Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2522: Solicit

After that, Xiao Hua hid in Lin Quan Gao Yitu to practice.

The Five Phoenix Pavilion is the core of the Heavenly Apocalypse's Choice. There are many Chinese rhymes in it. Xiao Hua secretly sacrificed to Linquan Gaoyi's picture, and the various rhymes flowed in like water.

Xiao Hua left his body in the green willow forest, and all kinds of means came out.

There are thousands of shadows using the Bianyi Mantra, and there are physical bodies urging the heavenly secret Cuopo Jue in the Spring and Autumn Annals to assist the development of the language Hongyun, and seeing the mysterious language begin to slowly sprout.

As for Xiao Hua's mind, it also came out of the physical body to the center of the green willow, still cross-legged in the tree hole.

It's just that Xiao Hua's practice is Shuo Ling!

Xiao Hua found that although his mind was essentially a spirit body, he was suitable for practicing Shuo Li.

In another two hundred thousand years, Xiao Hua learned about other soul-casting methods, and modified them while cultivating. The Secret Art of Shimmering has been greatly improved from before!

This time, Xiao Hua became smarter. Seeing that the time to study in Wufeng Pavilion was approaching, she didn't wait for a reminder to leave Wufeng Pavilion in advance.

Sure enough, there was no one waiting outside the Wufeng Pavilion at this time, Xiao Hua quietly arrived at a secluded place and sacrificed the brilliant Goose Book.

"Brother Xiao, Brother Xiao!!"

Gao Ming rushed to hear the sound, and took Xiao Hua's arm, his admiring eyes looked like two little suns, "You... are you too awesome?"

"Do you know what Wen Kui is?"

"If it weren't for you to make such an earth-shattering Dzogchen, I..., no, almost everyone would be stunned. We only knew that in addition to Wendong, Maoxuan also had Wenbo and even Wenkui..."

"Okay, okay~"

Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "It's all a thing of the past, don't mention it!"

Facing Xiao Hua’s calmness, Gao Ming became more and more admired. He said, "What is the past, your man, Wen Kui, will not be forgotten in 100,000 years, and every time Maoxuan begins, you will be mentioned. name!"

"In the entire Tiantingmao selection, the only Wenkui is even more powerful than the previous selections!"


Xiao Hua had no choice but to stand there, waiting for Gao Ming to finish talking and shut up, then smiled, "Can I speak?"


Gao Ming covered his mouth and said, "Brother Xiao, say it, I'm so excited."

"This has been ten years, even if it is excited, it should pass!"

Xiao Hua said irritably, "Aren't you also famous in the Five Phoenix Pavilion again?"

Mentioning himself, Gao Ming was a little embarrassed on his face, and said, "I can't compare with you. I can enter Wufeng Pavilion this time. I have tried my best. If I continue to participate in the election, I am afraid it is impossible. Up."

Speaking of Junxuan, Xiao Hua remembered something and asked, "By the way, is the Five Phoenix Pavilion in Qunyu City the same as the Five Phoenix Pavilion in Five Cloud City?"

Seeing Gao Ming's dazed face, Xiao Hua explained: "I know there is only one Wufeng Pavilion. I mean, the book Pavilion that we can it the same?"

"Of course it's different!"

Gao Ming didn't want to shake his head. "Every big city, no, even the Five Phoenix Pavilion in each small city may be different. However, all the books in the Five Phoenix Pavilion have a standard..."

"Well, I know this!"

Xiao Hua nodded and said, "The same goes for the colleges in every place!"

"What are you doing?"

Gao Ming asked rhetorically.

Xiao Hua didn't hide it, and replied: "I'm thinking about where to participate in the election!"

Xiao Hua could not find a similar pavilion in Maoxuan's Wufeng Pavilion, so he could only expand the scope and look for it in Junxuan's Wufeng Pavilion.

"Big Brother~"

Gao Ming couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "You have just finished the Maoxuan election. When you have cultivated to Songxian first, it's not too late, right?"

"Yes, too!"

Xiao Hua held his forehead with one hand and smiled, "I'm really impatient."

"Brother Xiao can go to Five Cloud City with me now, right?"

Gao Ming looked at Xiao Hua and said tentatively.

"How long does it take to go to Wuyun City?"

This is Xiao Hua's only concern.

"Brother don't worry~"

Gao Ming said hurriedly, "There is a celestial path from Qunyu City to Wuyun City. You were not qualified before. Now you have Wenkui, you should be able to use it."

"Qin Jing's words will take... a month?"


Gao Ming coughed slightly and said, "At least ten years!"

"It's a little far away!"

Considering that it takes only ten days to travel from Qunyu City to Fuyu City, and it takes ten years to go to Wuyun City, Xiao Hua still smashed his mouth.

"Big Brother~"

Gao Ming pleaded, "You have always promised my little brother!"

Xiao Hua smiled slightly and beckoned: "Go!"


Gao Ming was overjoyed. He waited for ten years, didn't he just wait for Xiao Hua to agree?

"But there is a condition~"

Xiao Hua asked Gao Ming to lead the way, and said, "I don't want to go directly to Wuyun City, you have to accompany me to a place first!"

"What do you mean?"

Gao Ming asked, "Where do you always want to go?"

Xiao Hua didn't say clearly, but only replied: "Let's see if Qin Jing can get there before!"

The place Xiao Hua was going to was naturally the place where Liu Xianxian told him. Xiao Hua had already seen Xiantu when he was in Qunyu. The unnamed secret realm was between Wuyun City and Qunyu City, even towards Wuyun City.

Now that he was going to Wuyun City, Xiao Hua naturally had to turn a corner.

Unfortunately, Xiao Hua's abacus was still wrong. There were many celery paths from Qunyu City to Wuyun City. Except for the celery paths within the area of ​​Qunyu City, all the celery paths that went directly to Wuyun City did not stop. UU reading

The disciple who was guarding Qin Jing could also make it clear that only the Qin Path in Wuyun City could reach the location within Wuyun City, but the Qin Jade City could not.

Xiao Hua had no choice but to get in the jade cart with Gao Ming first, and then talk to Wuyun City.

Seeing that the jade cart got onto Qin Jing and disappeared in an instant, an anxious voice suddenly came from outside the hall where Qin Jing was located: "Where is Xiao Wenkui?"

"Uncle Master?"

The disciple who sent Xiao Hua's jade cart to Qinjing was taken aback, and hurriedly flew out and replied, "Xiao Wenkui just took the jade cart to Wuyun City!"

"Damn it!"

A middle-aged man with a white face like jade heard this, stomping his feet in the air, "Why did he go to Wuyun City? Why didn't you stop him?"

"what happened?"

The disciple said strangely, "He is Maoxuan Wenkui, who is qualified to use Qinjing, how can he stop him? Besides, there is no order in the gate, and the disciple doesn't know to stop it!"

"Oh, it's a hundred secrets!"

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly, "Xiao Hua is the only Wenkui in the Tianting Mao election this time. He is still the Wenkui in our Qunyu City. How can our Qunyu Tower let him go easily?"

"When he got the Chinese track in Fuyu City, he had already explored inside the door. Xiao Hua was a disciple of the Lan family; when he left Xuanpu, he had already left the Lan family, and the door had long been intended to solicit!

"The teacher thought that Xiao Hua entered the Five Phoenix Pavilion and would come out on time as before. He did not expect him to be a month earlier!"

"When the Wufengge disciple reported to the door, he never expected that he would come directly to Qinjing!"

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