Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2504: 3 character sutra boy

However, no matter how he ran, Xiao Hua followed him like a shadow.

   While running, the boy turned his head to look, and fell down from time to time.

   Xiao Hua didn't speak. It wasn't that he didn't want to speak. It was because he was looking for a balance with this spiritual fragment in the imbalance, because the rule of 133,200 spots of light all over his body, Xiao Hua could not speak.

   After the last time the boy wrestled, he fluttered towards the ground.


  The boy disappeared, but after a few breaths, he appeared again, Xiao Hua was standing on top of his head with a smile!


   The boy stopped running this time, and opened his throat and shouted, "The wolf is coming! The wolf is coming!!"

   Xiao Hua smiled, because he could see clearly that there was no one in Shushan near to the left, and further away, Xiao Hua did not dare to explore, because he was afraid that they would collapse.

  Who knows, as the boy yelled, figures rushed out from the mountain of books. These figures turned into grandpas with white beards, farmers with **** in hand, and so on.

  Beside the boy, some lambs also emerged.

   "Where is the wolf?"

   "Where is the wolf?"


   The boy pointed at Xiao Hua and said, "He is!"


   "Where is the wolf?"

   Everyone glanced over Xiao Hua, and there was a lot of discussion, "There is no wolf at all, little guy, how can you lie to us?"

   The boy was about to cry, he pointed to Xiao Hua: "Did you really not see it?"

   "He's right here!!"

   "Oh, little guy~"

   Everyone shook their heads, ignored the boy, and turned away.

   As the human figure disappeared, the lamb beside the boy disappeared.

   "Are you still running?"

   Xiao Hua touched his nose and smiled.


   The boy also touched his nose in every way and replied, "I won't run, I can't run you!"


   said, the boy sat on the ground again, crying and said, "I didn't mess with you again, why don't you let me go?"

   "Why are you chasing me?"

   The boy was crying and covering his face, his eyes turning between his fingers.

   looked at the sly of the boy, smiled slightly, took out a few ordinary dolls and handed them to him, and said: "I am chasing you, I want to give you these fun ones!"


   The boy looked at the doll in Xiao Hua's hand incredibly, and whispered, "You...are you really sending me?"

"Why not?"

   Xiao Hua smiled and waved the doll to the boy.

   These dolls were taken by Xiao Hua from the Shenhua Continent in the space. They didn't carry a trace of celestial power or aura, and they were ordinary tight.

   I don’t know, the boy likes these dolls so much that his eyes are almost shining.

   But he still cautiously said: "I...I just grabbed your doll, aren't you angry?"

   "How can I be as knowledgeable as a child?"


   There were still tears in the corner of his eyes, but he nodded vigorously.

   When the boy touches a fat monk’s doll with his little hand, the boy immediately transforms into a fat monk, and when he touches another monkey, he transforms into a monkey...


   The boy had a good time and laughed very happily.


  The boy played for a while, then raised his head and asked.


   Xiao Hua smiled, "But you have to tell me your name and where is this place!"

   "My name is Sanzijing~"

   The boy blinked his eyes, tilted his head and replied, "This is Qunyuling Mountain!"


   Xiao Hua was shocked, and he wondered, "You are called the Three-Character Classic? Is there another one called Thousand-Character Wen?"


   The boy was also surprised, wondering, "Do you know a thousand characters? He...he is not here..."

   "Haha, I see!"

   Xiao Hua flashed a flash of light in his mind, and smiled with his palm, "You should still have Feng Yasong, University, Moderate..."


   Without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, the boy stroked his palm and smiled, "I also understand that you came here especially, want to get acquainted with the three beautiful sisters of Lingshan, Feng, Ya, and Song!"

   Xiao Hua patted her forehead and said, "Yes, yes, Xiao is not only admiring the talents of the three beauties, but also the talents of poetry, books, etiquette, Yi, and Chunqiu, and then he ventured over to visit."

The    three-character scripture boy curled his lips and said: "The five elders in poetry, book and ritual Yi Chunqiu know blowing beards and staring. What talent do they have to learn? What a lie!"

   Xiao Hua smiled, and took out a doll and handed it to the Sanzijing boy and said, "Xiao does what he says, here you are!"

"What's your name?"

   asked after the boy took the doll.

   "My name is Xiao Hua."

   "Xiao Hua?"

   The three-character scripture boy tilted his head and asked, "Your name is so strange, are you a style?"

   "What style?"

   Xiao Hua didn't understand.

   "This way~"

   The three-character scripture boy lightly patted himself against the door, "Boom", the boy's humanoid incarnation was broken, "the beginning of man, the nature is good..." and more than three thousand words are revealed.

   These words are not the same, but each seems to have the smile of a boy in the Three-character Classic.


   Xiao Hua smiled slightly, patted the words, and said, "I am different from you, I am a human!"

   "Human race?"

   The three-character scripture boy was surprised and exclaimed, "You... are you the ‘person’ of ‘the beginning of the human’?"

   Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Yes, I am that ‘person’!"

"My goodness!"

The    three-character scripture boy pounced on Xiao Hua, looked up and down, pinched left and right, a surprise, and a kind of indifference.

   "Weird, really weird!"

   The three-character scripture boy cried, "Why can't I be like you?"

   "Are you all like this?"

Xiao Hua explained: "Although I don't know how you changed, I think you can change for ordinary people. I am not an ordinary person, so you can't change into me! "

   Xiao Hua is now a mixed element, and his body is in harmony with the Tao, but mortals and others have no way to see his true appearance, let alone disguise Xiao Hua's appearance.

   "No, no, it's different!"

   The three-character scripture boy shook his head and said, "You have a kind of vitality in you. I can't imitate this vitality."

   "And the dolls you gave me just now didn't, so I can change!"

   What more would the boy say in the Three Character Classic.


   The earth quaked in the distance, the mountain of books collapsed, and the sea of ​​text collapsed. Numerous spirit bodies resembling words flew out in panic and fled around.

   The three-character scripture boy cried out in panic: "Xiao Hua, run away, the sword is coming!"


   Xiao Hua looked up at the place where the earth quaked.

   Sure enough, the earth split, and a huge knife shadow rushed out like an ancient beast. The knife shadow formed a storm, covering the surroundings.

   And in the sky, the spiritual energy was disturbed by the knife shadow, and it slammed everywhere. If nothing else, the stone flow mountain in the previous group of jade erupted because of this knife shadow!

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