Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2506: The form of rhyme, the fragrance of rhyme


   The three-character classic boy looked at the flower bones above the bookstore, and said in surprise, "Xiao Hua, are you going to have a baby?"

   Xiao Hua naturally doesn't know what a pregnancy is, but he knows that he is about to reach the perfect consummation.

   So Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Xiao wants to borrow your bookstore for a use, I wonder if it's OK?"

   "Of course you can, of course~"

Upon hearing the    three-character scripture, the boy nodded immediately and said, "Fairy Phoenix said that helping others is the tradition of my generation of book spirits!"

   Xiao Hua smiled, slightly closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, focusing on the evolution of his body.

   The three-character scripture boy came out of the bookstore, blinked his eyes, watching the sky flower bones grow stronger, and soon reached a terrible height, he was dumbfounded, and whispered: "My dear, what a book spirit this must give birth!"

   After that, the Sanzijing boy didn't dare to go far, and only shook his head around, preparing to watch Xiao Huasheng produce a book.

   After waiting for a long time, Hua Gu Duo is still Hua Gu Duo without any change.

   "Why is it so slow!"

The    three-character scripture boy smashed it, smashed its mouth, sat down on the spot, gently stroked his hands on the ground, and some words emerged from the ground and turned into dolls. These dolls were the same as the dolls Xiao Hua gave him.

When the    three-character scripture boy was playing, "Boom boom boom~" His bookstore changed. A green and shining room, more mountains, jungles, etc., were like a clever brushstroke, once again reborn, and soon, a vibrant world spread all around.

   The three-character classic boy is stupid!

Let’s talk about Xiao Hua. First, he focused on the development of the rhyme, but later discovered that the development of the rhyme is innate, especially the last stroke of the consummation, it is a **** of good fortune, and his own intervention has fallen behind, so Xiao Hua slightly increased Thinking, still out of mind, wanting to send the body into Linquan Gaoyitu.

   Linquan Gao Yi picture appeared, immediately out of Xiao Hua's control, the first layer of scenery poured out like flowing water!

   Xiao Hua wanted to be imprisoned, but he watched Lin Quan Gao Yitu's flashing blue light, knowing that the aura of the fragments of the spiritual world was good for it, so he simply ignored it and allowed the first illusion to come true.

   And he himself flew into the third green willow forest.

   Xiao Hua's mind came out of Linquan Gaoyi's map, and was suddenly stunned, because the space of the spiritual world fragments in front of him was completely different from before.

   used to be nothing more than books, mountains and seas, but now it is a world full of flowers and green grass.

Around the    three-character scripture boy’s bookstore, there are many mountains, countless pavilions and houses, and even cows, sheep, chickens and ducks running.

   Xiao Hua understood that these were invisible to his own body, and only his own mind, the self-corpse, which was almost a spiritual body, could see it.


The    three-character scripture boy ran out of the green forest, followed by a group of birds. He looked at Xiao Hua up and down and said strangely, "How did you change?"

   "That's not right! You clearly have no creatures yet, how come you became a book spirit?"

   Xiao Hua is not negligent because the three-character classic boy is naive, he smiled and said, "Xiao has some changes, and I have to thank Xiaoyou for his article @@乳@!"


   The three-character classic boy sighed, "That's probably the last point!"

   "What do you mean?"

   Xiao Hua asked hurriedly.

   "When I took it, the guard Shu Ling told me that Qunyu Lingshan had changed drastically, and the text #乳# might be gone in the future!"

   After sighing, the Sanzijing boy immediately changed to a smiling face and said: "Haha, Xiao Hua, your fairy skills are really interesting, I haven't played these before!"

   Xiao Hua knew that the three-character classic boy was heartless, and the sigh just now was just imitating other book spirits, so he smiled and said: "Then you can play, you can play whatever you want!"

   "Come here, come here~"

   The three-character scripture boy shouted at the bird behind him, "Well, Lord Xiao Hua!"

   "Meet Mrs. Xiao Hua~~"

   A group of birds fell around Xiao Hua, each speaking.

   Looking at Xiao Hua's bewilderment, the three-character classic boy explained: "They are Shulings who have not yet turned into human beings. When they condense more aura, they will be just like me!"


   Xiao Hua came to understand, smiled and greeted these bird book spirits.

   Flying birds flew all over Xiao Hua with a smile.

   It is also weird to say. When the bird fell, Xiao Hua's figure immediately changed, and some inexplicable experience and perception turned into words and fell into his heart.

   "Are you a collection of Mr. Linchuan?"

   Xiao Hua looked at the bird falling on his hand in surprise.

   "Yes, yes~"

   Feiqi nodded happily and agreed, and his figure turned into words, but these words were still vague, and many of them were not clear.

   "Are you Taiping Guangji?"

   Xiao Hua looked at the book spirit who fell on his left shoulder and smiled, but he looked around a few more, raised his hand, and said, "No, you are all!"

   "Haha, yes, yes~"

   Several book spirits are very happy, and feel that they are honored to be known by Xiao Hua.

   "We, we~

   "And us, guess who we are?"

   Other book spirits also enthusiastically yelled from the side.

   So Xiao Hua stretched out his hand and asked them to stand up one by one, Xiao Hua drank their identities one by one.

Seeing a group of book spirits having fun, Xiao Hua was also very excited, because he was at this moment in mind. Perhaps the laws of Qun Yuling Mountain were strange, but whenever the book spirits he touched, the words condensed into book spirits immediately penetrated into his heart. .

   These words and sentences are not simple words, but the essence of the condensed book spirit, or they are the experience and insights of those heavenly Confucian immortals who come to see these words!

   Seeing this, Xiao Hua's eyes rolled and his figure slowly fell.

   When he touched the mountain of books in Qun Yuling Mountain with his feet, UU read www.uukanshu. The com no-number sentence flows along the soles of his feet into his heart!

  The learning gains of countless sages and great scholars are all turned into Xiao Hua's!

   "Haha, haha~"

   Xiao Hua smiled, and secretly said, "I can say that when I see people. I read more books with my feet than you!"

The    three-character scripture boy played with Xiao Hua for a while, then Sa Yazi ran away, and other birds naturally followed.

   Xiao Hua then walked in the mountain of books alone, and every step he took, there were ordinary cents from reading a day!

   "I finally understand~"

   Xiao Hua sighed, "Why is the Emperor's jade built here?"

   "There are fragments of the spirit world to nourish the jade, and there is also a group of jade and scholarly to feed back the fragments of the spirit world, giving birth to thousands of books, and he will definitely use his body to absorb the accumulated human essence!"

   It was about a few days, Xiao Hua had absorbed the essence of the entire mountain of books, and he was about to go to other places.

   Suddenly a faint fragrance loomed.

   Xiao Hua's heart moved, and he looked up at the flower bone flower that had been more than 100,000 feet long. At this time, a crack appeared in the flower bone flower, and the fragrance was floating from within.

   "The form of rhyme?"

   "The fragrance of Wenyun!"

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