Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2524: Want to kill Gaoming?

   Two smoke-like humanoids fell on the echoes. After about half a meal, a little bit smaller reached the point where the seven artifacts were pointing.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   On the ellipse of seven writing instruments, all plaques roared at the same time, and two hundred and fifty-two Xiayun rushed out, all tearing the void and rushing towards the little ones!

   At the same time, the ink painting hidden in the void vibrated, and the "buzzing" sounded, and collapsed toward the little bit!

   "Puff puff~"

   But seeing the stone path twisted in the clouds, large and small bubbles emerged from it, and then there were light blue mud-like void fragments gushing out.

   Seeing the space cracks appear one after another, seven text instruments vibrated at the same time, and they were inserted straight!

   At the bottom of the space crack, the jade cart Xiao Hua and Gao Ming were riding in was revealed.

   At this time, the jade car had been damaged, and the surrounding literary array also showed flaws. Through the flaws, you can clearly see the panic expressions of Xiao Hua and Gao Ming.


   obliquely obliquely blocked the pen tube writer in Qin Jing, the elder brother's voice sounded, "Brothers, hurry up, kill them, let's go back and be happy!"


   A series of light smoke flew out of the writing implement, turned into a dozen chants, and plunged into the jade cart like a fly.

   Brother is a middle-aged man with a sallow complexion. He rushed into the jade cart first to look at Xiao Hua and Gao Ming, who were pale, and said coldly, "Hand over your kits, and I will spare you not to die!"

   At this time, Lin Quan Gao Yitu's Xiao Hua raised his brows, frowned and looked out of the green willow, and said to himself: "What's the matter? Is there a robbery in the heaven?"

   After finishing speaking, Xiao Hua ignored him. After all, his figure strength was also extremely strong, and there were dream mirages. Everything the robbers saw was just an illusion, and Xiao Hua didn't need to act by himself.

   However, it was only a moment, Xiao Hua looked up again, wondering: "No!"

   As he said, Xiao Hua got out of the green willow and hurried out of Lin Quan Gao Yitu.

   Inside the jade cart at this time, Gao Ming and Xiao Hua have already handed the tips to the robbers.

   The robber big brother received the kit, raised his hand, pierced Gao Ming's heart with his fingers together like a sword, and said to Gao Ming with a grinning grin, "I'm sorry!"

   Obviously, this is for killing Gao Ming!


  The robber elder brother raised his sword and fell, and it was pierced into Gao Ming's body, and a stream of blood flowed down his fingers.

The robber eldest brother drew his hand and watched Gao Ming lay down on the ground. He burst into laughter "haha", and then grabbed Xiao Hua's throat with his bloodied hand, still arrogantly saying, "I can't think this trip was so smooth, Lao Tzu Bai So many people have been prepared!"

   "Well, you are right!"

   was already a trembling Xiao Hua, but suddenly smiled on his face, looked at the robber brother and said, "I didn't expect that this trip was so easy, it would lead you out!"


   The robber brother was shocked. His hand had touched Xiao Hua's throat, but the distance between the hair strands was now like a copper wall and iron wall, and he couldn't even get closer!

   "Damn it!"

   The robber brother saw this, and immediately understood that he had encountered a master, he cursed in his heart, and his figure retreated quickly.

   It's a pity, he forced Xiao Hua out, how could he retreat all over?

  Don't talk about him, it's the dozen or so immortals he carried, all standing there like stone sculptures, and they couldn't even move.

   Xiao Hua waved his long sleeves, the surrounding illusion disappeared, and the corpse of Gao Ming disappeared.

   The robber brother was stunned.

   He was incredible: " are not a book fairy?"

   "Do you think I am a book fairy?"

   Xiao Hua said with interest, "Let’s talk, who sent you here?"

   "I...I don't know!"

   The robber's brother saw sweat on his forehead, he stammered.


   Xiao Hua sighed, and raised his hand to touch his brow.

After a while, Xiao Hua frowned. This Songxian named Xu Chu really didn't know why he wanted to kill Gaoming.

  He was just following orders.

   But Xu Chu's memory is also clear, he must kill Gao Ming anyway.

   Xiao Hua looked at Xu Chu, who was pale, and thought to herself: "This may be the warning sign when Xiao had just stepped on the Jade Car. Because Gao Ming was with Xiao, Xiao could perceive it."

   "The problem is that there are more than a dozen immortals. For Gao Ming, this is simply a big force that cannot be dealt with. Who has Gao Ming offended? Is it worth such a big fanfare?"

   "And it was still intercepted in the Qin Jing. If it weren't for the master envoy behind the scenes to know that Xiao and Gao Ming stepped on the Qin Jing, how could they intercept us so accurately?"

   Thinking of this, Xiao Hua immediately remembered the ingenuity of being together.

   Xiao Hua once mentioned ingenious in front of Gao Ming, but Gao Ming knew nothing. This also shows that Gao Ming was still in the dark about assassinating himself.

   At this time, Xiao Hua's eyes drifted a little, he suddenly noticed that the expression of a young man among the robbers was obviously more nervous.


   Xiao Hua smiled slightly, ignoring the young man, but raising his hand to Songxian next to the robber boss.

  Sure enough, the young man's expression became even more flustered.

   "Come here~"

   Xiao Hua said to the young man, "You tell the truth, I don't like searching for souls."


   The young man was anxious and asked, "What's wrong with me?"

   "Since I can choose you, I naturally have a reason to choose you!"

   Xiao Hua said, gently touching the forehead of the robber just now.

   A ray of blood began to devour the body of the robber like a moth.

   Just took a look, Xiao Hua already knew that this robber, like the boss, had killed many Confucian immortals, Xiao Hua didn't have any pressure to kill them!


   The robber screamed in pain, unable to move his figure, and watched his head slowly disappear.


   The young man had a dry mouth, opened his mouth, and again gritted his teeth and denied it.

   "Why is this again?"

   Xiao Hua said, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes. If he hadn't followed Gao Ming this time, Gao Ming had already been killed by them, and he wanted to ask the situation clearly. If it is a personal grievance, maybe let them go!

   Since Xiao Hua has been angered, where can the robbers end well?

   Xiao Hua coldly hummed boom boom" A dozen thunder lights were born out of thin air, and they smashed on the heads of other robbers.

   Seeing more than a dozen Songxians turned into flying ash, the young man was scared to pee, and said anxiously: "I said, I said!"


   After hearing what the young man said, Xiao Hua was taken aback, "Your name is Gao Yun, a disciple of the Gao family?"

   "Are you going to prevent Gao Ming from returning to Five Clouds City now?"


   The young man nodded hurriedly and said, "I...I was ordered to get in among them ten years ago, just to monitor them and see them kill Gao Ming with my own eyes!"

   "Ten years ago~"

   Xiao Hua frowned. That was the time when he won Wen Kui, and it was also the time when Gao Ming came out of the Wufeng Pavilion.

   The Gao family has been sending Gao Yun out since then, and it is obvious that he has been murderous long ago.

   The problem is that Gao Ming is no more than Song Xian. It is really easy to kill him. Why not kill him in Qunyu City? He must wait for Gao Ming to return to Wuyun City and kill him halfway.

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