Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2451: Qiao Lun's response to the battle (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival on National D

"Luoyi Business League~" After waiting for a moment, a cloud of clouds flew down in the distance, and a group of disciples from Yulou stood on it. He held the slip and said, "According to the rules of my Floating Jade City, this time you If you don’t participate in the gambling battle, the pavilions you have disputed with Mingefang will be owned by Mingefang, and the jade coins previously paid will not be returned!

Fu Zhiwen sneered. He didn't say anything. Although he hadn't said that "Jade coins are not refundable" before, the jade coins are a fart to Luoyi Business League!

But when the tea leaves quit, she flew up and said, "Which rules are you? The pavilion set by the business alliance was robbed by others, and the jade coins that have been delivered will not be refunded?"

"What kind of rules?" Qunyulou disciple sneered, "It is my Qunyulou's rules. If you want to come to Fuyu City, you must listen to my Qunyulou!"

"Lady~" Fu Zhiwen beckoned, "Needless to say, what rules this kind of gentle scum uses are more arrogant than robbers and robbers!"

"Damn!" Qunyulou disciple scolded, "Do you believe it or not, I will disqualify you now?"

Fu Zhiwen smiled and said, "You can try it!"

The disciple picked up the red pen and hesitated for a moment, but after all he did not dare to click.

"Don't try to benefit from your tongue!" Situ Jin Ge said impatiently in the distance, "If you have the ability to gamble, I have other things!"

Fu Zhiwen looked at the sun above his head and knew that there was not much time he could delay, so he said to Qianqi: "You continue to pray, maybe the master can hear it."

Then he smiled slightly, flew towards Huoyu, and said: "Unexpectedly, it is an honour for Fu to be able to gamble with the seniors in the third stage of the Qing Dynasty in Fuyu City!"

Fu Zhiwen's words are not without irony, but Situ Jinge didn't even change his face, and said lightly: "Don't worry, I won't hurt your life!"

With that said, Situ Jin Ge also urged his figure to fly into the fire jade.


Just as Situ Jinge's voice just landed, a voice with the same faint tone sounded in the distant sky: "Don't worry, I won't hurt your life!"

Although the voice was similar to Situ Jin Ge in every word and sentence, the Confucian scholars and immortals around him hadn't turned their heads to look.


"Boom Rumble"

Thirty-six layers of light purple rule thunder appeared immediately above the floating jade city, directly following this sound!

"Senior Brother Qiao??"

Fu Zhiwen stopped and looked at the thunder place in surprise.

But I saw a tall human figure coming in the light of thunder!

Isn't it just the reincarnation of Joe who is already Taiyi intermediate? ?

"Dao Xian?"

Situ Jin Ge exclaimed, and stopped in the same figure, watching Qiao Samsara stand still in the air.

Qiao Samsara was wearing a Taoist robe and holding a long spear. Under the thunder of 36 laws, he never injured half of his vellus hair. Even the thunder turned into a snake to roam around Qiao Samsara!

"Brother Fu!"

Although Qiao Samsara is already in the middle rank, he still flew in front of Fu Zhiwen and respectfully said, "My brother is late, please forgive me. Give it to my brother here, and you and your sister-in-law can help my brother!"


Situ Jin Ge was even more shocked. He could see that Fu Zhiwen had just set foot on the third stage of the Shangqing Dixian. It should be a Tier 1 realm. He was a few steps behind him, and he could not be his opponent.

As for the Dao Xian in front of him, he couldn't see the strength of the opponent's realm at all, and the law of restraining Dao Xian Thunder didn't seem to confine the opponent's strength at all.

This made Situ Jinge extremely puzzled.

How did Situ Jin Ge know that the disciples of the Good Fortune Sect, especially the disciples of Xiao Hua's personal transmission, were not ranked according to the realm of strength at all, and their big brothers were even more magical!

In private, because of his realm of strength, Fu Zhiwen often called Qiao Samsara to wait for his seniors, but in real situations, even if Fu Zhiwen spoke of his seniors for the sake of Qiao Samsara's face, Qiao Samsara would never agree.

Fu Zhiwen nodded with a smile, and stood with Qianqi.

Qiao Samsara's eyes swept across Situ Jinge, raising his hand and saying: "Please~"


Situ Jin Ge hesitated. He was passing by Fuyu City, but he was ordered by the teacher to participate in the gambling fight. Because the opponent's strength was worse than his own, he also agreed casually. Now he has changed to a Daoist who can't see his strength. Not willing anymore.


Fu Zhiwen said, "This is your invitation from Mingefang, and it has reached the last moment, do you want to give up?"

"Haha!" Situ Jin Ge laughed, raised his hand and flicked at his top door, "buzz" a sword rang, and a flying sword came out from within the silver ground flower. He cried, "There are friends in the distance. Say what? Please!"

With that said, Situ Jin Ge walked into the fire jade!

Looking at Qiao's reincarnation again, the meteor still strode towards the fire jade, staying close, and the flames around "boom" the fire jade immediately retreated, as if it was annihilated by the breath of Qiao's reincarnation.

Under the flame, there was a crystal clear fire-colored jade, and Qiao Samsara flew into it and instantly turned into a piece of paper-like flame.

"Boom boom"

Flames rose into the sky above the fire jade, and the figures of Qiao Samsara and Situ Jinge were projected, about ten thousand feet tall!

Situ Jin Ge was holding a flying sword, and patches of silver flowers had condensed around him early, and the silver flowers kept tumbling, and the rhyme of thousands of swords was flying around, quite dazzling.

"This Situ Jin Ge is amazing!" Fu Zhiwen whispered, "It doesn't seem to be the third grade of Shangqing Dixian, but it is much stronger than me. I am not his opponent!"

"Then~" Qiang asked, "Where is Junior Brother Qiao? What is his strength?"

"I don't know!" Fu Zhiwen shook his head, "I can't see it through, and what makes me most uncomprehending is that the cultivation of these disciples accepted by Master is different from other disciples."

"How is it different?"

Xiao Hua's voice suddenly remembered.

"Master~" Fu Zhiwen and Qianlong were taken aback, and turned around hurriedly, seeing Xiao Hua, who had already changed his appearance, standing behind them.

"Master~" Qian Qiang looked at Xiao Hua, smiled bitterly, "Are you always lost again?"

"Ahem~" Xiao Hua said with a light cough, "It's not that serious, but I have been groping for a while in Yuanyu. By the way, Zhiwen, why do you say that Qiao Samsara is different from them?"

Fu Zhiwen knew that Xiao Hua had deliberately changed the and smiled: "Junior Brother Qiao and their cultivation do not seem to have any bottlenecks, and the higher the level, the faster the practice. What strength is Senior Brother Qiao now?"

"Taiyi Middle!" Xiao Hua glanced at the two people in the distance and said.

"Taiyi Intermediate?" Fu Zhiwen whispered, and said, "Master, they practiced too fast, right? I have seen other cultivation classics in the Dao Immortal Realm. There are no years in these nine palaces. They are supposedly older than their disciples. They're all small, this...this is too middle-level, it's incredible!"

"They are different from you!" Xiao Hua smiled, "They grew up in the space of being a teacher and immortal weapon."

Qian Qian nodded beside him and said: "That disciple understands, they are just like the spirit of the fairy..."

"Boom" The words of "Boom" seemed to strike Xiao Hua with a thunderstorm. A thought flashed through his mind and he whispered, "Oh, I understand!"

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