Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2536: Xiao Maotou, cousin

   "Not bad~"

   Bi Yi also smiled, "If you didn't even know, how could you live to the present?"

   "If Gao Qi and Gao Jidi weren't stubborn, how could they be chased down one by one, life and death unknown?"

   At this point, Bi Yi looked at the halo and said meaningfully: "However, I did not expect that the only seedling of the Gao family, Gao Ruli, would survive the bloodbath, and you would have a servant to lay ambush..."

   As he said, Bi Yi was taken aback for a moment, looked at the Gao E couple, and instantly touched his palm: "Haha, haha, I see!"

   "They actually refer to the mystery of painting. No wonder they never leave Qingyue'an, and they don't know Gao Qiuyu!!"


   Without waiting for Bi Yi to finish or the general to answer, Gao Qiuyu exclaimed, anxiously, "Gao Ruli is still alive? He... where is he??"

   "Haha, Gao Qiuyu, say you have no brains, you really have no brains~"

   Brother Sheng smiled, "I didn't know before, don't you know now? Gao Ming is Gao Ruli, you almost killed your relative's nephew!!"

"where is he!!"

"where is he??"

   Gao Qiuyu cried madly.


   Suddenly, Gao Ming walked out of the cottage filled with plum blossoms with tears on his face, watching Gao Qiuyu whisper, "Are you really my aunt?"


   Everyone is stupid, none of them knows when Gao Ming will arrive in the cottage.

   Only Gao Qiuyu flew over desperately, hugged Gao Ming and said: "It's me, it's me, I'm your aunt!"

   Bi Yi looked suspiciously at Gao Ming, and then at Brother Sheng next to him.

   Brother Sheng is also stunned.

   As for the warlord who only has a sub-body, he said anxiously: "Gao E, protect the young master with all your strength!!!"


   Bi Yi sneered, "He can't protect himself, can he protect others?"

  "Little Maotou, Xiaomaotou~~"

   Only Gao Qiuyu hugged Gao Ming, crying and said, "Auntie can see you before she dies, and she can stare at you when she dies!"

   "Don't worry, Auntie~"

   Gao Ming also cried thinly, and said, "There are cousins ​​and cousins, you must be fine!"

   "Cousin? Cousin?"

   Gao Qiuyu was stunned, blinking eyes full of tears, some can't remember who it was.

   "Haha, even if I am the king of heaven, I will die for Laozi today!!"

   When Bi Yi heard that he had been like Gao Qiuyu, he immediately grinned and said, "Bi Sheng, order to kill!"

   It's a pity not to wait for Bi Yi's voice to land.

   "Swipe~" A gust of wind rolled up on the flat ground,

   Then, "Boom boom boom~" More than a thousand violent thunders flew like horned dragons, and an unparalleled powerful consciousness impacted from the sky!


   Bi Yi’s crazy words were shattered under the impact of consciousness. He unbelievably watched Xiao Hua walking down from the sky with Jiu Xia, and the distorted light film was annihilated in mid-air. He exclaimed, "The third grade is too clear??"

   At this time, Bi Yi suddenly realized that he didn't even have the strength to speak, he could only scream in his heart.

   "Xiao Lang~"

Jiu Xia walked down with Xiao Hua, looked down at the surrounding area, and said, "These are the enemies of the concubine body. Although the concubine body has not heard anything about his father in the heavenly court, they have washed his father’s former residence and killed the concubine. My cousin and nephew, their sins cannot be forgiven!"

   Jiu Xia knew that Xiao Hua did not like blood, but these people were too vicious, so they pleaded.

  Xiao Hua didn't hesitate much, after all, he saw Qingyue'an's tragic situation, so he nodded and said, "Well, listen to you!"

   "Xie Xiaolang~"

   Jiuxia smiled, and then she didn't see any movement at all.

   "Puff puff puff~"

On    Qingyuean, all the people brought by Bi Yi and Bi Sheng burst into physical body one after another, and died!

   "This...what is this?"

  Don't say that the hundreds of Xuanyi emperors, even Bi Yi, are also dumbfounded!

   Nine summers killed people, Xiao Hua rescued people, he flew down the thatched cottage, Gao Ming said anxiously: "Xiao...Cousin, please help my aunt~"

"rest assured!"

   Xiao Hua smiled, "Didn't your cousin say it? I have everything!"

   "No need!"

   Gao Qiuyu said weakly, "You can save Xiao Maotou. I know my poison is incurable..."

   "Don't worry too much!"

   Xiao Hua took out a drop of Sanguang Divine Water, and said, "I am a thing that treats strange poisons!"

  The leader of Emperor Xuanyi saw the Sanguang Shenshui and exclaimed: "Sanguang Shenshui??"

"Ha ha,"

   Xiao Hua smiled, looked at Emperor Xuanyi's body and said, "You have some knowledge!"

   said, Xiao Hua raised his hand and pointed, and the halo that trapped Emperor Xuanyi shattered. Emperor Xuanyi's body came out. He hurriedly flew down and bowed and said, "The last general wins, thank you senior for your help!"

   "Ying Yi??"

   Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment, he suddenly thought of encountering the deceased Confucian scholar in the four continents.

Xiao Hua doesn't know whether the surname of   嬴 is rare in the heavenly court, but he knows that Ying Kui has now reincarnated, so he thought for a moment and didn't ask more, but nodded lightly, "Uh~"

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   Yingyi hesitated for a while, and tentatively said, "You Sanguang God Water Energy..."

   Xiao Hua glanced at Ying Yi, then raised his hand and pointed: "You shouldn't be able to use it, right?"


   Yingyi was about to explain, and suddenly felt that the surrounding congenital qi was rapidly condensing, and a humanoid silhouette was born outside his body.


Ying Yi exclaimed, he certainly has the means to reshape his body, but... the time and energy it takes is definitely not a short time to complete, Xiao Hua just raised his hand to help him reshape a body, this is by no means unusual. Can be used, even the third grade is too clear.

   "You have done a lot for Gao Ruli. This is to compensate you. You will know the benefits of this physical body in the future!"

   "Thank you... thank you senior~"

   Yingyi was overjoyed, but he still said embarrassedly, "But the juniors want to ask for the Sanguang Divine Water, not for themselves, but..."


   Xiao Hua didn’t wait for him to finish. UU Reading gave him a cleansing bottle and said, “The inside is the Sanguang Divine Water you want, but you can’t touch it now!”

   "Thank you, junior!"

   Yingyi took it quickly, and received it carefully.

   The Sanguang Shenshui is naturally a strange thing. It drips on Gao Qiuyu's body and takes effect immediately. The black filaments emerging from the Qiqiao disappear very quickly, and the earthworm-like black bands on the face and even the body have also disappeared.

   "Much...thank you!"

   Gao Qiuyu looked at Xiao Hua, opening his mouth and not knowing what to call it.


   Gao Ruli helped Gao Qiuyu and smiled, "Don't be polite with him, you can just call him cousin!"

   "Don... cousin!"

   There was a trace of warmth in Gao Qiuyu's eyes, and he looked at Xiao Hua and said softly, ""

   Xiao Hua looked at this woman who was filled with hatred, and smiled: "We will talk about the old days when we can. Let's solve the family feud first!"

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