Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2521: Wen Kui! ! !

Then, I saw Xiao Hua's chest and abdomen, a colorless flower whirled and flew out. This flower has no petals and looks strange!

"This... what's going on?

Zuo Zhongyu was also stupid, it seemed that he had never encountered such a situation.

"Boom boom boom~"

The flowers rushed into the sky, bursting with three roars, and turned into three bronze, silver and golden flowers!

"The light of civilization?"

Seeing the blooming rosy flowers on the flowers, Xiao Hua held his forehead with one hand, and understood something.

In the sunshine, three flowers are in full bloom, and the petals of each flower have the number of days in the week!

"Pumping branches to achieve perfection!!"

Zuo Zhongyu was puzzled and said, "It only takes one flower to achieve Wendong, Xiao Hua, how come you have three flowers?"

"Master Zuo!"

Xiao Hua shook his head and replied, "You don't know it all the time, and even the students don't know it!"

In other words, the three flowers that flashed the light of civilization rushed into the air and landed directly on the sun along the sun.

After a while, a scroll that looked like an edict fell.

Zuo Zhongyu hurriedly picked it up. After reading it, a ecstatic smile appeared on his face: "Haha, Xiao Hua, congratulations."

"He Xizhi there?"

Xiao Hua was still not surprised by the humiliation, and Zuo Zhongyu liked it more and more.

"In Maoxuan, there is a bronze flower, which can be described as Wendong, and two bronze and silver flowers appear, which can be described as Wenbo..."

Zuo Zhongyu explained, "As for the three flowers of bronze, silver and gold, it is Wenkui!"

"Wen Kui?"

Xiao Hua was also very curious. It was the first time he heard this term.

"Haha, don't say you don't know!"

Zuo Zhongyu smiled and said, "Even the old man doesn't know that it is rare for ordinary students to win Wendong, and it is even more impossible to win Wen Bo!"

"Xiao Hua, from the records of the years, all Wenkui can set foot in the Taiqing Tianxian, the last Wenkui winner, just achieved the Taiqing First Grade last year!"

"No... not so much!"

Xiao Hua didn't expect things to be so big!

"Of course!"

Zuo Zhongyufen said, "The foundation of the pregnant seed is also the evolution of the branch. It is easy to conceive, but difficult to draw."

"Consummation by drawing branches means that your prose and rhyme are perfect and evolving beautifully. This is the foundation of Ninghua..."

Zuo Zhongyu talked a bit, and after talking for a long time, he suddenly woke up and patted his forehead and said: "I won't talk about it yet. Time is precious here. When you come out of Wufeng Pavilion, the old man will talk to you again. !"

After speaking, Zuo Zhongyu still gave Xiao Hua a token, and told Xiao Hua to send him into the Five Phoenix Pavilion.


Xiao Hua looked at the surrounding buildings and said in his heart, "If things are too big, Xiao will attract too much attention, and even fall into the vortex of power struggle in the heavens. Although Xiao is not afraid of anything, things affect Xiao's awakening. When Xiao found what Zhou Xiaoming remembered, he went out from Wufeng Pavilion, and won't participate in any selections in the future!"

After hurriedly walking for a while, Xiao Hua suddenly thought that there seems to be a bet between himself and Clever!


Xiao Hua couldn't help it, so he had to release the shadow body as before, while exploring the memory of Zhou Xiaoming, while sending all the books in the Wufeng Pavilion into the heavenly space to copy.

The pavilions that Wen Kui can go to are really different from Wen Gui, and the scope is much larger. Xiao Hua thought that he would definitely find the memory of Zhou Xiaoming in it. But, on the contrary, he should be a masterpiece of drum music outside the pavilion, a cloud of clouds. He passed through the pavilion and fell directly in front of Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua still did not find the pavilion!

Afterwards, it was natural to praise the street again, and Xiao Hua was disappointed and didn't care, but other students were boiling.

The rare Wen Kui, if Xiao Hua won the Wen Kui, they had forgotten that in addition to Wen Gui, Mao Xuan also had Wen Bo and Wen Kui!

How can one not be jealous of Wenkui, the only one selected by the five major cities of Tianting?

Not to mention ordinary scholars, even the few Wendongs who used to praise Xiao Hua could not help being jealous.

It's rare to win Wendong once. I wanted to show it off, but when I met a Wenkui, how could I show it off?

When Xiao Hua dealt with casually, Zuo Zhongyu stood respectfully in front of a mirror in a hall surrounded by clouds.

In the mirror, a young man in an official robe, holding a scroll in his hand, looked through with surprise on his face.


After a long while, the young man raised his head and said in a strange way, "This Xiao Hua's continuous literary track and Wenkui are excellent in terms of qualifications and cultivation. How can such immortals be unknown?"

As he said, the young man raised his book again and said: "Look at the cultural track of other big cities. Ninety-nine percent of them are talents who have been famous since they were young. No one will suddenly appear for no reason!"

"Yes, I think so too~"

Zuo Zhongyu nodded and said, "So I have sent someone to Xuanpu to see what Xiao Hua came from!"

"Why are you going now?"

The young man said displeased, "As long as he won the cultural track, he should have passed by!"

"Hey, UU reading at that time was a contempt of a job but a talent, I wanted to take it for my own use~"

Zuo Zhongyu replied, "You don't have to care about his background too much when you hire someone, but now that he is already Wen Kui, he must attract the attention of the entire heavenly court, and he has to recommend him to adults, so naturally he has to look at his background. !"

Speaking of this, Zuo Zhongyu hesitated for a moment, and reminded: "My lord, no matter what Xiao Hua's background is, he is a genius. I don't need the Immortal Mansion, so do I still have to be twelve floors cheaper?"

"That's what you said~"

The young man laughed and said, "All the Confucianism and Immortals in the Heavenly Court can be used by my Immortal Mansion, but don't forget, what if it is someone else's calculation?"

"Yes, I didn't think much about it!"

Zuo Zhongyu pretended to wake up suddenly, and nodded hurriedly, "I missed it because of my contempt."


The young man put down the scroll and said, "Looking at Xiao Hua's background, only innocence can be recruited to the academy and then into the fairy palace."

Xiao Hua had never expected that Heavenly Court's experience was so colorful, so he did not deliberately conceal his origins, and it must not be long before his identity will be exposed.

As the saying goes, Fu Wushuang does not come singly. In addition to his identity, Xiao Hua's luck was also exhausted this time. He did not find the pavilion in Zhou Xiaoming's memory in Wufeng Pavilion!

Even in the end, Xiao Hua directly released his shadow, looking for inch by inch within the range of his movement to no avail.

"Fine, nothing!"

Xiao Hua was really helpless, knowing that this pavilion was not where Maoxuan was located, and he could only find the same pavilion if he participated in the election again.

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