Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2543: Use cause and effect as ink to paint life and death

At the beginning, Xiao Hua was still obsessed with outline, rendering, etc., pursuing the ultimate of the scroll, but later, Xiao Hua looked through these and directly began to refer to the charm of the scroll. At this time, the scroll no longer contains any specific portraits, only There are some vertical and horizontal lines.

   Until the end, the lines are not formed, and some unruly graffiti!

   And within these graffiti, there are endless scrolls hidden.


   At this time, Xiao Hua laughed and said, "This is to see the mountain is the mountain, and the mountain is not the mountain!"

   At this point in cultivation, the Gao family’s secret finger painting technique has actually been accomplished, but for Xiao Hua, this... is just getting started.

   But seeing Xiao Hua's hands first clenched, and then opened again, the hand of cause and effect was born, and the outline of an extremely bleak river of cause and effect was born between his hands.

   Then Xiao Hua tried to use the secret technique of finger painting.

   The Gao family refers to the ancestor Gao Qipei, who thought that the use of mind to control ink and the use of mind to control the sky was the ultimate in painting. He never dreamed that Xiao Hua would use cause and effect as ink to paint life and death!

   It's a pity, if you want to paint with cause and effect, where is it as simple as imagined?

   Especially Xiao Hua, the "wise man" who likes to walk the road before others?

   Of course, Xiao Hua's thinking like this is extremely normal, because his starting point is much higher than Gao Qipei.

   It's just Xiao Hua's several attempts, let alone dipping the ink with cause and effect, and the secret technique of finger painting cannot be incorporated into the art of causality alone.

   "No, I'm afraid it won't work directly like this!"

   Xiao Hua thought to himself, "It is better to rely on something lower than causality!"

   Ordinary Law Xiao Hua naturally does not need to use the secret technique of finger painting, he can use it with a swipe of his finger.

  If you talk about supernatural powers, it naturally involves life and death, cause and effect, luck, calamity, etc.

   Life and death and cause and effect since you can’t use the Secret Art of Finger Painting, then it is luck and fate.

   Regarding air luck, Xiao Hua has the art of three plagues and seven disasters, and the art of great destruction;

   is a fate, Xiao Hua has no more suitable magical powers.

  How to cultivate in the scourge, Xiao Hua himself has no eyebrows!

   "Let's do it!"

   Xiao Hua knew that he was not quick enough, so he simply put the tribulation aside, and still raised his hand with great interest to draw something.

   I don’t know how long it has passed, Xiao Hua thought about it, looked up outside the Green Willow Forest, and sighed: "Why so fast, I'm in Qunyu City again!"

Xiao Hua arrived at Qun Jade City, but far away from Qun Jade City, a huge and incredible dragon gas gushed out of the void. This dragon gas mixed with innate aura and immediately gave birth to nine beast-like phantoms of various shapes. The phantom roared in the innate aura, involuntarily rushing to the distance.

   Where the nine dragon qi gathered, a huge yellow color of earth-yellow condensed, slowly rotating in the void.

   As it rotates, Xia Cai rises and falls like breathing.

   Along with the ups and downs, the Xia Cai changes its shape from time to time, sometimes like a five-element primordial kylin, sometimes like a five-color flower, and sometimes it looks better like a kylin with five-color flowers piled up in the big week.

   The nine beast-like phantoms have become entangled with each other at this time, turning into ten thousand beasts, directly resembling petals of various colors.

   And the petals are swaying, and even the place where the Xia Cai is entwined is a huge space that almost no Confucian fairy can see.

   In these spaces, there is a very special place. After the dragon energy condensed by the beasts rushes in, it transforms into a giant dragon, and within the space, there is also the imperial energy gushing out like a mountain torrent, flowing to other spaces.

   There is a magnificent palace in the center of this space, as stable as a mountain. A share of equity is poured out to the world, and the breath of mega power condenses into a dragon sumo wrestling visible to the naked eye.

   Gongque has countless Xia Cai blooming like flowers, flowing like water, all around.

   There is another inconspicuous palace at the surging spot of these Xia Cai.

   The palace doesn't look big, but it's only known from close that the pavilions and palaces in this palace are also overlapped and overlapped, and every palace and palace has more or less immortals.

   Among the very fringe of these pavilions, Zuo Zhongyu is respectfully speaking with the young man in Jinyi.

   While talking, "Om~" On the jade case, a book suddenly gave birth to Xia Cai, and there were countless flowers and birds in Xia Cai.


   The young man raised his brows and smiled, "Is it another election?"

   As he said, his sleeves were raised, and the Xia Cai swelled up, turning into a small world, and the flowers and birds in the interior formed the examination rooms of various colleges.

   The young man watched the students enter like water with great interest, Zuo Zhongyu shook his head disdainfully and said, "Boring!"

   "Hehe, why are you boring?"

   The young man smiled, "Didn't you go to Boxuan in person a few days ago?"

   "It was accidental that my scumbag went to the contest, but it was the official leave of Fuyu City, and the scumbag had to go~"

   Mentioned the Floating Jade City contest, Zuo Zhongyu was interested and smiled, "Of course, if it weren't for this accident, I wouldn't have seen Wengui!"

   "Tsk tsk, the four major cultural tracks of the Bo Xuan, one of them is in the hands of an inferiority post, and you will be proud to think about it!"


   The young man also smiled and said, "That's right, there must be the examiner's surname in the text track. There are countless examiners in Huangcheng. You can be named forever by your name!"


   Zuo Zhongyu shook his head, and said, "I thought Wengui was rare, but I saw Wen Kui later, my goodness, I just learned that Maoxuan still has Wen Kui. I felt a little embarrassed at that time!"

   The young man raised his hand and waved in the Xia Cai. Different figures flickered. He smiled and said, "This is a small view of the mountains, so you can't even feel the interest in these few Bo and Mao elections?"

   "This is nonsense, my lord!"

   Zuo Zhongyu smiled bitterly, "I have seen Xiao Hua's amazing, and you look at other students, even if there are some good people, compared with Xiao Hua, it is really unworthy to carry shoes!"

   "The four words are horrible!!"

   "That's right~"

   asked the young man, UU reading www. "Have you discovered the origins of Xiao Hua?"

   "Very innocent~"

   Zuo Zhongyu took out a Xiayun Festival and gave it to him. He smiled and said, "The fairy sent it just two days ago!"

   "Xiao Hua is a disciple of the Lan family of Xuanpu. He once cultivated to Yuqing Renxian, but later found out that he had practiced wrongly, and then resolutely re-cultivation."

   The young man took the Xiayun Festival, looked at it, and said with a smile: "I said how he can get the literary track and win the literary title, it turned out to be a rebuild, this can explain it!"


   Zuo Zhongyu nodded and said, "He has an agreement with the Lan family that if he gets the top three jade cultivation competitions in the Qunyulou, he can leave the Lan family, so he went to participate in the jade cultivation competition..."

After Zuo Zhongyu finished speaking, the young man put the Xiayun Festival on the jade case and reminded: "The immortal officials in the Xian Mansion have always been slack. They are even more bored of the drudgery of going to the edge of Huangcheng. Therefore, their exploration is not I can’t believe it all..."

   As soon as I said this, a three-color flower suddenly appeared in a pavilion of "Keng"...

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