Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2540: Ying Kui is Gao Ruli's uncle

   "Haha, get up!"

   Xiao Hua helped Gao Ruli and said, "Little Maotou, what are your plans in the future?"

   "Don't talk about the plan~"

   Gao Ruli pleaded, "The Gao E couple are kind to me for nurturing. Although they refer to the painting of mystery, I want to be merciful from my cousin. Don't let them lose their human form for the mystery!"

   "Haha, Xiao Maotou, don't worry!"

   Xiao Hua laughed loudly, took out a Xiayun Festival and handed it to Gao Ruli, "What do you think this is?"


   Gao Ruli looked at the Xiayun Festival and exclaimed, "The secret technique of finger painting? Where did you come from?"

   "Aren't you nonsense!"

   Xiao Hua laughed and cursed, "The secret technique of finger painting has reached Xiaomou Space Immortal Tool, can I still use it?"

   "Furthermore, I also tell you that if you want, the two of them can stay with you forever!"

   "Thank Xiao brother~"

   Gao Ruli was ecstatic, and he was actually called Xiao Hua brother again.

   "Do you have any other requirements?"

   Xiao Hua asked.

   "No... no more~"

   Gao Ruli nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, but after finishing speaking, he hurriedly shouted, "Yes, my practice! I will follow you in practice!"

   "Your practice, I have arranged it!"

   Xiao Hua smiled, "I am a Taoist cultivator and will not accept you, but I will find a master for you. This master is a heavenly Confucian cultivator. He has a fateful relationship with me. Wait until I turn around and talk to him."

   Xiao Hua said that it was literary music naturally, but he changed his words: "But, before apprenticeship, you still need to meet another elder!"


   Gao Ruli is puzzled.

   "Naturally it is him!"

Xiao Hua took out the token of the six idlers and said, "When I saw the Yu Ju Weng, he had already seen the Six idlers with me. I was thinking about going to talk with him about Lingyu, now I have I'm not using it anymore."

   "And you, now that you are re-cultivating, before you have cultivated the language, you will meet the six idlers, and you will benefit infinitely on the road of cultivation!"

"it is good!"

   Now Gao Ruli obeys Xiao Huayan.

   "As for you~"

   Xiao Hua looked at Gao Qiuyu and asked, "What are your arrangements?"

   Jiu Xia knew that Xiao Hua likes to let others make their own choices. She hurriedly said: "Xiao Lang, cousin, don’t worry about it. Whether she takes care of Xiao Maotou, or her own practice, let her go!"

   Xiao Hua knew that Gao Qiuyu had average qualifications and had a miserable experience. He was also a blood relative of Jiu Xia, and Jiu Xia must have arrangements, so he smiled and said, "Then it will be yours!"

   Finally, Xiao Hua looked at Ying Yi and asked, "Do you know Ying Kui?"


   Yingyi looked at Xiao Hua incredulously, ecstatic, and shouted, "You... have you seen my young master???"


   Xiao Hua took out Ying Kui's golden seal, which was exactly the same as the writing instrument inspired by Gao Ruli.

   At that time, Xiao Hua decided to accept Qingyue'an, even if he turned his face with Wuyunlou.


Ying Yi looked at Jin Yin incredulously, "Ying Kui is the brother of my lady's aunt, who is also Xiao Maotou's uncle. He... has been missing for a long time. It is said that he is looking for something to bury the immortal void, and my lady is also looking for it. Master, I only met Gao Qiuyun!"


   Xiao Hua looked at Gao Qiuyu and Gao Ruli, and sighed, "Everything is fate!"


   Yingyi said carefully, "Where is my young master now? Is he... okay?"

   "He's okay!"

   Xiao Hua thought for a while, and said, "I just don't know if he wants you to pick him up!"

   "You don't know~"

   Yingyi hurriedly said, "There have been accidents at home again and again, my lord's side..."

   Xiao Hua understands that if his son is missing and his daughter is killed, Father Ying must be uncomfortable.

   So before Ying Yi finished speaking, he said: "Ying Kui should be reincarnated in the four continents..."

   Then, Xiao Hua told Ying Yi about Yingkui's affairs.

   Yingyi was overjoyed and said: "My master is also looking for the reincarnation of the young lady, and now it is just right!"


   Xiao Hua pointed to the Kunlun Mirror again, and Yingyi's subordinates flew out and said, "You can go back and report the news!"

   "Aren't you going to the Black City with us?"

   Yingyi hurriedly said, "My master misses his grandson very much, but because of the agreement with Wuyun Tower, he can't come over. Now that he is out of the control of Wuyun Tower, let Xiao Maotou go to see his grandfather!"

   "No way~"

   Without Xiao Hua speaking, Gao Qiuyu already shook his head and said, "The opportunity of the six idlers is too important. It is close to the jade city, so let Xiao Maotou go to see the six idlers first."

   "His old man is currently in Qunyu City, who knows where he will go in the future, if we leave Qunyu City, we don't know where to find it even if we get the token!"

   Ying Yi was helpless, so she had to leave Long Cong Shun, and hurried away with her team.

   Seeing Yingyi's departure, Xiao Hua smiled at the corner of her mouth, and Gao Ruli's mother died. Her father can reach Qingyuelan in a short time, and they must have a space channel they don't know.

   If Gao Ruli's grandfather wants Gao Ruli, he can naturally go to Qunyu City through the same space channel!


   Xiao Hua smiled, Gao Qiuyu couldn't wait, and said, "I'll send Xiao Maotou to Qunyu City, do you want to go?"

   "I will naturally go!"

   Xiao Hua smiled and said, "I have something to do in Qunyu City!"

   "I'm going~"

   Gao Ruli couldn't help but said, "Uncle, your old strength is even scared of the host of Wuyunlou. What kind of elections are you participating in?"

"No way?"

   Gao Qiuyu was also shocked, UU reading said, "You are all idlers, and are you still participating in Songxian's selection?"

   Xiao Hua himself had some hardships, so he had to answer: "My Taoist cultivation is Hunyuan, but Confucianism is not good for immortals! It's right to participate in Junxuan!"

   "Have you heard?"

   Gao Qiuyu did not forget to teach Gao Ru hard, "Learning is endless, even if your cousin is so powerful, he has been practicing hard, you must not relax!"

   Xiao Hua heard a black line. It's not that Gao Qiuyu's words are wrong. The problem is this kind of maternal love... a bit overflowing!

   Fortunately, Gao Ruli didn't care, and he nodded vigorously and said: "I understand, aunt, don't worry, I will definitely make Qing Yuelan famous."

   "Oh, poor little Maotou~"

   Gao Qiuyu sighed and said, "You have to rebuild, and don't do this stupid thing in the future!"

   "Hee hee, then I have to see my aunt!"

   Gao Ruli sticks out his tongue, like a boy in the Three-character Classic.

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