Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2516: Aftercare


The gods and demons laughed, "Thank you, boss!"

Xiao Hua looked at the killing of the gods and demons, and said meaningfully: "It seems that you have many stories too!"

This is not nonsense!

Part of the killing of gods and demons was in the Holy Water Palace, and part in the Eighteenth Palace of Crape Myrtle in the fairy world.

Part of Hanyue is in the Immortal Realm, and part of it is in the Dark Spirit Realm, and this incomplete body is still in Heavenly Court.

How could there be no story?

It's a pity that God Demon Killer smiled and didn't answer, and Xiao Hua didn't have time to ask more.

Because of the disappearance of the dome, the surrounding space vibrated violently, as if the sky was turned upside down!

Xiao Hua took the gods and demons and hurriedly returned!

Sure enough, the space around the fragments of the spirit world collapsed, and the whole area sank.

Fortunately, many places are filled with dome soil, and it seems that the entire group of jade cities will not collapse!

Xiao Hua looked at the swaying fragments of the spiritual world, with a thought, the left hand of the gods and demons slashed towards the inlaid fragments, and shouted: "If this is the case, you might as well draw your salary!"


As soon as the knife light passed, the place where the fragments of the spirit world was stuck was split, and then Xiao Hua's mind turned his hands again, while holding on, all his shadows within the fragments, as well as the forty-nine fairy infants, were all activated. .

The space is distorted, giving birth to tens of thousands of feet of black and white lightning!


The fragments of the spirit world made a neighing sound that rushed toward the soul, and suddenly disappeared.

Seeing the space collapse, Xiao Hua not only immediately activated his supernatural powers to support the neighbor; the millions of shadow figures released earlier also cast spells at the same time to maintain the collapse.

"Boom boom boom~"

Fortunately, while Xiao Hua was stable and empty, the surrounding space shook again, and the dust left over from the dome rose up and quickly condensed around it.


Xiao Hua watched the surrounding area gradually stop collapsing, he couldn't help but let out a long breath.

A smile appeared at the corners of his lips when he looked at the solidified dome of dust. This is the dome of defeat and the dome of success!

If it weren't for the dome dust filling, let alone Qunyu, Qunyu City would be dangerous!

At this moment, a voice came from the dust in the distance: "Quickly, you wait to explore, what happened?"

With a thought, Xiao Hua retracted his body, still letting out the image of Confucianism, and immediately closed his eyes.

"Brother, come on, someone here!"

A light of clear eyes swept across, found Xiao Hua, and shouted in surprise.

"Quickly, save him out!"

Another voice hurriedly exclaimed, "He is afraid that he is a fairy who reads books in Qunyu!"

"Siu Hua?"

An immortal had just grabbed Xiao Hua, and another voice had already screamed in shock.

"Junior Brother Wu, do you know him?"

"Know, know!"

Junior Brother Wu said with some excitement, "Quickly, at any cost, send him back to Qunyu immediately!"

"Brother Zhao, remember the punishments of Yuan Geng, Song Feng, and Xu Suengran, it is related to Xiao Hua!"

"Now that Xiao Hua is innocent, the punishment of the three can be reduced. Oh, yes, if Xiao Hua's understanding is obtained, the punishment of the three may be cancelled!"

"Ouch, I got it!"

"These three nephews acted...too Meng Lang!!"

Afterwards, the disciple flew out hurriedly with Xiao Hua.

Along the way, Xiao Hua watched carefully, and the space around Qunyu had changed drastically, and the whole thing had collapsed in it. However, except for some of the pavilions on the edges were destroyed, most of the pavilions were intact!

Since Qunyu is intact, even if Qunyu City has changed, there shouldn't be a big problem!

Qun Yuzhi was naturally flustered, but still in order, Xiao Hua was placed in a simple and elegant pavilion.

Xiao Hua saw that the surrounding area was clean, and his mind immediately entered the spiritual space.

However, seeing that the fragment of the spiritual world that Xiao Hua received in the space was not spliced ​​with the previous fragments, but formed another continent!

On this continent, the aura is slightly different from before, and countless auras in the space of the spiritual world are rushing into it as a strip.

The jade stone Xiao Hua had fallen, and his figure had not been revealed yet. The distant Yi immediately raised his head and looked in the direction of the jade stone Xiao Hua, as if he had sensed the breath of the jade stone Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua smiled, and his figure slowly faded out.

With a smile on his face, Yi Ben stepped up and flew towards Xiao Hua, but suddenly his expression moved and his eyes flashed in shock.

Yu Di Xiao Hua walked over and said with a smile: "What's wrong with senior?"


Yi hesitated and said, "You seem to be different from before!"

Xiao Huaqi said: "What's the difference?"

"Before you looked unfathomable. Although causal is autistic, there are still traces to follow!"

"Now you look ordinary, just like a mortal, but there is no cause and effect in your body, you are truly returning to the basics!"

"Senior said very well~"

Xiao Hua replied, "This is the fairy space of the younger generation, and the younger generation is just the existence of the soul!"


Yi smiled, and asked, "Will the cause and effect in the Immortal Tool Space be different from that of Qunyu Lingshan?"

Xiao Hua blinked his eyes, and answered the wrong question: "Fortunately, the younger generation is fortunate enough to send the group of Jade Spirit Mountain and the book spirits safely out of the sword storm!"

"Yes, yes~"

Yi is also very interesting. He hurriedly adjusted his clothes and bowed and said, "I thank you from the Jade Mountain and the Shulings, and the Shulings also thank you..."

Before Yi said it, Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "Xie Yi doesn't have to, as long as you can live well here!"


Yi laughed, "Xie Yi is not what you think, and if you know it, you will love it!"

Xiao Huaqi said: "Oh? What thanks?"

"Where is the Book of Sand?"

Xiao Hua was taken aback for a moment, and quickly took out the Book of Stars.

The book of stars at this time is a real book, UU Reading is not so much a book of stars, it is a book of sand!

The scroll was held in the hands of Xiao Hua, a jade diary, and it looked like condensed sand.

Yi took the Book of Stars, and a page that seemed boundless in it flashed with dim light. After a while, Yi said: "I will send in the condensed insights from the Book of Changes and even Qunyu Lingshan's insights on the Book of Changes. Among them, you can browse in your spare time!"

"Except for me, all the book spirits of Qunyu Lingshan will send their essence into it, making this book of sand a unique book in the world!"


"Gather sand into a tower!"

Xiao Hua laughed loudly and bowed, "Thank you for being so poor!"

Yi Xiaoxiao, raised his hand to send out the book of stars, a book spirit had already picked it up in the distance, and continued to pour the content and insights of his scroll.

And Yi said in a low voice to Xiao Hua, "We still have a ruthless request, I hope you can think about it!"

"Senior, please tell me!"

Yu Di Xiao Hua nodded hurriedly, "As long as the poor can do it, we must agree."

"I'm waiting for the foundation to be the Qunyu Lingshan, but the soul is still the Qunyu. Now that the Qunyu is not there, I'm afraid it won't last long..."

Yi said cautiously, "So please think of a solution!"

Putting this matter on other immortals is naturally extremely difficult, but it is really nothing in the eyes of Yu Di Xiao Hua, he nodded and said, "This matter is a poor way of thinking, and the poor way is solved!"


Yi couldn't believe his ears.

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