Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2531: Wise past

   "It seems that the mature time law will not be easily affected by other time laws!"

   Xiao Hua thought, and checked his own image of Confucianism.

   At this time, the image of Mind Confucianism is completely different from before. There is that kind of inexplicable stuff in the Mind, which looks exactly like the flesh.

   Xiao Hua believes that even if he meets the Six Idlers, he cannot see that he is a self-dead!

   Then Xiao Hua took out his body, and after the body passed through forty-four spatial faults, the language had been drawn, and a faint outline of a flower bone was condensing out of thin air.

  The unique, unprecedented Hongyun of Tianting has taken shape.

   Xiao Hua smiled, in addition to gaining his mind, the change in the language is also second.

   Then Xiao Hua fell into the flesh.



   At the moment when his mind returned, Xiao Hua's body screamed.

The light of civilization fell on the faint outline of the flower bone. Xiao Hua could see clearly that the light of civilization is as much as forty-five, and it should be a three-flower-shaped flower bone condensed, "boom boom boom~", three Dao Guangzhu directed towards Xiao Hua's mysterious dark cloud, Xiao Hua's three souls of heaven, earth and man were illuminated, and the imprint of the three souls was projected on the flower bones.

   At the same time, the language type and the location of the branch began to wither visible to the naked eye, and everything rushed towards the projection of the Three Souls imprint, just like an invisible ink pen was drawing.

   Seeing the three souls becoming more tenacious under the light of civilization, Xiao Hua was stunned. It is no wonder that the heavenly Confucian scholars did not have the method of casting souls. The original cultivation method of flower cultivation has the effect of casting souls! (Remarks, the heavenly court has the method of casting soul, here is Xiao Hua's guess.)

   However, Xiao Hua is a little strange, why didn't he find it in the previous practice?

   Now that I think about it, this process is too fast, and the effect of soul casting is not as obvious as that of the original spirit chapter!

   Xiao Hua looked at the flower bones in the flesh, which was condensed by the light of civilization. He was a little surprised, and said in secret: "Xiao has started growing flowers now. From the jade cultivation method, it is condensed jade."

   "Xiao also officially set foot in Song Xian, but when the cultivation of flowers is over, what will the three flowers condensed by the light of civilization of Xiao look like?"

   Even though Xiao Hua is looking forward to the appearance of the three flowers blooming, the important thing for him now is the catalog of the five grand masters.

   Xiao Hua looked around, looking for a direction at random, and then found a secluded place to sacrifice Lin Quan Gao Yitu, and his figure swayed into the third level of green willow forest.

   This time Xiao Hua did not get out of his body, but stayed in the flesh, sitting cross-legged in the green willow forest.

   Because Xiao Hua discovered that although his body has not experienced ten billion years of cultivation, but his mind stays in the body, his body can also get some shade of the law of time from the mind.

   As expected by Xiao Hua, the Hunyuan cultivation practice, which hadn't made any progress for a long time, also began to make progress.

   As for Xiao Hua's mind, he re-examined and comprehended the details of Shuo Ling's practice.

   When everything is completed, Xiao Hua's mind officially began to practice "Tai Chi Gui Yuan Lu" in the Five Tai Catalog.

   There are nine catalogs in "Tai Chi Gui Yuanlu", Xiao Hua naturally divided the practice of this catalog into nine layers.

  Ten thousand years, Xiao Hua has only cultivated three levels, and his physical cultivation has reached the middle level of Hunyuan, and the speed of cultivation has slowed down again.

   Forget it, five years have passed since the Heavenly Court, Xiao Hua's mind came out of Lin Quan Gao Yitu, and his body continued to stay in it for cultivation.

   When Xiao Hua returned to Qin Jing, Qin Jing had already been repaired.

   Xiao Hua sent Gao Ming out, and Gao Ming looked around and said strangely: "Big Brother, where are we?"

   Xiao Hua smiled mysteriously and said, "Hey, guess?"

"I do not know!"

   Gaoming looked around and didn't know where it was. Finally, he took out the fairy picture and looked at it. He was surprised, "Big Brother, why are you here?"

   "Our celestial path should go directly to Wuyun City!"

   "If our jade car is attacked here, and someone wants to kill you, do you believe it?"


   Gao Ming shook his head with the rattle, "I am just a jade master, and even a little chanting fairy!"

   "And my background is ordinary, my parents are not the head of the Gao family, and I am not a young master. Who will kill me?"

   "The background is simple?"

   Xiao Hua said meaningfully, "An ordinary disciple of the Gao family, would the Gao family recommend to see the Yuju Weng?"

   "Do you know the strength of Yu Ju Weng?"

   Gaoming was dumbfounded, and said anxiously: "What is the strength of Jade Game Weng?"

   "If nothing happens, he should be the second grade of Taiqing Tianxian, or even higher!!"

"How can it be?"

   Gao Ming said in shock, "Taiqing Tianxian still wants to sharpen his sword?"

   Xiao Hua waved his hand: "These are two different things!"

   "What you have to do now is to tell the truth, why are there a dozen Songxians intercepting you in Qinjing!"

   "I... I really don't know!"

   Gao Ming turned pale with fright, "If I lie to you, I will be a puppy!"

   Xiao Hua sent Gao Yun out of the space and asked, "Do you know this person? He said he is Gao Yun, a disciple of the Gao family."

"I do not know!"

   Gao Ming looked at Gao Yun and shook his head.

   "He said his mission is not to let you return to Five Cloud City!"

   "Why don't you let me return to Five Cloud City??"

   Gao Ming is even more puzzled, but at this point, a trace of understanding flashed in his eyes, his eyes turned slightly, and he shut up.


   Xiao Hua smiled and said, "What do you think of?"

   "I didn't think about it before, but now I want to come and leave Wuyun City to Qunyu City..."

   Gao Ming thoughtfully said, "It's not so much that my parents respect my opinions, it's that my parents are forced to send me here!"

   Xiao Huaqi said: "How to say?"

   "It's like this~"

   Gao Ming said, "Didn't I always practice without success? My parents don't care about me!"

"I thought my parents gave up on me. UU Reading www.uuká slipped out to play with sadness and disappointment one day, but I came across a female fairy who was more mean. She said that my material is average and I am not qualified to practice. , It's better to be a coolie!"

   "I was so angry that I cried, and didn't tell my parents when I ran home."

   "Later, I saw that there was a kind of jade in the clan, so I thought of the female fairy and tried to grow jade, but the result was out of control!"

   "I said before about the next thing. My father and mother strongly opposed, and I did not hesitate to go to the Jade City to force my father and mother."

"But what I didn't say is that at first my parents still disagreed. Later, my mother asked me why I suddenly liked planting jade, so I said about the female fairy. As a result, it didn't take long for my father to agree. Let me go to Qunyu City."

   Xiao Huaqi said: "Is it because your father is afraid of the fairy?"


   Gaoming smiled, "That female fairy is malicious, but I was alone back then. What did she want to do?"

   "Moreover, she bought me a lot of things, otherwise I wouldn't tell her about my cultivation!"

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