Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2532: 5 colors


   Xiao Hua thought for a while and asked, "Is your father the head of the Gao family?"

   "How is it possible~"

   Gaoming laughed at himself, "If my father is the patriarch, can I still stand here and talk to you?"

   "Then do you think your father can befriend the Yuju Weng of the Taiqing Tianxian?"

   "Generally speaking, it is unlikely!"

   Gao Ming thought for a while, and still shook his head, "My father is an immortal of the Shangqing, although he is a direct descendant, but there are too many direct descendants of the Gao Family in Wuyun City, and his elder family ranks almost at the end of the clan."

   "Of course, I don't rule out year-end payment!"

   Xiao Hua said with a smile: "Six idlers are still possible, Yu Ju Weng is arrogant, and it is unlikely that there will be so-called year-end friendship!"

   "That's weird!"

   Gaoming scratched his head and said, "The younger brother has mediocre aptitude since he was a child. He has only a few talents for growing jade, and he is not well-known among the many disciples in the clan..."

   Xiao Hua suddenly laughed when he heard the disciples in the clan, and asked, "Does Qunyu's token have every disciple?"

"of course not!"


Gao Ming's face was startled, and he smiled bitterly, "Only those who have contributed to the clan will be rewarded. This is my dad who made great contributions to the clan a few years ago, and only got one. His old man took me seriously before sending me to Qunyu City. Give it to me so that I can make good use of Qunyu's opportunity."

   "Such a precious opportunity,"

   Xiao Hua said, "Give it to me, it's a waste!"

"Do not!"

   Gao Ming cut the railway firmly, "This is nothing!"

   "Brother Xiao gave me too much, you not only gave me the courage to practice, but also pointed out the direction of cultivation!"

   "This group of jade reading opportunities is certainly important, but I have more important things for Brother Xiao!"

   Xiao Hua was taken aback, and said with a smile: "So you didn't want to plant jade cultivation method, so I had to go to Wuyun City with you for this more important thing!"

   "Yes, Brother Xiao~"

   Gaoming nodded and said, "You are kind and helpful, but my brother doesn't want to owe too many people, so I want to exchange my Gao's secret finger painting technique with Brother Xiao!"

"no, I'm fine!"

   Xiao Hua waved his hand, "I have practiced enough secret techniques, and there are not a few finger paintings."

   "And since this finger painting is the secret technique of your Gao family, how can your father easily give it to outsiders?"

   "Hee hee~"

Gao Ming smiled slightly and said in a low voice, "This secret technique belongs to my father. His old man said that he would give this secret technique to me when I reached Yuqing Renxian, and he would never care about it anymore. I just withdraw it in advance. His old man must agree!"

   Xiao Hua was moved in his heart, and said, "I take your thoughts, and I agree with your approach, but if your father is unwilling, you must not force it."


Gao Ming looked up and down at Xiao Hua and said, "Before the younger brother thought that Brother Xiao was no better than Yuqing immortal, this finger painting secret technique has the ability to send charcoal in the snow; now it seems that Brother Xiao can also be the worst of the Qing Dixian, this finger painting secret The technique is just the icing on the cake, but it lacks meaning!"

   "Haha, let's go!"

   Xiao Hua patted Gao Ming on the shoulder and said, "You and I have met each other, and we have been brothers for so many days, why bother about so much?"

   Gaoming smiled and sacrificed the jade car, but Xiao Hua could see that Gao Ming's laughter had lost the ease it had before. Obviously the sudden robbery dragged Gao Ming from the bright sunshine into the wind and rain!

   It’s not just a day. Seeing that there is a colorful cloud in front of her head, Xiao Hua knows that this colorful cloud is the City of Five Clouds!

   Sure enough, when the jade cart flew in, Yunxia was like a huge world, and every color was a heaven, and within this heaven, every place was filled with five colors.

   At first, it was just a glow, which was distorted and condensed from time to time. When it waited to fly deeper, the cloud was gradually disappeared and replaced by the various kinds of cities.

   or city, or foothill, or pavilion, or river.

Seeing a surging river rushing from the distance of the earth, after circling around the Wuyun city for more than half, it directly rushed to the sky, Gao Ming pressed down the jade cart and said excitedly: "Brother Xiao, this is the most famous Wuyun city. Wuyunxi!"

   Xiao Hua knew that Gao Ming was in a bad mood, and now he was interested, and deliberately asked: "Why is it called Wuyunxi?"

   "Look, this stream reflects the Five Clouds City, and it seems that there is another Five Clouds City hidden in the water, so it is called Five Clouds Creek!"

   "Look again, where these five clouds and streams are hovering, they form a whirlpool space. In these spaces, there are weird charms, and some even hide millions of meters of mountains and rivers."

   "These spaces are full of exotic rares such as five-color fish, five-color finches, and five-color soil, which are of great benefit to the breeding and condensation of cultural genres."

   Gao is obviously very familiar with Five Clouds City. He is urging the jade cart while giving endless explanations.

   Xiao Hua slightly showed his vision, and found that the innate aura of the Five Clouds City was really different from Qunyu City.

   The attributes of the five elements of the innate qi here are more concentrated, and because the five elements are mutually generated and restrained, the innate qi derives more complicated awe-inspiring qi!

   This kind of innate aura is certainly beneficial to the Confucianism, but it also prevents the condensation of Sanhua. If nothing else, the number of Taiqing Tianxians in Wuyun City will be less than Qunyu City.

   What puzzled Xiao Hua was that Gao Ming didn't take him to the depths of Five Clouds City, but flew towards the edge.

  Waiting to the side of Wuyunxi, a colorful stone appeared in front of his head.

   The stone is very abruptly hanging in the air, there is nothing around it, it seems that innate aura is scarce.

   "Brother Xiao~"

   Gao Ming pointed to the stone and said, "There are three uniques in Wuyun City. The first one is naturally the Wuyunxi just now. This is the second one, the five-color stone!"

   "Five-color stone?"

   Xiao Hua said with great interest, UU reading www. "If I didn't look at it, I thought the five-color stone you were talking about was the five-color stone all over Wuyun City!"

   cleverly smiled without speaking.

And Xiao Hua was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at the five-color stone, suddenly a different color appeared in his eyes, and patted his forehead and said: "Haha, Xiao understands that a five-color stone is a five-color stone, and hundreds of millions of five-color stones are also five-color stones! "

   Gao Ming was surprised, and said, "Brother Xiao can see through the five-color stone so far?"


   It was Xiao Hua's turn to laugh and say nothing.

Gao Ming said: "Yes, as Brother Xiao said, this is a five-color stone from a distance, but when you get closer, the outline of the five-color stone is the entire Wuyun City. Every particle of the five-color stone is a five-cloud. Five-color stone in the city!"

   "But, Brother Xiao made a mistake, not one, but five!"

   "There are five such five-color stones all over the city of Five Clouds!"

   Xiao Hua didn't want to understand how the five-color stone was formed. He curiously asked, "What about the third uniqueness of Five Cloud City?"

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