Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2530: 5 Tai Catalog

I have to say that Xiao Hua is a genius. The Shuoyu technique of the first sect of the Spirit Clan changed from the end to the beginning. With the first nine catalogs, he actually created one of the five Taiji cultivation methods. .

   Xiao Hua likes it with all his heart, looking at the brand-new cultivation method, and smilingly said: "Tai Chi practitioners do not divide the universe between yin and yang. This practice might be called Tai Chi Gui Yuanlu."

   Then Xiao Hua made persistent efforts and created "Tai Su Yuan Shi Pian", "Tai Shi Tian Yuan Shu", "Tai Chu Yuan Huang Book" and "Tai Yi Xu Yuan Jing"!

   After completing the catalog of the Five Masters, Xiao Hua once again let go of his mind, merged himself into the time mystery, and began to practice Shuo Li.

   Not surprising Xiao Hua, Shuo Le is really related to the changes in the universe, so with Xiao Hua's practice, the surrounding secret realm collapsed more quickly than before.

   At this time, Xiao Hua left everything behind and experienced changes without joy or sorrow, remembering the details in it, in order to revise the catalogue of Shuofei and the Five Great Masters.

   I don't know how long it took, and the entire time mystery was annihilated towards another end of time.

   The end of this time is different from the origin of the time when Xiao Hua urged the Zhou Wheel of the Teshan Immovable Art.

   Xiao Hua suddenly became ecstatic.

   He almost slapped himself.

"Damn, time has a beginning and an end. Poor Dao comes in from one end of time. If you want to return, you naturally have to go out from that end. With Poor Dao's power, you can only find the time origin of the forty-sixth time mystery, that point. It's impossible to lead to the forty-fourth time mystery."

   "If it weren't for the annihilation of the time mystery, how could Pindao find this exit point?"

   At this time, Xiao Hua could already perceive that the end of this time end is also an indestructible time fault.

   Xiao Hua knew that the other side of the fault was the time origin of the forty-fourth time mystery.

  Unfortunately, until this time mystery completely collapsed, the end of time also began to collapse, and the time fault appeared to be cracked, and Xiao Hua couldn't sense where the forty-four time mysteries were!


   Xiao Hua actually expected this ending earlier, he smiled slightly, raised his hand to take out the body from Linquan Gaoyi's map, and flew into the broken time fault.

   The time fault is a very weird place, which can only be described as the world without heaven and earth, let alone the power, that is, there are no laws.

   "Is this too easy?"

   Xiao Hua just flashed this thought, his mind had already begun to blur, and he didn't even have a chance to throw the body in his hand!

   At a critical moment, "Om" Xiao Hua's mindful eyebrows suddenly lit up the light of civilization that had been born in Qunyuling Mountain.

   Although the light of civilization is dim as a candle in the time fault, it not only prevents Xiao Hua's mind from blurring, but also makes Xiao Hua feel warm.

   At the same time, a weird scene appeared, where the chaos in front of the head, there is actually the same light of civilization.

Seeing the forty-four lights of civilization in front of his head, like candles, Xiao Hua was stunned. After a while, he shouted in his heart: "Yes, yes, this... is really the light of civilization, and time cannot be annihilated. , A civilization that can be passed down from generation to generation!"

   "This light of civilization was previously left in the other forty-four time mysteries by Pang Dao. Because Pang Dao is in a time gap, they can ignore time and exist at the same time!"

   "In other words, within the law of time, space exists at the same time. What Pang Dao now sees may be the situation where Pang Dao drove the light of civilization in various time secret realms."

   "As long as there is the light of civilization, the poor will not get lost!"

  The light of civilization passed through time, which made Xiao Hua more confident, and he walked towards the nearest light of civilization.

   Sure enough, when the lights of the two civilizations merged into one, Xiao Hua suddenly discovered that he was already in the forty-fourth time mystery!

   Xiao Hua was really surprised and happy, he felt incredible.

   And when he released his mind again to merge with the forty-fourth time mystery, he found that his mind had changed even more inexplicably, and countless filaments of weird things were like spider webs all over the mind of Confucianism!

   "It should be a change within a space fault!"

   Xiao Hua thought so, stopped the fusion of mind and secret, and hurriedly took out the body.

   To Xiao Hua's expectation, his physical body did not have cultivated for billions of years as he imagined, but still followed the rules of time in Lin Quan Gao Yitu.

   is just the same as Xiao Hua's mind within the language, and there are countless strange things added, these things are fermenting and evolving, and a complete picture of the emptiness is rapidly taking shape.

   Correspondingly, the branch that seemed to take a long, long time to complete before, is now crazy the same extension.


   Hsiao Hua was overjoyed and couldn't help but say good things. Although he didn't know what this inexplicable thing was, it could change his mind and Confucianism, and let the culture mature and speed up the cultivation of flowers. Naturally a good thing!

   Then Xiao Hua's mind stretched, just like before, but I don't know how much time it took before finally returning to the first time mystery.

   At this point, Xiao Hua's heart finally fell in his stomach.

   He didn't think about other ways to break out of the secret realm. He still directly used his mind to fuse with the time secret realm, stimulating the Secret Art of Shimmering.

After forty-four levels of time mystery, Xiao Hua not only corrected many small errors in the Shimmering Secret Art, but also adjusted the Wutai Illustrated Technique. Of course, Xiao Hua now has completely practiced the Shimmering Secret Art. After all, he has consumed too much time in the time mystery!

   did not exceed Xiao Hua's expectation. When the first time mystery was annihilated, there was no more time gap in front of Xiao Hua, and he did not need to use the light of civilization to directly step out and enter the heaven.

   When Xiao Hua's figure appeared like a shadow among the flowering branches, an inexplicable storm of time sprang up in the surrounding area. The storm swept everything within nearly 100,000 miles in an instant, and fell towards the bulge of the entrance to the previous secret. UU reading

   Xiao Hua didn't have time to make any movements at all, everything disappeared in the raised area, and the raised area turned into a gray-white cicada in a blink of an eye.

   The cicada survived in mid-air for only a few breaths, and then turned into powder in the breeze and disappeared.


   Xiao Hua looked around. Although the time storm has passed, some fragments are still spreading and disappearing. He can only sigh and stand beside him, waiting for the aftermath to disappear.

   Xiao Hua looked around and made a calculation, knowing that although he has been in the time secret territory for tens of billions of years, the heaven is just a moment away.

However, when Xiao Hua's mind fell into the space, he discovered that it was not a moment in the space. Similarly, there was no such evil as tens of billions of years. There were only tens of thousands of years. If there is no accident, it should be Xiao Hua. When the mind took out the cicadas of the Demon Emperor Xuan Temple from the space, it caused a change in space and time.

   Other time fluctuations did not affect the temporal changes of space.

   Check Lin Quan Gao Yitu again, the time inside is also stable, tens of thousands of years.

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