Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2518: Spirit Race Soul Refining Method Shuo? Ling (2)


He was extremely shocked when he heard this words in the ears of Jade Die Xiao Hua, because whether it was General King Kong or Shu Ling, they did not have real souls.

According to Xiao Hua's cognition, the spirit body is the spirit body, and when it dissipates, it naturally disappears. There can be no reincarnation.

He couldn't think of it, the spirit body also has three souls and three souls, and there are more methods for casting souls!


Xiao Hua was about to speak, and his thoughts moved suddenly, and he secretly said, "One life is two, two is three, three is all things, I am afraid that the soul of the spirit body did not succeed when it began to evolve from the'three', and since then there is no soul. Right?"

"I will leave these two things to you!"

Lingzu did not want to say more, waved his hand and said, "You are son-in-law Weng, and it is you who rescued me in the end, not him!"

The spiritual ancestor turned into a starry sky cultivation not to mention.

Jade Xiao Hua collected the golden leaves and the Shimmering Secret Art and did not leave the space directly, but looked up at the Book of Stars held by a book fairy, and took it over with a hand.

The book of stars filled with the spiritual energy of the book immortal flashed at this time similar to the light of civilization when Xiao Hua's previous Hongyun was completed. Xiao Hua held the jade medallion in his hand and sensed the vigorous vitality within.

Xiao Hua thought about it a little, raised his hand and grabbed it lightly on the Book of Stars.


A page of the book was pulled out by Xiao Hua!

However, when Xiao Hua took a closer look, his face changed slightly.

Because this page seems to be held alone in the hands of Yu Di Xiao Hua, but in fact, there are thirty-six phantoms in the void connecting this page with the Book of Stars!

"I want to try it~"

Xiao Hua gave a sneer, and gently squeezed his hand, the space where the page was completely annihilated!

Strange things happened. The stars condensed into the pages of the book turned into death stars at this time, which is similar to the stars that Xiao Hua transformed into the universe of death in the big galaxy of the monster alliance, quietly flowing out of his hands, still Fall back to the book of stars!

Look at the place where the book page was just taken away by Jade Diablo Xiao Hua, another book page appeared strangely!


Xiao Hua was shocked. This was a situation he had never encountered before!

"Could this book of stars have something to do with the dead universe?"

Jade Diablo Xiao Hua flipped through pages and whispered in her heart, but after a while, the curiosity in Yu Di Xiao Hua's heart was stirred up again.

Ling Zu also said that this book of stars is endless, and Xiao Hua didn't think it was.

There is always an end to the things in the world, and what you think of as infinite is just your inability to see the end.

Xiao Hua doesn't feel that there is no end to anything in his own space.

But unfortunately, this book of stars broke Jade Xiao Hua's cognition.

Even Xiao Hua, the Jade Die, can't see the end of the Book of Stars!

Since it was impossible to see the end, Xiao Hua could only put it down, and after still sending the Book of Stars to Shuxian, he hurriedly left the spiritual world.

Xiao Hua had already made up his mind to wait for his body to recover, and immediately send his blood to sacrifice the book of stars, and then the sky. This thing is too evil.

Xiao Hua came to Daoxian Space and raised his hand to take out the two golden leaves.

Sure enough, the two leaves were in one place, and there was a golden glow on top of the leaves that evaporated, and there was a phantom of a palace and steps within the glow.

Xiao Hua's eyes lit up, and some faint memories emerged from the depths of his mind. Isn't this palace the Lingxiao Palace? ?

Xiao Hua looked at the golden leaves and lightly touched the steps, the steps flashed, and mysterious waves covered the surrounding space.

"Sure enough~"

Xiao Hua secretly said, "I'm afraid that when you get to the vicinity of the Lingxiao Hall, the fluctuation of this step can be sensed, and then there may be some passages!"

"It's just that, why did the Emperor look for the High Heaven Palace?"

"Could it be the blood of the emperor? Or the emperor's orthodoxy?"

"If so, Yan Yu and Xinxin..."

Xiao Hua had another headache, and being the son-in-law of the two great emperors was also very troublesome!

This kind of thing is really not a problem for Xiao Hua and all the female fairies who are "raising the case with all eyebrows", cough cough, so Xiao Hua, the Jade Emperor, simply didn't think about it, and took out the Shuo Ling Secret Art of the First Sect of the Spirit Race.

The soul-casting method that Xiao Hua recently practiced comes from the dragon family, and the name is Longxuan xuan, but this method is the same as the soul-casting method of the demon league, yingyu, without the dragon's dragon energy. Practice always floats on the surface and cannot go deep.

So Xiao Hua arrived in the Heavenly Court, still thinking about finding the soul-building method of the Heavenly Court human race.

On the contrary, judging from Wenqu and even Xiao Hua's understanding, there is no soul-casting method in Heavenly Court!

Especially now, the emperor actually wants to get the soul-casting method of the spirit race of the spirit world from the hands of the ancestors. This makes Xiao Hua even more aware that the heavenly Confucianism really does not need to cast the soul!

The cultivation of Confucianism in the Heavenly Court is different from the cultivation of Taoism in the Immortal Realm. The Taoism of the Immortal Realm is where a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought are contending, and any secret technique may exist; while the cultivation of Confucianism in the Heavenly Court is relatively simple and too much, and the emphasis is on authenticity. You can know it from the twelfth floor of the city.

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua still looked at Shuo Luling.

But after watching it for a while, Xiao Hua was already moved. This shimmering is by no means a simple soul-casting. UU reading has already involved the secrets of the reincarnation of heaven and earth.

Xiao Hua couldn't help but look at the spiritual world.

At this time, he already knew that the spirit ancestor and the first sect of the spirit clan had absolutely different meanings.

The first ancestor of the spirit race is the same existence as the first ancestor of the dragon race and the first ancestor of the wind race. Such existences simply ignore their confinement and can directly go from outside the space to inside the space!

And only the first sect of the spirit race can have the unique Shuo Ling in this world!

Of course, Xiao Hua, who is proficient in the method of casting souls and understands the profound meaning of reincarnation, knows better that Shuo Ling originally has a huge flaw.

In other words, this Shuo Ling might be a technique created by the first sect of the Spirit Race to repair the weak three souls and three souls of the ancestor of the spirit.

However, limited to the innate conditions and learning ability of the first sect of the Spirit Race, he could not complete this technique!

And the consummate Shuo Ling can not only stabilize the soul of the spiritual body, but also allow the spiritual body to enter the reincarnation world, and never become a tree without root!

The reason why the spiritual realm is broken, and the reason why the Chuzong of the Spirit Clan has placed in the book of stars, in all likelihood is related to the fact that the spirit body has no soul and cannot fight against other realms!

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua had a thought in her heart: "If Poor Dao fixes this Shuo Ling to perfection, wouldn't it be possible for Xiao Guo, Xiao Zhi, and General King Kong to reincarnate?"

Think of the lovely Xiao Guo and the shy Xiao Zhi. Xiao Hua, the jade diary, gave birth to a great fatherly love. He felt that he should do something for them.

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