Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2541: Gao Ruli's practice

Afterwards, Gao Ruli and Gao Qiuyu discerned the direction. After counting the time, they were still preparing to use the jade belt speed car. Xiao Hua did not say much. After talking with them on the speed car for a while, he took out the Xiayun Festival and said: "Xiao Maotou , My cousin is going to practice this finger painting, don’t you know it?"

   "I'm going~"

   Gao Ruli raised his hand and surrendered, and said, "Cousin, the entire Qingyuean is yours, you still want to ask me?"

   then corrected it even more: "Cousin, you can call me a nickname in front of my family, and save me face in front of people outside!"

   Gao Ruli is also a bit distressed. Gao Qiuyu only calls him Xiaomaotou, Gao E and his wife only call him Gaoming, and Jiuxia calls him Gao Ruli.

   And he is used to being Big Brother Xiao Hua, even though he knows he is the cousin now, he can't help but blurt out sometimes!


Xiao Hua smiled and explained, "Although Qingyuewan is in my space fairy tool, you are still you, Qingyuewan is not mine, and you are not mine, so I have to ask for your consent if I want to practice. ."

   "Of course~"

   Gao Ruli laughed and said, "I originally brought you back to Qingyuelan, just to let your parents give you the secret technique of finger painting and exchange your jade secret technique."

   "That's good~"

   Xiao Hua stretched out a finger and said, "You should be able to understand the jade secret art now?"

   "Of course, of course~"

Gao Qiuyu beside    hurriedly urged.

   It was nine summers, and when he saw them, he smiled and said, "I don't think this is necessary."

   "What's wrong? Cousin?"

   Gao Qiuyu said anxiously, "Little Maotou has already been sown, so he must hurry up to practice pregnant seeds."

   "It will take a long time for us to get to Qunyu City. It is not convenient to practice on the jade cart, so let Xiao Maotou understand it first."


   Jiu Xia explained, “Fan re-cultivation is a rare realization. I think it’s more important than immediately following the practice, and time is really nothing to Gao Ruli.”

   "Didn't Xiao Lang also say that? Before re-cultivation, he still has to meet six idlers. If you start to practice, how can you concentrate on asking for advice?"

   Cultivating together, Xiao Hua is naturally more qualified to preach than Jiu Xia, he let Gao Ruli realize now, of course, he hopes that Gao Ruli can combine the jade secret technique with the comprehension of six addictions.

   But after hearing what Jiu Xia said, Xiao Hua immediately understood that Jiu Xia wanted Gao Ruli to accompany Gao Qiuyu more. After all, family affection was more important than cultivation.

   So Xiao Hua nodded and said, "You're right, it's because of your husband's consideration. Let's talk first, don't worry, there will be time to practice later."

"I think……"

   Gao Qiuyu became accustomed to sorrow, and said, "I should practice more, after all, time is limited!"

   "Hee hee, aunt,~"

   Gao Ruli said, "You don't know, time is really nothing at my cousin, do you know?"

   "I have been to Tiannan Xinghe to experience the secrets of sword-making..."

   Gao Ruli told Gao Ruli vividly about his experience in Tiannan Galaxy. Gao Qiuyu listened with gusto, whether he still held Gao Ruli's hand, more nervous than his own experience.

   Xiao Hua looked at, and transmitted the voice to Jiu Xia: "Your cousin is a little troublesome!"

   Jiuxia also smiled bitterly: "There is no way, the tragedy of family destruction is like a knife cut, she can't forget it."

   "When the conspiracy of Bi Cheng and others was exposed, she knew that her revenge was nothing but a fuss, and she was treated as a **** by others."

   "Even she almost killed her only relative, of course she would collapse."

   "This kind of heart disease can only be treated by the heart."

   Xiao Hua smiled and said, “It’s okay. She used to be alone. Now she has you and Gao Ruli. Especially since she regards Gao Ruli as her own, this mental illness will gradually get better in the future."

   stayed with him for a few days, Xiao Hua left behind, and offered Lin Quan Gao Yitu to prepare to practice.

  Before entering the Green Willow Forest, Xiao Hua suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly entered the space, turned into a jade, Xiao Hua called, "Where is the Taoist friend in Wenqu?"

   "Come on~"

   Jade Die Wenqu came in a little weakly, looked at the jade Die Xiao Hua, and said, "What else do you want to show off?"

   Jade Sculpture Xiao Hua knew that the Jade Sculpture Wenqu was about moving the Jade Spirit Mountain into the spiritual world. He smiled and said, "Does the Taoist friends sell well if they get the bargain?"

   "Xiaosheng didn't say anything!"

   Yu Di Wenqu defended, "The Daoist friends are really too powerful, I really can't compare with the Daoist friends."

   "You just went to Qunyu to read a book, so you moved the Shuling away, why didn't the Emperor suppress you!"

   Xiao Hua shrugged and said: "Don't forget, I am the son-in-law of the Emperor of Heaven. Although it is not the kind of door-to-door, how can his elderly be willing to suppress it?"

   "This spiritual world fragment right is a gift for his princess!"

   "I'm going~"

   Jade Die Wenqu could not laugh or cry, and said, "You are too thick-skinned, and you are paying a gift. Why don't you give us the gift of Kun Shengdi?"

   "Do you need a dowry in the future?"

   "This gift...wasn't it given to the poor Dao in the end? Wasn't it given to you?"


   Yu Di Wenqu was embarrassed, and coughed slightly, "Stop talking about this, what do you call the niche?"

   "How many disciples did you accept in the Heavenly Court?"

   "Why do you suddenly ask about this?"

   "Pan Dao will help you accept a disciple~"

   Xiao Hua said with a smile, "After an old friend."


   Yu Di Wenqu suddenly asked vigilantly.

   "Ying Kui's nephew~"

   Xiao Hua replied.


   The Jade Sculpture Wenqu was taken aback for a moment, and said strangely, "How did you go north to the desert world?"


   Xiao Hua asked, "Do you know that Ying Kui is under the Black Emperor?"


   Jade 牒文曲 nodded Do you remember that Ying Kui said before his reincarnation, let Xiaosheng take his penalty platform, gold seal and other things, will he be able to fly in the heaven? "

   "He was right. I also checked after I went to the Heavenly Court. The Ying surname is quite special in the Heavenly Court. It is a unique surname of an emperor and the exclusive name of the Emperor Xuanyi under the Black Emperor."

   "Xiaosheng took Yingkui's token, so he can naturally go up in Heicheng. But Xiaosheng ascended to Yujing Tianyu Baiyu City, which is too far away from Heicheng. Not only can Xiaosheng not borrow light, but also collect it carefully."

After finishing the essay on the jade disciple, Xiao Hua told the story about his encounter with Gao Ming, and finally said: "I didn't expect the poor Dao to have such a deep bond with Gao Ming. Seeing this, he made his own claim to be a fellow Taoist. Accepting as an apprentice, of course, if the Taoist fellow has seven apprentices, it doesn't matter if this matter is mentioned.

   Yu Di Wenqu waved his hand and said: "It's okay, it's okay, Xiaosheng now has only two disciples, and the disciples of Luoyi Shangmeng are all disciples."

   Xiao Huaqi said: "How come there are only two disciples?"

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