Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2535: Emperor Xuanyi


   Gao Qiuyu was stunned. She covered her face and looked at Brother Sheng incredible in a low voice, " you dare to hit me?"

   "I dare to hit you?"

   Brother Sheng kicked Gao Qiuyu's heart, kicked her off the cloud, and shouted, "I'm still kicking you!"

   "I have tolerated you for a long time, if I didn't want to take out the secrets of Qingyue'an from your mouth, I would have dumped you!"

   "You think you have a clever trick, do you think you are holding Zhizhu?"

   "Shit, it's Lao Tzu who will make up for you in the back!"

   Gao Qiuyu slowly flew up. She looked at Brother Sheng and said word by word: "I met you, no, from the beginning of my escape, is it all your arrangements?"

   "Haha, haha~"

   Brother Sheng laughed and said, "This is the only thing you have said right over the years!"


   Gao Qiuyu looked sadly at Gao E, then at Brother Sheng, and said, "Could it be's not him who killed my parents, but you?"


   Brother Sheng laughed again and said, "This is the second sentence you said right!!"

   "No, no!"

   Gao Qiuyu shook his head suddenly, and said, "Why doesn't Gao E know me?"

"how could I know??"

Brother Sheng exclaimed, "The left and right Qingyue'an is already in my hands, Gao E and you, no, no, the ancestors are in my hands. Gao Qiuyu, when you think you are in control of the whole situation, you have actually fallen Into the layout of others..."


Before the words of    had not landed, a burst of loud laughter came from the green plum bushes, "When you think you are in control of the overall situation, in fact, you have fallen into the layout of others. You are too right!"


   Brother Sheng was shocked, he looked at the green plum bushes around him incredible.

   But seeing hundreds of green plums falling around and exploding in mid-air, and in the thick light fog, one by one, wearing black armor, would fly out from inside, encircling Sheng and his men.

   "Xuan... Emperor Xuanyi??"

   Brother Sheng looked at the tigers who were shaking their heads and tails all over these war fighters, and couldn't help exclaiming, "You... why are you here??"

   "Are you not afraid to cause a war between the Emperor and the Black Emperor?"

   A tall and mighty warlord flew in front of Brother Sheng, looked up and down disdainfully, and said: "If you wait for Xiaoxiao to kill you, how can it attract the attention of the Emperor?"

   "Besides, killing you is like slaughtering chickens. Who knows what we did?"

   " guys~"

   Brother Sheng turned his head and looked around, calmed his mind, and asked a little strangely, "Did you guys have been in ambush here long ago?"

   "Not bad!"

  The general smiled, "If it's not, how could you be fooled?"

   "How can I find the orphan of the mistress?"

   "How can it be possible to find the culprit of the bloodbath in the past?"


   Brother Sheng was even more surprised, and cried, "Who is your mistress?"


   Without waiting for the general to answer, Gao Qiuyu, with a gloomy face, sneered, and said, "Naturally it is my younger brother and sister of unknown origin!"

   "I said that my mother did not agree with her marriage to my brother Qiu Yun back then, because she was the Black Emperor..."

   As soon as he said this, Gao Qiuyu suddenly gave birth to black threads in his eyes, and then Qiqiao began to dye.

   "Miss Gao~~"

  The general was shocked and hurriedly exclaimed, "What's the matter with you?"


   Gao Qiuyu touched her cheek and watched the black thread in her hand squirming like an earthworm. She murmured, "I should be poisoned!"


   Brother Sheng laughed and said: "Yes, you have been caught by a strange poison outside the territory, and now it has been poisoned, you will not survive for three days!"

   "And the antidote, only I have it!"

Seeing the warlord waved his hand, Brother Sheng waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I will never take it with you! Although I don't know that Emperor Xuanyi of the Black Emperor will ambush here, I am still worried that Gao Qiuyu will have two Heart!"

   "Damn it!"

  The war commander cursed low.

   "No... don't care about my life and death!"

   Gao Qiuyu exclaimed, "Hurry up and kill him, and avenge my hard-working younger brother and sister!!"


  The war commander nodded and waved his big hand. "The generals obey the orders and kill these thieves who have stolen into Qingyuelan. You don't have to leave anything to live!"


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   Dozens of Xuanyi emperor generals received the order, and immediately followed the leader of the war generals and pounced on Brother Sheng and his men.

   Brother Sheng didn't dare to neglect, he had long been sent a message, he sacrificed a long sword and was about to face the leading warrior, but the warrior suddenly turned around and rushed to the clever man!

   Brother Sheng suddenly realized, and exclaimed: "Old Seven, be careful!!"

   The leading warlord ignored Gao Qiuyu's life and death, but cared about Gao Ming's life and death. What does this mean?

   Gaoming is more important than Gao Qiuyu!

   Or in other words, the Emperor Xuanyi will protect in Qingyue'an, it may be Gaoming! !

   Although he warned, he was late.

The leader of    has the strength of the third rank of the Shangqing Dixian. He waved his hand, and there was a knife light that had covered the old Qi. He didn't wait for the old Qi to react, and the head of the old Qi had fallen to the ground!

   The leader of the warrior grabbed Gao Ming, his stature retreated quickly, and he didn't take risks!

   But, I can’t wait for him to fly out.

   Gao Ming suddenly prodded his hand, "Puff", directly inserted into the heart of the leader!


   The leading general lowered his head inconceivably, watching Gao Ming's body in his hand glow with red-colored Xia Cai, and within Xia Cai, Gao Ming recovered into a thin and thin Tai Qing Tianxian!

   "Bi...Bi Yi??"

  The general exclaimed, "How could it be you?"


   said, the warlord’s immortal body exploded, and two copper and silver flowers gushing out above his head. Among the two flowers, one of them flees like the wind!


   didn't wait for the sub-body to come out at all, Bi Yi smiled slightly, raised his hand and grabbed it, and a halo immediately appeared in the air, which covered the warlord's sub-body like a ring.

   Then, Bi Yi waved his hand, and the halo pulled the warlord’s body, dragging him out of the two flowers for life!


   Bi Yi laughed arrogantly, and said, "When you think you are in control of the overall situation, you have already fallen into the layout of other people. This sentence Bi Mou wants to encourage you!"

  The warlord struggled hard, but unfortunately he couldn't escape the halo anyway!

   "Don't bother, just talk~"

   Bi Yi looked at the warlord and said, "Where is Gao Qipei's finger painting secret technique? Say it, I will send you into reincarnation, otherwise it will be destroyed."


  The general yelled, "Gao Qipei is the founder of your Five Cloud Tower, do you dare to call his name?"


   Bi Yi snorted coldly, "The Finger Painting is from the Five Clouds Tower, and the Gao family brothers have secretly inherited the secret technique of the ancestors, are they the real traitors?"

   "I... how can my father and uncle hide in private??"

   Gao Qiuyu gritted his teeth and said, "It is clear that your Bi family wants to seek my Gao family's foundation!

   "You know what a fart!"

   Brother Sheng sneered, "Brain is a good thing, but unfortunately you don't!"

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