Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2505: Wenshan's Tribulation

During Xiao Hua's inspection, he suddenly discovered that his observation and presence, even his spiritual thoughts, etc. were restricted, and there was still the shadow of Emperor Gouchen in these restrictions!

   "What does Emperor Tian mean?"

   Xiao Hua is a little confused.

   However, without waiting for him to think about it, the shadow of the sword is already like the wind, attacking from a distance.

   "Xiao Hua, run away!"

   The three-character scripture boy saw something uncomfortable, so he rushed into the ground, turned his body into more than 3,000 characters, and fleeed away.

   Xiao Hua didn't care, and stood there smiling.

   The shadow of the knife passed over Xiao Hua's body like the wind, making a "buzzing~" tremor.

   Xiao Hua originally thought that with his own strength, this sword intent could not have hurt himself.

   How can I know that the shadow of the knife was blown, and a layer of earth-colored solid rock emerged immediately outside of Xiao Hua's body, and even these solid rocks spread directly into Xiao Hua's body with lightning speed!

   "Oh, so powerful?"

   Xiao Hua was a little surprised. When he was moved by his mind, the laws in his body responded immediately. The earth-colored rock turned into dust and was expelled.

   However, the mountain of books around Xiao Hua is not so lucky.

   When the shadow of the knife passed, the hills where the words were condensed were first broken, and then rolled up in the air, and when the earthy color passed by, these words were condensed into a book, and fell like a stone.

   "Help, help~"

   Just as Xiao Hua looked around, he heard the three-character scripture boy's cry for help.

   Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect, she flickered and fell in the direction of the sound.

   But seeing that the Sanzijing boy at this time has been blown into the air by the violent wind, the human form has long been gone, and there are only more than three thousand words left.

   And these words are condensing into a book. In the book, every handwriting is the struggle of the Sanzijing boy!

   Xiao Hua knew that this knife shadow had the effect of killing the spirit body. If he didn't care about it, the three-character classic boy would soon be condensed into a real "Three-character classic".

   So Xiao Hua hurriedly raised his hand and pointed, the shadow of the knife shattered, and the space around the boy became a single entity!


   The boy stood still in the air and hurriedly recovered his human form. He looked up and down, and then he let out a long sigh of relief and exclaimed, "It's dangerous!"

   The boy is a survivor, and the world next to him has become chaos.

   Looking at the booklets condensed, losing his aura, the boy's face turned pale!

   Xiao Hua didn't understand, so he didn't dare to intervene arbitrarily, only guarding the surrounding world.

   Two hours passed before the knife shadow disappeared.

   But seeing the sky above, a group of phantoms of jade pavilions rise like the sun, and the shadows are projected more like the sun. The Shushan Wenhai that has just disappeared reappears, but it is much thinner than before.

"what 's wrong?"

   Looking at the surroundings like rain and clouds, Xiao Hua asked the boy of the Three-Character Classic.

   "This is the Wenshan disaster of our group of Yuling Mountains!"

   The three-character scripture boy whispered with lingering fear, "It appears from time to time. I remember that it was small before, but now it is a hundred times more violent than before!!!"

   "If you fall into it, will you turn into a book of "San Zi Jing"?"


   The three-character scripture boy nodded without hesitation, "The so-called literary qi means annihilation of literary energy. If we cannot survive, we will turn into dead books without vitality!"

   "Book spirit?"

   Wu Danqing moved in his heart, and said inwardly, "It turns out that they are all spirit bodies condensed in the books in the Qunyu. In that case, there is a fragment of the spirit world here, which is specially arranged by the Emperor."


The    three-character scripture boy flew over, took Xiao Hua’s hand, and said, "You saved me, I invite you to my house!"

   Xiao Hua was a little curious about what the Sanzijing boy's house looked like, but he flew over several mountains of books and saw a pavilion, he smiled.

   This is the real bookstore.

  The pavilion is formed by condensing words and sentences, and a slight mist gushes out of each sentence.

   There are some flowers and trees around the pavilion. Similarly, these flowers and trees are all condensed in words.

Before the    Sanzijing boy arrived at the pavilion, he sorted out some clothes and said respectfully: "Please!"


   Xiao Hua also gave in according to heavenly etiquette.

   After the two entered the house, the boy scratched his head and said in embarrassment: "It is said that I will serve tea now, but here I am..."

   Xiao Hua smiled slightly and replied: "The guest does whatever it takes. If there is no tea, even clear water is fine!"

   "Hee hee, wait a minute!"

  The boy smiled and jumped out.

   just came in with a cup of milk @状汁液, offered it with both hands, and said, "Please, please."


   Xiao Hua took it, and after a closer look, his face was surprised.

  Because of the seemingly ordinary juice, there are countless vague words in it, and these words cannot be formed. It feels a bit of the primitive air that Xiao Hua absorbed in the Wuming Yuanyu.

   Xiao Hua hurriedly asked, "What is this?"

   "This is the text% 乳#"

   The boy said triumphantly, "It is the essence of this Fangshushan that has been condensed for thousands of years. You are a distinguished guest, I invite you!"

   I heard it was a "ten thousand years" thing, Xiao Hua thought it was not a rare thing, so he smiled and said, "Thank you so much!"

   After that, Xiao Hua took a sip.

I don’t know, this thing is tasteless, and it’s nothing special even when it falls into Xiao Hua’s body. However, when these literary %乳# approach Xiao Huawen kind, the literal% 乳# suddenly accelerates and seeps into it like a million liu .

   Xiao Hua raised his pay attention to the exploration.

   This opening doesn't matter, Xiao Hua was shocked.

When    Xiao Hua was in Xuanpu, in order to portray the complete rhyme and achieve the effect of primordial emptiness, he used Liuchen Duyun basket five times in a row.

   However, when Xiao Hua used the Liuchen Duyun basket for the last time, he found that the effect was far worse than before. Even if he used it again, it would not be possible to reach completion.

   Xiao Hua Baisi suddenly realized that manpower is sometimes poor. Instead of pursuing consummation, it is better to take a step back and leave it blank like a picture for better development.

   So Xiao Hua resolutely gave up the sixth chance and left Xuanpu for Fuyu City.

   is indeed as Xiao Hua expected. In the recent practice, those blank areas have been continuously spreading to perfection, without delaying the subsequent practice.

Xiao Hua actually left the matter behind, but at this time, a cup of text ¥¥乳# infiltrated, and the words and sentences that had not been formed did not go to other places, and they fell directly to the place where the previous blank was left. The surrounding rhyme seemed to be fermented. Swell up and rush to these words.

  Wait until Wenyun touched the words and sentences of the text %乳¥, it immediately evolves, the unspeakable mystery and the constant impact of fluctuations, faster than the previous use of the Liuchen Duyun basket!


   There was a change in Xiao Hua's body, and there was a sky above the bookstore, and a fist-sized flower bone condensed in the air!

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