Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2526: The blood of time

   "Xiao finally understands that this secret realm is too dangerous, and even six idlers dare not enter easily~"

   "Perhaps, only this kind of place will have the existence of the fifth cosmos?"

   Xiao Hua thought, and sent a shadow in.

   Unsurprisingly, the shadow body was drawn into an extremely long outline as soon as it touched the suction force, and finally turned into a filament until Xiao Hua couldn't perceive it!

   Xiao Hua hesitated a bit. The best way to enter such a sinister place is to get in physically.

   But Xiao Hua knows his mind well, if his body enters, his mind may not be able to come out, and the method of mind cultivation he needs now is not of the flesh!


   Xiao Hua suddenly understood why he called his mind a corpse of himself!

Not crazy, not live!

   "Then go crazy!"

   Xiao Hua smiled, urging his figure to fall into the place covered by the fluctuations of time.


   The suffocating suction immediately covered Xiao Hua.

   At this time, Xiao Hua is an image of a Confucian Confucian mind. When this suction is completely covered, the imbalance in the number of days in his body is immediately broken.

   "Boom boom~"

   In Xiao Hua's body, there were many thunder wave marks, these wave marks were of different depths, sizes, and were distributed in different places.

   Xiao Hua originally wanted to urge the exercises to push these imbalances to balance, but his mind just moved, but stopped again.

  The balance of mind and spirit is too long, and it is this kind of imbalance that can realize the fifth master of the universe!

   Xiao Hua simply let his mind go with the fluctuations, so his mind began to be involved in a huge whirlpool.

   This vortex is as magnificent as the ocean tide, no matter how Xiao Hua's mind expands, it seems that he cannot fill this vortex!

   There is enough time for a meal. I feel that I am out of control. Xiao Hua is a little flustered. He is afraid that this kind of vortex is really endless. Wouldn't he want to get lost in it?

   At this time, Xiao Hua's mind touched the figure that had been put in earlier.

   The shadow body is already thin as a line, but the appearance of this line greatly increases Xiao Hua's confidence!

   Xiao Hua's ability to meet this line shows that this vortex is not endless!

   But even so, Xiao Hua's mind stretched for a full year before it stopped. At this time, Xiao Hua's mind was also as thin as paper!

  Of course, it is precisely because of this thinness that Xiao Hua's mind can blend with the entire secret realm, and feel the mysterious fluctuations in the entire secret realm everywhere, as well as various imbalances, various gradual transformations and derivations!

   Xiao Hua at this time has no time to think about it, because all kinds of insights are coming from his almost boundless mind.

   This way of perception is something Xiao Hua had never encountered before.

   also thanks to Xiao Hua’s experience in the secret realm of the Tiannan Galaxy and the Spring and Autumn Annals of Humans, he even tried to teach some secrets through the secret realm, so he could gradually adapt to this method.

   With more and more comprehension, Xiao Hua suddenly discovered that this secret realm is simply another "Yuanxu Wuxuan Picture"!

   may also be the original "Yuan Xu Wu Yang Tu"!

   What Xiao Hua has to do now is to gather these insights to form a cultivation technique!

   Let your mind follow these changes and get the peak!

  In a hundred years, Xiao Hua was still thinking about what to choose;

   During the millennium, Xiao Hua once remembered fighting with clever gambling;

   After ten thousand years, Xiao Hua has forgotten everything. He feels that he is this magnificent picture of the universe, and he is changing with this picture!

   After a million years, Xiao Hua's experience has encountered a bottleneck!

Xiao Hua has already realized the evolution of the entire secret realm, and the whole evolution began to repeat itself. However, Xiao Hua clearly perceives that the entire evolution is mysterious, but it is not complete. match!


   Xiao Hua suddenly thought of the previously familiar time law fluctuations.

   Since the space has reached its limit, he wants to realize more, he can only rely on the law of time!

   is Xiao Hua, who once practiced the Tishan Immovability Technique related to the law of time in the Huaijiang Heavenly Realm of the Demon League, and completed the second layer of flocculation.

Now his mind is aware of the time fluctuations within the secret realm, which has urged the flocculation of the Dishan Fudo Jue, and the whole mind has begun to change. Small flames are born with the technique and spread throughout the secret realm. Within each flame, it seems that There is a statue of Xiao Hua's Mind Confucian, and the eyebrows of this Mind Confucian still have the light of civilization before!

Just when the flocculent mind was born, Xiao Hua immediately sensed that within this vortex he was in, there was another overlapping vortex, but this vortex was in a different time and space, and could not be reached by his current ability. !

   "Pan Dao understands!"

   Xiao Hua suddenly said, "The other vortex is the past of this vortex. Only by using the time mystery to get the vortex, can Poor Dao realize the difference between the two vortexes and perfect his own technique!"

   To break through this vortex to reach the vortex of time and space, for the current Xiao Hua, it is extremely difficult.

   After all, this place is not the time valley of the Huaijiang Heavenly Realm, but an endless prototype of the universe.

   The flocculation of the Teshan Fudo Jue cannot control the time law of this secret realm at all!

  Only by continuing to practice the Tishan Immovable Art, can we exceed this whirlpool!

   Xiao Hua had no other choice, so he immediately began to practice the Tishan Immobile Jue.

When countless flocculation minds urged the exercises at the same time, the statues of Fengwu with different appearances began to emerge. These statues of Fengwu were in the same time and space, but were torn apart by different time fluctuations. Can't form unity!

   Xiao Hua has seen the direction in his thousands of years of cultivation. Only by unifying the body of Fengwu, which is affected by the fluctuations of different time, can he make progress in his immobility. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

   The time for the next practice is no longer meaningful. Xiao Hua has forgotten the time, either tens of thousands of years, or hundreds of millions of years. With the practice, every flocculent phantom of Fengwu begins to bleed!

   is engraved with the color of the time imprint!

  The blood of time! !

   After waiting for the time blood to be enough, the blood all over the secret realm began to converge towards a certain place.

   This place is the original origin of the entire secret time.

   I don’t know how long has passed, the blood of all time has formed a **** outline like spokes!


   The sound of the phoenix sound suddenly sounded, and countless phoenix statues flew out of the scarlet outline, spreading their wings and flying in one direction.

  The flying of the phoenix image drives the rotation of the spokes, and as one phoenix image catches up with another phoenix image and merges in one place, the phantom of the spokes rises a bit.

   When all the phoenix statues converge into one, in this secret realm, a huge scarlet spoke completely covers the space!

  The wheel of the Teshan immovability formula!

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