Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2523: Robbery

"Oh oh~"

The disciple guarding Qin Jing suddenly replied, "The one who was walking with Xiao Hua, and there is another named Gao Ming, holding a token of the Gao family in Wuyun City!"

"Look at it, look at it!"

The middle-aged man cried, "Xiao Hua was recruited by Wuyun Tower, right? This is the loss of our group Yulou!"

"It's just a book immortal, so what if I can cultivate to the heavenly immortals of Taiqing? Are we still lacking heavenly immortals in the jade building?"

"You, don't understand the meaning of Wen Kui at all, and the importance of Xiao Hua's Chinese Kui~"

The middle-aged man waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I have to go back and report it quickly to see how things can stay!"

The middle-aged man went in a hurry. He didn't know that outside the hall where Qin Jing was, a figure familiar to Xiao Hua flew away in a hurry.

Isn't this person clever?

Let’s say that he flew to the secret place cleverly, took out a Long Congshun and said in a low voice: "He has been on the Qin Path and is rushing back to Wuyun City."


A faint voice came from Long Congshun, "I see, since he wants to die, no one can stop him."

His clever face was expressionless, and when he was about to put away the dragon onion, he suddenly thought of something and hurriedly said: "By the way, he walked with Xiao Hua and Xiao Wenkui..."


That voice was a little surprised, "Xiao Hua, Xiao Wenkui? The book fairy who has not yet appeared and has made a sensation in Wuyun City?"

"Yes, it's him!"

Cleverly said, "He has seen me in the Academy of Fuyu City, and he has to bet with me!"

"This is a bit troublesome~"

The voice said, "It's nothing for him to return to Five Cloud City. If Xiao Hua arrives in Five Cloud City, it will definitely cause a sensation, at least it will attract the attention of Wuyun Tower!"

"Then you can only start halfway!"

"I think about it!"

Long Congshun's voice disappeared.

He cleverly collected Long Congshun and looked at the distance with a sneer: "Xiao Hua, do you still want to bet against me for the British election? You are afraid that you won't even see what the British election looks like!"


Xiao Hua was sitting in the jade cart and talking to Gao Ming. He suddenly felt a little whim. He frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

"what happened?"

Gao Ming Qidao.

Xiao Hua ignored Gao Ming and pinched the tactics with both hands. After a few breaths, he said, "Weird, it was a lucky trip, why are there warning signs?"

"Haha, haha~"

Looking at Xiao Hua's serious pinch, Gao Ming raised his finger at Xiao Hua and laughed loudly, "Big Brother, do you know how to use divination? It's just me!"

"Don't tease me, you're a book fairy. I heard that divination can only be performed by a fairy, right?"

Listening to Gao Ming’s words, Xiao Hua didn’t explain. He thought for a while and said, "Gao Ming, it will take a year to return to Wuyun City from here. It would be a shame if this time is wasted. How about carefully dividing the method of growing jade with you?"

"One year!"

Gao Ming hesitated, and said, "The time is too short, what can I learn? Why not wait until after Five Clouds City?"


Xiao Hua raised his hand to sacrifice a writing instrument and said, "You don't need to practice it yourself, but it's just for teaching and understanding. I have a yellow beam writing instrument here, which is useless for the flesh, but effective for the soul..."

"Ouch, I know!"

Gao Ming was overjoyed when he looked at Wenqi, and said, "This is a kind of illusion. It's a hundred years inside and only one year outside. It's like dreaming, right?"


Xiao Hua nodded, "To put it bluntly, it means practicing Dafa in a dream. If you are willing, we can try it!"

"Of course, of course!"

Gao Ming bowed and said, "Little brother, thank you elder brother!"


Xiao Hua lifted up Gao Ming and said, "You and I are destined to meet each other, so you don't have to say anything if you are polite."

Afterwards, Xiao Hua took a bit of writing tools and collected Gaoming.

This writing instrument is naturally a guise, Xiao Hua had long taken out Lin Quan Gao Yitu and sent Gao Ming into it.

There is no need for Xiao Hua himself to give guidance to Gao Ming. He found a clone and gave Gao Minger a face-to-face instruction. It was really simple.

Xiao Hua released the shadow and the dream mirage butterfly on the jade car to alert, while he still entered the center of the green willow to practice and modify the Shuo Ling.

Xiao Hua wanted to see what was going on with his warning signs!

On this day, Xiao Hua's mind was revising Shuo Ling, and suddenly the imbalance in the number of days in his body was shaking.


Xiao Hua was taken aback, and was about to take a closer look, but the shock was only a moment, and he could no longer explore.


Xiao Hua stopped to comprehend and carefully pondered the traces of his practice just now. His mindful practice had been stagnant for too long, and the shock at this time really surprised Xiao Hua.

The process of cultivation was normal, and it was also a change made according to Xiao Hua's previous soul-casting method.

"Could it be this technique?"

Xiao Hua's exploration was fruitless, and he simply re-examined Shuo Ling.

At this time, outside the jade car, in a pale blue sky, seven strange-looking things were floating around.

This thing looks like the barrel of an ink pen, but the nib of the ink pen is oval.

On each oval, there are 36 patches of different colors, and the inside is overflowing with clouds.


There was light smoke blowing out of the center one, and a twisted human figure flew out in the light smoke. As the light smoke dissipated, the human figure began to solidify.

The humanoid squinted his eyes and looked around, raising his hand to produce an ink painting.

Waiting for the human figure to hit the text on the ink painting, UU reading the ink painting melts like water, hidden in the void.


The humanoid backhand hits his top door, and a variegated artificial flower emerges. After the humanoid taps a few strokes on the artificial flower, he writes something in the air. After a while, when the ink painting reappears, a winding stone path appears. It is looming in the ink painting.


The humanoid smiled and said, "Since the winding path can lead to the quiet, how can there be no trace?"

As he said, the human-shaped fingers walked along the veins of the stone path, and when he got a narrow place, he laughed loudly: "Everyone, this is it!"


Within the seven pen-tube writing instruments, there were seven more answers, the writing instruments moved slowly, and the seven ovals were aligned with the human-shaped fingers.

"Big Brother~"

It was still the central cultural instrument, and a smoke-like human figure flew out, and the figure said, "Don't be so serious, right? The highest strength of these two people is no more than Song Xian, it is easy to destroy them!"


The eldest brother said, "Although the strength is the highest, the two have a great relationship, and you must not lose!"

"What is the relationship?"

The second person is strange.

"Don't know if you talk too much, you will lose?"

The eldest brother said lightly, "Why are you asking so much?"

"Yes, yes, brother, I was wrong!"

The second figure hurriedly apologized. The eldest brother was about to say something. On the stone path in the landscape picture, an extremely dim little dot appeared.


The eldest brother didn't have time to say anything, and shouted, "The jade car has appeared, prepare!"

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