pitch-black cylinder, and then fragments of the law that were several times more dense than the twelve golden immortals and three flowers gush out.


Xiao Hua used the God-Treading Que to refine these fragments of the law, and the unspeakable coolness and refreshing made him couldn't help but praise.

However, after a while, Xiao Hua felt that his body was cold and almost frozen. He turned his eyes slightly and immediately thought of the three flowers of the twelve golden immortals. After a little thought, Xiao Hua simply condensed the three flowers and the pitch black cylinder together, and used balance at the same time. The way introduces both into the body at the same time.

Sure enough, in this way, not only the refining speed of the two has increased sharply, but the absorption speed is also several times faster than before!

"This is really cool!"

Xiao Hua almost stroked his palm, and praised, "This is the real old man!!!"

I have to say that the Emperor has a very accurate knowledge of Xiao Hua's realm and cultivation base. He knows what Xiao Hua needs, and the gift he gave is absolutely satisfactory to Xiao Hua.

But what he didn't know was that Xiao Hua had the strength to break his literary ban ahead of time!

In the end, Xiao Hua took a scroll again and solemnly took out a picture scroll from the space. This is Xiao Hua's purpose to win the three super-successful selections of the British election... the secret technique of Ling Ling!

Xiao Hua never dreamed that the secret technique of Yi Ling was actually recorded in a picture scroll!

Unfolding the scroll, revealing the ink-and-wash mountain view inside...

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