Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2527: Know the secret

   The Dishan Immobility Secret Art was originally incomplete, but in this secret realm, Xiao Hua would practice the flocculation to the extreme, the cultivation of the Zhoulun would naturally appear, and the Taoism would naturally be the same!

   The huge phoenix statue flies forward, driving the huge scarlet spokes, and the huge scarlet spokes rotate, directly engulfing the phoenix statue, falling into the origin of time in the center.

   Xiao Hua was overjoyed. Finding the origin of this space and time is half the battle. Just like in the Valley of Time, as long as another valley entrance can be found, Xiao Hua will be able to fly through it successfully.

   However, when Xiao Hua transformed into Fengwu and charged in with the blood of time, he suddenly discovered that an insurmountable barrier appeared in front of him.

   Xiao Hua couldn't figure out what this barrier was, but like the confinement of the world, he couldn't break through.

   "Damn it!"

Xiao Hua had no choice but to temporarily withdraw from the origin of time, and at this time, he couldn't stop the embankment without moving. In the entire time and space, the huge Zhou wheel slowly rotated, and the image of Fengwu was different in this Zhou wheel. Flying!

"what is this?"

Xiao Hua was thinking about flying while flying. The cultivation of the law of time is really beyond the scope of cultivation in the immortal realm. If Xiao Hua had not encountered time fragments in the hell, he would not be able to touch the law of time in the immortal realm, so Xiao Hua can refer to it There are too few things, and everything can only rely on his own comprehension and cultivation.

   The wheel of Zhou turned faster and faster, Xiao Hua felt like a bean in a grinding plate, everything in his body had to be squeezed out.

   Xiao Hua instantly understood that he seemed to have reached another critical juncture without knowing it.

   He has already urged the Zhou Chakra. The Zhou Chakra flows continuously like the water of time. He does not have the power to stop the Zhou Chakra now. If the Zhou Chakra loses control...

   Xiao Hua didn't dare to imagine what the situation would be in the end. A broken heart might be the lightest. If you can't say it, your soul will be destroyed!

   Looking at the blood-colored phoenix body and the blood-colored Zhou Chakra, Xiao Hua knew that the blood-colored time imprint was the trigger of the Zhou Chakra. If he wanted to stop the Zhou Chakra, he might have to find a way from the blood of this world.

   Just while Xiao Hua was concentrating on it, his gaze fell to the center of the Zhou Wheel!


  Xiao Huatii gave an initiation and whispered, "The Zhou Wheel promotes the flow of time, but in the center of the Zhou Wheel, time should be static. In other words, the time and outside of the whole Zhou Wheel are not the same..."

"no no!"

   "It's not like that. Zhou Lun is just an outline of the Poor Dao Cultivation Dishan Fudo Jue. It looks like this in the eyes of Pin Dao, but it may not be so in the eyes of Heaven and Earth. It should be like water flowing..."

   "Yes, yes, if the water flows, the laws of time encountered in the valley of time are continuous for the poor roads, so the poor roads can transform the Dishan Fudo Jue from the cultivation of the breath to the flocculation."

   "Now the flocculation is hindered when it reaches the Zhou wheel, because the time in this space and time is not continuous!"

   Xiao Hua became more excited the more he thought about it, and the outline of the entire time and space appeared in his mind.

   This time-space outline is like the Cosmic Wheel, except that one Cosmic Wheel rotates alone, and the other Cosmic Wheel is set outside of this Cosmic Wheel.

   Although Xiao Hua didn't know whether such cosmic chakras were endless, they were still few, but he knew that these cosmic chakras were intermittent. Although he had found a way to another chakra, he couldn't get out.

   It's like walking a step. You have already raised your foot, but you can't find the next step.

"How to do?"

   Xiao Hua's eyes turned sharply, and he secretly said, "Now we need one to connect the two time and space together. This is actually the key to the Zhoulun cultivation. But Xiao Mou can't understand it now, so we can only use external force!"

   "This external force should be the time fragments connecting two time and space, or time fluctuations, or..."

   Thinking of this, Xiao Hua couldn't help being pleasantly surprised, "Yes, it can be something that implies the law of time. If so, can the molting of the Demon Emperor Xuan Temple be ok?"

   At this point, Xiao Hua could only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor. He was really fortunate that he did not leave his body outside the secret realm.

   Because at this time the entire space-time is spinning like spokes, it has long been self-contained, Xiao Hua's mind cannot be connected to space from outside the secret realm.

   The demon emperor Xuanzang used his molting as bait in Da Xinghe, and wanted to ambush Xiao Hua. As a result, she stole the chicken and failed to eclipse the rice, so Xiao Hua took the molting first.

   There is a faint time rule in this shell. Xiao Hua didn't think so much at the time, but just wanted to blackmail the demon emperor Xuanzang.

   I don't know that the demon emperor Xuan Temple fell in the Great Galaxy, and this molting remained in Xiaohua space.

   At this time, Xiao Hua once again flew into the origin of time and sacrificed the demon emperor Xuan Temple's shell.


   The cicada-like thing fell into the indestructible place in front of Xiao Hua's head, and it shook immediately, and many phantoms poured out from within, as many as seven or seven forty-nine.

   The phantom flashed like a dream, like forty-nine demon emperors mysterious temples.

   However, this phantom disappeared in a flash and turned into forty-nine different time fluctuations. Then, forty-nine time fluctuations also turned like spokes, when the time fluctuations coincided with the rotation of the wheel.


   There was a vibrating sound, and a thin shadow of time emerged like a bud. Although the shadow of time was faint, once it appeared, it immediately smashed Xiao Hua's immobility formula!

   Time phantom looks like Zhiji who has finished shedding its shell, quickly flooding the entire time and space!

   caught Xiao Hua's mind between the time phantom and the secret realm!

   "I'm going~"

   Xiao Hua sensed the impact of time phantom, he immediately whispered, "Pan Dao's thousands of years of cultivation can't match the blood inheritance of other people's demon emperor Xuan Temple!"

   Of course, after a while, Xiao Hua also realized that the time phantom of the demon emperor Xuan Temple was inherited. I don't know how many demon emperor bloodlines similar to the Xuan Temple portray this time burn. I can't compare it!

   The phantom of the state fills the entire time and space, UU reading www. uukanshu. com everything is silent again.

   "Why doesn't it move?"


   Xiao Hua looked at the other forty-eight folded time phantoms and thought.

   Wait a while, Xiao Hua suddenly laughed, and muttered to herself: "Pan Dao is stupid. The demon emperor Xuan Temple's molting is only molting, and no one controls it. How can it evolve?"

   "Pan Dao is not the state of mind now, shouldn't it be the time phantom to manipulate?"

   If Xiao Hua was a physical body at this time, he would not be resisted by the Demon Emperor Xuan Temple's shell. He was nothing more than a state of mind at this time, and manipulating the time phantom was a natural fit.

   And when Xiao Hua's mind touched the phantom of time, in Xiao Hua's eyes, the entire time and space was no longer in the original whirlpool shape, and became the shape of knowing.


   Xiao Hua was manipulating the time phantom, falling into the previous time origin, while laughing loudly, "This nameless secret realm can be renamed to know the secret realm."

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