Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2534: Gao Qiuyu's Revenge

   Qingyueyan is the name of the entire continent, and it is also the name of the cyan giant mountain in front of me.

   The continent is a world for mortals, but for the immortals in the heavenly court, it is just a gathering place for a family.

   Gao Qiuyu stood in front of the giant peak, looking at the rows of pavilions and magnificent palaces on the peak, and said coldly: "Gao E, I'm back, I want to get back everything that belongs to me!"

   Next to her, stood a handsome male fairy. He looked at Gao Qiuyu with a smile and said softly: "Qiu Yu, I said that back then, I will fulfill your wish for you."

   "Today is the day I fulfill my promise!"

   "Don't worry, after so many years of layout, everything is under control!"

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   "We have broken through the dozens of cultural prohibitions you mentioned!"

   "The dog thief who killed Gao E will never escape. Your father and mother's blood feud will definitely be reported!"

   "Brother Sheng~"

   Gao Qiuyu glanced at the male fairy and said gratefully, "Thank you for your company for so many years, you have done so much for me, I..."


   The male fairy stretched out his finger to cover Gao Qiuyu’s lips, and whispered, "Qiuyu, from the moment I saw you, I knew that you were the only one in my life."

   "For you, I can abandon everything; for you, I can also create everything!"

   "It is my greatest honor to be able to help you!"

   "Thank you, Seungri~"

   Gao Qiuyu held the male fairy's hand and said, "If I take revenge, I will definitely promise to marry you!"

   There was ecstasy on the male fairy's face, and he nodded vigorously and said: "That's great, I will definitely treat you well in the future and give you a warm home!"

"I believe!"

   Gao Qiuyu smiled happily.

   However, when she saw the mountain in the distance, the smile on her face turned into cold hatred, and she said, "Brother Sheng, let's start!"

   "I can't wait to see that dog minion sees me embarrassed!"

   "Don't worry~"

   Brother Sheng smiled slightly, took out a goose book and whispered it out, then grabbed Gao Qiuyu's waist and said, "He will lie in front of you like a dog and lick your shoes, please forgive me."

   "How can I forgive him?"

   Gao Qiuyu's voice was a bit high-pitched and shouted, "He... he killed more than four hundred people in my family. Three of my aunt’s brothers died in violent deaths. My poor nephew, but it was just full moon, and his name was given by me!!"

   "I know~"

   Brother Sheng had sympathy on his face and nodded, "What you said is Gao Ruli. You hope that he will grow up through tempering, and lead your declining Gao family to create greater glory!"


   Gao Qiuyu said with a cry, "He has already died of unfaithfulness if he doesn't understand the truth!"

   "Oh, you~"

   Brother Sheng stroked her hair with his hand, and sighed, "It's just too soft-hearted. I said that the dog thief's son was killed directly. You won't let it, and you tolerate him sending his son to Qunyu City!"

   "At this moment, his son is going back to Qunyu City, you still don't let..."

   "Brother Sheng~"

   Gao Qiuyu sighed, "When I saw his son back then, I wanted to strangle him!"

   "But, his son is about the size of my dead nephew, watching him eat, it's so cute, I really can't do it!"

   "His son is not good anyway, he can only grow jade, and he has just chanted immortals now, don't bother!"


   After talking, there are some fires in the distant mountains, and some screams and screams.

   Gao Qiuyu trembled, and said in a low voice: "Daddy, brother, I...I have revenge for you..."


   Brother Sheng pulled Gao Qiuyu and said, "Let’s go meet the dog minion and let him give up everything that belongs to you!!!"

   "Kill, kill~"

   flew into the blazing pavilion, and there was a sound of killing. Gao Qiuyu looked up and saw dozens of Confucian scholars and immortals fighting together, and many immortals fell in a pool of blood by surprise.

   The blood flows into the rocks like a jet.

   "Not bad!"

   Gao Qiuyu gritted his teeth and said, "Qingyueyan back then was like a river of blood, I want blood to pay back!"

In the center of    Qingyueyan is a green plum, which is like snowflakes spreading over some pavilions.

   At this time, hundreds of Confucian scholars were scattered among the green plums, and among the pavilions, many corpses had fallen down.

   There is a pool of green plums in the middle of the water, and in the center of the water pool is a thatched cottage with plum blossoms. At this time, in front of the thatched cottage, a pair of middle-aged men and women stand back to back with long swords in the air.

   The man has a wound on his chest, and a sword-like object with a flashing black thread is inserted between his chest and abdomen.

  The woman's mouth is bleeding, and she is looking around vigilantly.

   As for them, there are a few masked fairies surrounded by them, and there are a few dead bodies under them.

"who are you??"

   The male fairy watched Gao Qiuyu lead people flying over, gritted his teeth and said, "Dare to break into my Gao's house without fear of being destroyed?"


   Gao Qiuyu looked up to the sky and laughed, and looked at the male fairy and said sharply, "Gao E, look at me, don’t you recognize me?"


   The male fairy named Gao E looked at Gao Qiuyu and roared, "Who are you? Dare to offend my Gao family!"

   "Shameless minion!"

   Gao Qiuyu shouted angrily, "I am Gao Qiuyu, your master, the master of Qingyueyan Qingyueyan!"

   "Back then, you bowed and flattered in front of me, just wanting more rewards, but now you have seized the authority of my high family and occupied my ancestral inheritance, so you don't recognize me?"

   "I don't know what you said!"

   Gao E cried, "This Qingyueyan Qingyueyan has always belonged to our Gao family!"

   "Autumn Rain~"

  'S brother Sheng sneered, "Have you seen? I know they will never admit that they regard themselves as the master of Qingyueyan Qingyueyan, and have long erased you and your family from the genealogy!"

   "It doesn't make sense to say anything else, let me come, force them to hand over the inheritance of their ancestors, and kill them!"

"it is good!"

   Gao Qiuyu exclaimed, "I will leave the rest to you."

   "Gao Lao Er~"

   Brother Sheng smiled slightly and waved at a place, "Look at who he is?"

   Looking at a Confucian fairy next to Brother Sheng waved a fairy from his sleeve, Gao E exclaimed, "Ming'er?"

   Brother Sheng raised his hand and took the fairy in his hand, UU reading www. slightly hardened, "Kachacha" immortal blood flowed from the nose.

   "Father, mother~"

   The immortal looks exactly the same as Gao Ming, he groaned hard, "I hurt!"


   The middle-aged woman said distressedly, "You... don't worry, my mother will not let them hurt you."


   Gao E glanced at Gao Ming, sighed, and threw the long sword in his hand.

   "Tied up~"

   Brother Sheng was overjoyed, and while instructing his subordinates to do something, he said to Gao Qiuyu, "Have you seen?"

   "I said earlier that if you hold their son, they will give up!"

   "Didn't I say that I didn't let him move?"

   Gao Qiuyu screamed, "Let him go back to the Jade City to grow jade, can't you?"

   Going beyond Gao Qiuyu's expectation, Brother Sheng, who has always been obedient to her, suddenly turned around, "slapped" a slap on her face, and shouted: "Smelly girl, I have tolerated you for a long time!"

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