Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2525: Gao Jia

   "You really don't know why you want to kill Gaoming?"

   Xiao Hua asked again.


   Gao Yun nodded hurriedly, "I really don't know, I'm just a little Songxian, a runner."


   Xiao Hua didn't want to ask too much, raised his hand to imprison Gao Yun and the robber boss Xu Chu, and threw them into the space.

   These two people are witnesses, it is a pity to kill.

   Then Xiao Hua looked around, but saw that the jade car at this time was parked in a piece of pale blue mud. The mud was full of large and small bubbles, and the bubbles still gushing out of the mud from time to time.

   Xiao Hua shook his figure and flew out of Qin Jing. He squinted and looked around, but found nothing.

   I was waiting to take out the fairy picture, Xiao Huale was happy, it was not far from the secret realm that the six idlers said.


   Xiao Hua laughed and said, "It turns out that the result of the divination technique is in this section!"

   After that, Xiao Hua flew towards the secret realm with a flash of light and escape!


Far in Qun Jade City, inside a palace with surging purple energy, a young man in official clothes looked at the immortal official in front of him and whispered, "Xin Jin Mao selected Wenkui Xiao Hua, using Qin Jing When accidentally disappeared and the jade car was destroyed?"

"Yes, it is!"

   The fairy lowered his head and said, "I have sent someone to investigate, Qin Jing was attacked and damaged."

   "I am not asking Qin Jing, I am asking Xiao Wenkui!"

   "I don't know~"

   The immortal official hurriedly replied, "That place is already within the area of ​​Wuyun City, so we don't have a large-scale survey."


   The young man got up, looked outside the hall, and said, "Xiao Wenkui was attacked as soon as he left. This is clearly premeditated."

   "The most important thing~"

   The immortal official also echoed, "Xiao Wenkui is leaving in a hurry, we have no time to intercept, how do others know?"

   "Is there someone from the Gao family who walked with him?"


   The immortal said, "I also feel that this matter is related to the Gao family, so I am asking to go to the Gao family to inquire."

  "Could this be the handwriting of the Gao Family in Five Clouds City??"

   The young man frowned.

   As for the Five Clouds City, on a green bamboo platform, a young woman is playing the piano.

   There is a long white cloud outside the platform, and a man in a sword suit hurriedly stepped onto the cloud.

   The man’s face was anxious, but when the man came close, he heard the melodious piano sound, his mouth showed a smile, and his figure stopped outside the platform.

   After a stick of incense, the sound of the piano stopped, and the woman smiled and turned around and said, "Brother Sheng, it looks like you have brought bad news!"


   The man flew onto the platform with a bitter expression on his face, and said, "I didn't want to disturb your Yaxing, but there is no way to prevent the brilliant plan from failing..."

   Without waiting for the man to finish, the female fairy raised her eyebrows and wondered, "How is it possible? How can a dozen Songxians not be able to stop one Songxian? Is it possible that he has returned to Wuyun City?"

   "The specific situation is unclear!"

   The man handed the fairy a Xiayun Festival and said, "The brilliant jade car was destroyed and everyone is missing."


   The fairy girl hurriedly got up and asked, "Gao Ming is missing? He...he is not dead, right?"

   "Look at it for yourself~"

   The man named Sheng Ge smiled bitterly, "I just let them capture Gao Ming according to your instructions, and strictly prevent them from hurting Gao Ming..."

   Brother Sheng's words are obviously different from those of Xu Chu and Gao Yun.

   But how could the fairy know?

   Her eyes flashed with a peachy luster and looked towards the Xiayun Festival, but after a few breaths, she immediately said angrily: "There is also Xiao Hua who is walking with Gao Ming? But the recent famous Xiao Wenkui?"

   The man hesitated a little, but finally nodded.

   "Damn it!"

The female fairy said, "If someone else is missing, he will disappear. This is Wenkui who has only met in a million years! Not to mention the Qunyulou, just... even the fairy mansion is staring at him. His disappearance will definitely cause sensation!"

   The man sneered in his heart, but he defended his words: "This...I don't know anything about this. I didn't know until I saw the subpoena."

   The female fairy was a little angry, but after a while, she was helpless again, waved her hand and said: "Forget it, it's really not as good as heaven, no one would have thought that Gao Ming would go back to Wuyun City with this Xiao Wenkui!"

   "Then what shall we do now?"

   the male fairy asked.

   The fairy did not answer, but instead asked, "Where is Gao Yun?"

   "I am missing too!"

   "Since I have disappeared, there is a possibility of revealing the secret~"

   The fairy gritted her teeth and said, "We have done so much, and now we have to send the arrow on the string!"

   "Yes, I understand!"

   The male fairy nodded, "I will make arrangements immediately!"

   The male fairy went, the female fairy looked up and said coldly: "Old man, it's time for you to pay your debts!"

   Xiao Hua didn't know, he was involved in the Gao Family's grievances again, and he had reached a wonderful place at this time.

   This is the place where flowers are blooming, all kinds of flowers are competing for beauty, and all kinds of fairy birds take off and fall, and they are pleasing to the eye.

The appearance of    Xiao Hua seemed to break the excitement. Not only did the fairy birds soar into the sky, but the flowers also shrank their petals, looking very shy.

   Xiao Hua slowly walked past Huaying, gazing around until he reached the end, and could not see that there was the secret realm mentioned by the six idlers.

   "Weird, is this mystery different from Tiannan Galaxy?"

   Xiao Hua turned back and used the method of contemplation.

  Sure enough, he found something strange on a jade-like flower branch.

   That is a wave of fluctuations that he is extremely familiar with!

   "The law of time?"

   Xiao Hua whispered in her mouth, falling towards the flower branch.

   The flower branch itself is ordinary, nothing special, but half of the flower branch is where there is a semi-circular protrusion. This protrusion has a faint texture and irregular texture. The fluctuation of the law of time is transmitted from this texture.

   "If nothing else, this is what the Six Addicted Idlers said!"

   "After all, with the strength of six idlers, only the law of time is beyond his grasp."

   "He didn't dare to go deeper!"

   "It's just that the law of time...what does it have to do with the cultivation of the fifth cosmos?"

   Xiao Hua had just fallen down, and suddenly felt something was wrong, because in a cone-shaped space around this bulge, there was an extremely powerful suction.

  Don't talk about Xiao Hua, but the surrounding space is distorted!

   Xiao Hua didn't even think about it, and hurriedly urged her figure to fly out.

  With Xiao Hua's energy, he barely escaped from this suction!

   is the moment when he escaped from the suction, Xiao Hua's face was shocked, because he had keenly noticed that within the range of the suction, there were unstable fluctuations similar to those in his own mind!

   In other words, the suction that just made him and Liu Xianxian fearful was caused by the unstable fluctuations.

   How similar this is to the situation in my mind, the instability just appeared!

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