Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2542: Finger painting, dudu book empty

   Yu Di Wenqu said grimly: "Do you think the Heavenly Court is a Taoist immortal realm, a demon league, and disciples just accept it?"

   "Hey, that's true!"

Yu Di Xiao Hua squeezed his chin and said, "As long as people have the qualifications, they are disciples of the aristocratic family on the 12th floor. Others are basically not on the 12th floor. They will also go to the Wucheng Academy. Who will look for you? !"


   Yu Di Wenqu said, "Up to now, I have only found two good seedlings, one is Yunshu and the other is Li Yunfei. Would you like to meet?"

   "No see!"

   Xiao Hua said in an angry voice, "I will give a meeting gift at the first sight, poor way!"

   Then, Xiao Hua and Yu Di Wenqu discussed Qingyuelan's delivery into the Heavenly Court space. When finally preparing to get out of the space, she suddenly thought of something: "By the way, Luoyi Business League should not go to Wuyun City for the time being!"

"what happened?"

   The jade engraving was stunned.

   "Pan Dao swollen Wuyunlou Tower's face!"

"I go!"

   Yu Di Wenqu exclaimed, "Tao friends are too awesome, right? Do you know what the host of Wuyun Tower means? This host is no better than the leader of the Dao Immortal Realm!"

   "No way~"

   Xiao Hua shrugged, and said calmly, "Who let him provoke the poor?"

   "This can be regarded as his fascination, otherwise the poor way will make him restless!!"

   After talking, Xiao Hua, the jade medallion, added something to what happened in Five Clouds City.


   Yu Di Wenqu was really envious, first gave a thumbs up, and then accompanied the smiling face and said, "When will Dao friends practice the Qingxu Jue?"

   "It should be coming soon~"

   Jade Sculpture Xiao Hua looked outside the space and said, "When you arrive in Qunyu City, you can participate in the selection. After looking for things in Zhou Xiaoming's memory, Pang Dao is ready to find a place to meditate."

Out of the space, Xiao Hua still entered the green willow forest, looking at Yue Yichun who was practicing meditation, Xiao Hua smiled. When practice became a habit, anyone would inevitably indulge in it, and Yue Yichun who escaped was no exception. .

   Xiao Hua left his body in the green willow forest, and his mind reached the center. At this time, his mind was already practicing Tai Chi Gui Yuanlu.

   The six idlers are both right and wrong. The five-person theory is somewhat related to the five-person, but the five-person cultivation method is not absolutely unified with the five-person state.

   Xiao Hua's mind and spirit have just come into contact with Tai Chi Gui Yuanlu, but his mind and body have already reached the realm of a wise man.

   Xiao Hua probed the changes in his body consciously, and was quite satisfied.

   The cultivation of mind is a little different from the physical body, and mind is purely evolving.

   If you are someone else, you must retreat and control the changes of mind and spirit according to the exercises.

   But Xiao Hua didn't need it. His mind was originally the creator of the Five Tai exercises, and Xiao Hua had a deep understanding of the forty-five milestones of the Five Tai exercises.

   The biggest function of the Five Taigong Method is how to evolve, so Xiao Hua doesn't have to worry about it at all, and his mind can cultivate himself.

   Perceiving the changes in the body, Xiao Hua was very emotional. According to the usual path of cultivation, he wanted to achieve Hunyuan because his mind had the same supernatural powers as Xiao Hua, the jade in the space.

   But from Xiao Hua's point of view, this is simply impossible!

   Xiao Hua is a god-like existence in space, how can Xiao Hua be mindful?

   And now, Xiao Hua's mind is taking the path of the Five Tais cultivation, and he is evolving toward one universe. In the end, he can naturally merge with space, so Xiao Hua's path of Hunyuan will be able to work.

   As for the end of the cultivation of the Five Great Masters, Xiao Hua also guessed whether the shadow of Heavenly Dao Xiao Hua would appear in the beginning of the universe.

   Seeing that Mind's body practice is normal, Xiao Hua waved his mind and took out a painting!

   There are countless graffiti on this painting, and it looks messy.

   But Xiao Hua looked at it for a while, and realized that a different color appeared in his eyes!

   This painting naturally refers to the secret technique of painting.

   Gao E refers to the mystery of painting, which is actually the same as the secret realm of Tiannan Galaxy, so there is no word in the mystery of painting.

   When Xiao Hua sent Qingyue'an into the space, he had already seen Gao E's true picture by the way.

   In the eyes of Jade Siu Hua, the secret technique of finger painting is the best in the form of a picture, but Gao Ruli cannot comprehend this picture, so Jade Siu Hua recorded the introduction of finger painting in the Xiayun Festival.

   Only when Gao Ruli has cultivated to a certain level, Xiao Hua will give him this painting and his own cultivation experience.

   The reason why Xiao Hua was surprised does not mean the painting itself, because Xiao Hua is not a pure Confucianism, he can absorb the rhyme of painting, but let him paint, it really embarrassed him.

   refers to painting is a special painting method in Tianting traditional painting, in which the painter uses his fingers instead of ink pens to dip the ink to paint.

   Finger paintings drawn like this have a special taste, so they are called finger paintings.

   Before the Gao Jiazhi ancestor Gao Qipei, there were many people who used their fingers to paint, but they only used their fingers to paint, but they did not really use them as a practice method.

   Gao Qipei created a precedent, elevating the art of finger painting to the height of practice.

   refers to the art of painting in the secret art of painting, the art of magical manipulation, the method of clearing the eyes, and the method of using and improving the rhyme of painting and grand rhyme.

   Of course, most of these secret techniques can't be seen in Xiao Hua's eyes. What Xiao Hua fancy is a secret technique called Du Duo.

   This is a technique that emphasizes the method of freehand brushwork, imperial ink with intention, and empty space with mind, with the left hand and the beginning and the right hand at the end!

   This method certainly refers to the method of painting, but in the eyes of Xiao Hua, it is immediately connected with the hand of cause and effect.

   Xiao Hua’s hand of cause and effect has long been slightly accomplished in practice, but it is mostly used for divination in the display, and most of the time and direction in the divination is not specially used to confront the enemy.

   Xiao Hua saw Dudu Shukong, and immediately thought of the application of causality.

   If you can use the technique of dub book-empty to use the method of cause and effect, Xiao Hua must have one more magical power!

   Xiao Hua closed her eyes, her hands were born, and her ten fingers waved in the air like painting.

At the beginning, the fingers shine, and the finger marks are like graffiti, and there is no structure; after that, the brilliance of the fingers gradually dims, and the finger marks are filled with rhyme, and gradually become law; afterwards, the brilliance of the fingers disappears, and the finger marks in the air are as obvious as Painting, the marks began to be brilliant.

By this time, Xiao Hua felt that the paintings he was painting could not help him. Various painting rhymes poured out, and the finger marks could immediately show the corresponding finger paintings. Although there were no colors, the finger marks could be painted in intensity and intensity, as long as there was ink and color, it must be. A picture scroll with gorgeous colors.

   Xiao Hua is delighted, he, a poor boy in the country, never thought that he would have such a chance to paint.

   With such power, Xiao Hua suddenly thought of it, and while his fingers were waving, many scrolls appeared in front of him, such as the picture of high sages in the wine country, the picture of the seven sages of the bamboo forest, the picture of Panasonic games, and the picture of the four scenic landscapes!

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