Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2544: Contention


   Zuo Zhongyu saw the tricolor flower and exclaimed, "My lord, look! Xiao Hua and Xiao Wenkui!"

"How can it be?"

   Even the young man was stunned. He exclaimed, "How long has it been before he actually participated in the election again?"

   "Haha, my lord~"

   Zuo Zhongyu smiled and said, "Don't forget, he was rebuilt!"

   "That's not right!"

  The young man said with his fingers, "This has only been less than a hundred years, how can he practice from Shuxian to Songxian? How can he be so anxious, how can he..."

  Speaking of this, the young man suddenly exclaimed: "Quickly, let's see what is called Dzogchen Junxuan?"


   Zuo Zhongyu laughed even more, and said, "My lord, look at you. While you said that Xiao Hua could not cultivate to Songxian so quickly, you were looking forward to Xiao Hua's success again!!"

   As he said, Zuo Zhongyu raised his hand, and a ray of clouds flew out of the clouds, and golden light appeared in his eyes, but for a moment, Zuo Zhongyu said: "My lord, Junxuan's Dzogchen is called Wenheng!"

   "Wen Heng, Wen Heng!!"

   The young man picked up a crayons from the jade case and smiled, "No one has won Wenheng for so many years, for a long time even I can't remember the title of Dzogchen!"


   Zuo Zhongyu asked, "My lord, want to see it in person?"

"of course!"

   "I have to go and see these events, even if the possibility is extremely small!"

   The young man waved the colored pens, and wisps of colorful clouds emerged, as if ink dripped into the pool water and fell towards the tricolor flower.

When Zuo Zhongyu escorted the young people to Qunyucheng Academy in a hurry, in a pavilion of Qunyu Building, the middle-aged man who rushed to Qinjing to catch up with Xiao Hua was reading with relish in his hand, and suddenly a wild goose flew in. .

   He picked up his pen and stroked the Goose Book. A voice came from inside: "Uncle Shi, someone took Wenkui token to participate in Maoxuan!"


   The middle-aged man responded without taking it seriously.

   Just breathing, he jumped up from the seat with a "buzz", knocked over the desk, and whispered: "What?"

   "Wen Kui?"

   "Xiao Wenkui?"

   "Why is he back to Qunyu City again?"

   "That's not right~"

   "How could he cultivate to Songxian so quickly?"

   As he said, the middle-aged man immediately rushed out of the building and flew to the academy. However, as soon as he flew out, he saw two handsome young men also hurried out.

   The middle-aged man didn't dare to neglect, so he hurriedly stopped to meet the courtesy and said: "The disciple has seen Deputy Host Xiao, Master Guo!"


   Vice-host Xiao nodded slightly, and then kept his figure.

   It’s Master Guo. He looked at the middle-aged man and asked, "Zhao Xi, why are you going to the academy?"

   "Uncle Yuan Xi passed the original order, let me wait outside Wufeng Pavilion, waiting for Xiao Hua and Xiao Wenkui to come out~"

Zhao Xi accompanied Master Guo while flying and said, "As a result, Xiao Wenkui left a month earlier, so the disciple flew into the air. The disciple failed to complete the order of the poster. Although the poster did not punish him, the disciple felt guilty and asked the disciple guarding the academy to help pay attention... "


  The deputy host, Xiao Xiao looked at Zhao Xi and smiled, "Are you also looking for Xiao Wenkui?"


   Zhao Xi exclaimed, "Is the deputy host Xiao also?"

   "The examination room is closed, it is useless if you go!"

   Deputy hostess Xiao said, "This matter is left to us."


  Zhao Xi was even more surprised, and said, "Xiao...Xiao Hua is just a book fairy, oh, Song Xian, is it worth the deputy host to come by himself?"


   Master Guo waved his hand and said, "You don't have to worry about this, go back and watch!"

   Looking at the back of Zhao Xi's turning back, the deputy hostess Xiao laughed and said: "Zhao Xi is afraid that he doesn't know. If the host is not there, the host will also come in person!"

"hehe yes!"

   Master Guo also agreed, "Who would have thought that this is just the Xiao Hua of Song Xian, and it is most likely the real Xiao of Hun Yuan Xian!"

   "No, no~"

   Deputy hostess Xiao waved his hand, "To be precise, it should be a clone of Dao Xian Hun Yuan Xian!"

   "Xiao Lou Zhu~"

   Master Guo smiled bitterly, "I have also taken it. A Dao Xian's Hun Yuan has just cultivated in the Dao Xian realm. Why did he come to our heaven?"

   "And bring a clone of Confucianism?"

   "This clone is even more strange, and the successive pregnancy and budding are perfect..."

   "These are nothing even I can compare to the real Confucianism in Heaven!"

   "Isn't this 赤@果@果's hitting our face?"

   "Guo Qi~"

  The deputy hostess Xiao Xiao said with a smile, "This is also where I am curious. Although I don't know how he did it, I know that this approach will definitely be useful for him to advance to the Heavenly Venerable!"

   "That's it~"

   Guo Qi understood, and nodded, "The host wants to make a good future Master Tianzun!"

   "Well, I specially called the Lan Family Patriarch to ask..."

   The deputy hostess Xiao Xiao said in a low voice, "This man Xiao Zhen is humble, approachable, and has an extraordinary temperament. I feel that he came to the heaven to experience the opportunity to find the opportunity to advance to the heaven. This is a good opportunity for us to make friends!"


   Guo Qi also said, "In that case, this news must be blocked!"

   "Haha, of course!"

   Deputy hostess Xiao looked at the academy not far away, and laughed, "I sent someone to tell the families of Xuanpu, all news is subject to the Lan family!!!"

   Associate host Xiao Xiao just finished speaking, "Om~" Above the sky, there are pages of a book rolling, and a piece of colorful clouds floats rapidly from far to near!


  The deputy hostess Xiao stood still in the air, cursing in a low voice, "Why did the people from the Temple of Wenqu come so soon?"

  Sure enough, the clouds fell, and Zuo Zhongyu and the young man showed their figures. The young man said lightly: "Vice-host Xiao Chengxiao, why are you here?"

   "This selection has already begun, and the examination room is closed. Did you come here to be on guard?"

  Xiao Cheng also said faintly: "It turned out to be Master Gu, who has been missing for many years. Why did you suddenly come to Qunyu City?"

   Gu Wei squinted his eyes to look at Xiao Cheng. UU Read said: "I heard that Xiao Hua Xiao Wenkui participated in the election in Qunyu City, so I came here to be the chief examiner!"

   "After this handsome election, Gu is Xiao Wenkui's handsome examiner!"

   Gu Wei's words made Xiao Cheng frowned, and he said: "Sir Gu is naturally qualified to be Xiao Wenkui's selected examiner, but I want to invite Xiao Wenkui to understand the method of spiritual jade..."

   "He should run out of time!"

   Without waiting for Xiao Cheng to finish, Gu Wei waved his hand and said, "After Jun election, he should go to Huangcheng Academy!"

   Xiao Cheng smiled and said, "He should decide where Xiao Wenkui goes, right?"

   Gu Wei shrugged and said, "The deputy host, Xiao, just wait here, and watch him ask him after he comes out of Wufeng Pavilion!"

   After speaking, Gu Wei waved his hand at Zuo Zhongyu, and the two of them fell into the examination room!

   "This **** thing~"

   Guo Qi cursed low beside him, "Dare to talk to my group Yulou like this!"

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