Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2517: Spirit Race Soul Refining Method Shuo? ling

"Senior, wait a moment~"

Xiao Hua arched his hands and disappeared.

It's just to build a cross-border passage from the jade that has been built in the heavenly court, and the jade Xiao Hua raised his hand to build it!

"Daoist, Taoist~"

As soon as the passage was built by Jade Diablo Xiao Hua, Yu Di Wenqu came in anxiously, and he cried out incredibly, "You...Did you emptied your husband's collection of books?"


Yu Di Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Isn't this a daoist friend for nothing? I don't like it?"

"Friends of Taoism!"

Yu Di Wenqu cried her face and said, "You are hitting Xiaosheng in the face!"

"Don't you know, Xiaosheng's face is so hot and painful!"

Although Xiao Hua was crying, the ecstasy in his eyes was obvious.

Xiao Hua, the jade dilemma, waved his hand and said, "Don't get cheap and sell good friends, or move this group of jade to the realm of Taoism!"


Yu Di Wenqu immediately changed his face and said proudly, "This is the dowry of Emperor Kun Sheng, are you willing to take it away?"

Xinxin is naturally Xiao Hua's weakness, and Xiao Hua, the jade medallion Xiao Hua, said: "It's just a matter of poor Taoism. Qunyu is a Tianting Academy, so naturally it should be placed in the Tianting space."

"Kun Shengdi has already said that Qunyu is the name of heaven, and she is called Yizhu here!"

"it is good!"

Jade Siu Hua did not dare to express any opinions except for a thumbs up.

Later, the Jade Die Wenqu followed the jade Die Xiao Hua to see the fragments of the spiritual world, and the book of stars and so on.

The jade diaries originally envied Xiao Hua's fortune, and now he can't even speak a word.

He has been in the Heavenly Court for such a long time, and what he has obtained is not as large as Xiao Hua's spiritual world fragments!

Seeing the Jade Die Wenqu once again hiding her face and fleeing, Xiao Hua poked her lips, looked at one of the prehistoric God Realms, and muttered to herself: "Can't you take it anymore?"

"Pan Dao hasn't let you see Hanyue Blade and Qiong Earth yet!"

In fact, Xiao Hua did not expect Hanyue Blade to follow the gods and demons to fall directly into the space of the prehistoric God Realm, but since Hanyue Blade can pass, it shows that the origin of this thing is absolutely extraordinary.

As soon as the Hanyue Blade and the dome entered the space, Xiao Hua already knew that the two had been stuck together for too long. I am afraid it would not be easy to separate them. The best way is to wait for Xiao Hua to sacrifice both the Hanyue Blade and the dome. , And then separate.

So Yu Di Xiao Hua thought for a while, and did not go to the prehistoric God Realm space, but prepared to wait for her to rest before sending her blood.

The Book of Stars cannot be poured overnight, so Xiao Hua returned to the spiritual world, and after confessing the matter to Yi, he was ready to leave.

At this time, above the sky, the Spirit Clan Chuzong spoke: "Xiao Hua, come here!"

Xiao Hua hurriedly rushed into the sky, and respectfully said: "What's the order of senior?"

"Take these two things!"

As Lingzu spoke, two things fell in front of Xiao Hua.

Although Xiao Hua's eyes fell on one of them, it was half a golden leaf, and this leaf only had the upper part of the leaf. It happened to Xiao Hua that he had obtained from the Sirius Spirit General, only half of the golden leaf near the petiole. The leaves coincide.

But Xiao Hua still asked: "This is~"

"I promised him when he was building a complex of the emperor boy~"

Lingzu explained, "As long as he can protect me comprehensively, I will give him three things, these are two of them!"

Yu Di Xiao Hua blinked his eyes and smiled, "Could it be that the seniors are not satisfied with the poor way arrangement and only give two pieces?"

"Haha, you kid!"

Lingzu laughed and scolded, "You are doing it perfectly. The Emperor is afraid that even this half of you can't be done well. How could I treat you badly?"

The ancestor of the spirit is right, let alone the Emperor of Heaven, even if the Emperors of the Five Fangs are Qizhi, Xiao Hua might not have done it so perfectly!

Xiao Hua is physically strong, not afraid of the dome, so that he can approach the dome; Xiao Huaguang is unique in the world to enter the dome; Xiao Hua has the Pangu axe to split the dome; and most importantly, Xiao Hua has gods and demons. Killing can make Hanyue Blade surrender!

Also, only Xiao Hua's breath can attract the dome into the space; and only Xiao Hua's space can separate the Hanyue Blade from the dome!


Xiao Hua smiled, pretending to say, "It turns out that Senior's Book of Stars was not given for nothing!"

Lingzu ignored the other meanings in Xiao Hua's words, and said lightly: "Yes! This book of stars can't even be controlled by me, naturally it is far beyond what I promised the emperor kid!"


Xiao Huaqi said, "Isn't the book of stars a place for seniors? Why can't you control it?"

"It is the place where I live, that I understand the... terrible of this book of stars!"

Lingzu solemnly said, "That's why I can't stay in it!"

Yu Di Xiao Hua smiled bitterly: "Senior, this is a disaster!"

"If you don't like it~"

Ling Zu suggested, "You can destroy him as much as possible!"

"However, I have to remind you, you may not be able to destroy it!!"

"is it?"

Xiao Hua couldn't believe it.

"You can try it!"

Ling Ancestor said, "I was afraid that you could not control it, so I let Shu Ling leave traces in it to suppress the stars."

"Well, Pan Dao understands!"

Xiao Hua was alert in her heart, looked at the broken golden leaf in front of her, and asked, "What are these two pieces?"

The ancestor of Lingxiao had some golden leaves, and UU reading said, "It is said that there is some secret of the Lingxiao Palace hidden in this thing, but I can't see anything at all!"


A shocked expression appeared on Xiao Hua's face, and he whispered, "Lingxiao Palace??"

Ling Zu said strangely: "Don't you know Lingxiao Palace?"

"Not very clear~"

Xiao Hua said perfunctorily.

"Oh, I thought you all the Hunyuan of the human race knew it!"

Xiao Hua smiled, and tentatively said: "You always have only half a leaf, of course you can't see anything, what about the other half?"


Lingzu smiled and replied, "If I say I am lost, do you believe it?"


Xiao Hua nodded without hesitation, how could he not believe it?

Without losing the ancestor, how could Xiao Hua get the other half from the hand of the Sirius Spirit?

Not to mention the two halves of the leaves, judging from the traces, the mysterious fluctuations contained within are exactly the same!

"what about this?"

Xiao Hua looked at another object again, which was even more weird, like a slime, translucent, with faintly three gold, three silver and six luster.


Looking at this slime, the spirit ancestor suddenly sighed and said, "It is said that my spirit race has no soul and no soul, and is born a spirit body, but in fact, my spirit race originally has three souls and three souls, but this soul is too weak. It gradually decays before it is fully mature. This thing is my Spirit Race’s soul-refining method, Shuling, except me, I’m afraid that no one has ever had it!!"

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