Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2452: The innate treasure of space

"What's wrong, Master?"

   Fu Zhiwen looked at Xiao Hua a little lost, and said anxiously.

   "Hey~" Xiao Hua waved his hand, "It's okay, I know why they are so talented."

   "Why?" Min Chi said anxiously.

"You're right!" Xiao Hua explained, "These disciples who grew up in the fairy artifact space are similar to the spirits of the spirits. Fortune Zhong Shenxiu, they are Shenxiu! You have no way to compare, even the old man, It's not comparable!"

   "Master~" Min Ming wanted to ask again, Fu Zhiwen whispered, "Junior Brother Qiao is going to take action first."

   Xiao Hua looked at it intently, and as expected, Situ Jinge said: "Xiongtai is a guest! Please first..."

   "Wrong, wrong~" Qiao reincarnation smiled, "The guest is up to you, or the brother please!"

   "Since it is a guest, please let Xiongtai take action first!" Situ Jin Ge still insisted.

   Joe Samsara frowned and said: "Xiongtai, if I take a shot, I am afraid that there will be no chance for you to take a shot!"

   "Xiongtai thinks too much!" Situ Jin Ge raised the flying sword in his hand, and the "Keng" flying sword burst through the air, like a proud peacock!

   "Okay!" Qiao Samsara raised his spear and said, "It is better to be respectful than to live, Xiongtai be careful, and prepare to retreat!"

   Talking, Joe Samsara held guns in both hands, saluted Situ Jin Ge slightly, and then shouted: "Kill!"

   With this low growl, the spear danced and stabs towards Situ Jin Ge!

   Although seeing that Qiao's reincarnation was just a bland blow, Situ Jin Ge did not dare to despise it, because he knew Daoxian's combat power and methods, so he hurriedly urged Wen Li and the flying sword turned into a flying flower to greet him.

   But seeing the sword blossoms, Situ Jin Ge's face changed drastically.

   He thought that the spear attack was just a strong wave, and his sword flower could always find his weakness. Who knew that the sword flower fell, the gun force was like a mountain, and it was unstoppable.

  Even where each sword flower falls, there is a will that is as powerful as a star rushing towards his Sanhua, and the silver light above the Sanhua will be broken!

   Situ Jin Ge didn't even think about it, and immediately flew upside down!

"No way?"

Not to mention that the surrounding Confucian immortals were dumbfounded, even the disciples of Mingefang's raiding array were dumbfounded. They whispered, "Uncle Situ is the third grade of the Shangqing, he...he, the old man, dare not follow the Taoist business alliance? "

   "What is the strength of the Taoist immortal in the business alliance?"

   "Damn it!"

   The deacon disciple of Qun Yulou also looked ugly, he knew he might be in trouble.

   Seeing Situ Jin Ge retreating, Qiao Samsara stopped proudly, raised the spear in his hand, and walked out, again with a low growl: "Kill!!"

   The spear shot and immediately turned the dragon, "Roar" rushed towards Situ Jinge.

   Situ Jin Ge knew that he could not retire, he couldn't afford to lose that face!


   The sound of swords mingled everywhere, and thousands of sword flowers shattered, forming a sword rhyme that looked like small swords. Each sword rhyme was marked with Situ Jin Ge three flowers.

   In the blink of an eye, the flying sword accurately pierced the pike dragon's eyebrows, and Wan Jiang Jian Yun slammed into Dao Dao Law!


   It was just a muffled thunderous sound, Situ Jin Ge had a silver glow bursting at the door, and he had no time to care about the long sword, his figure flew upside down again! !

   Situ Jin Ge wanted to earn a face for himself, but he didn't expect that his face would be shattered even more!

   Daomen's methods are more than that, and the counterattack of Good Fortune Door will not end here!

Watching Situ Jinge retreat again, Qiao Samsara didn't even use his spear. He raised his hand and waved, "Boom boom boom" The thirty-six laws that restrained him before, thunder actually turned into chains and rushed down with innate aura. , Pounced on Situ Jin Ge like a wandering dragon.

"how is this possible??"

  All the Confucian Immortal's eyeballs fell on the ground, and they exclaimed, "This is clearly the thunder chain that binds Dao Immortal. How can I get out of Dao Immortal? Instead, attack my Heavenly Confucian Immortal?"

   "Could this disciple of the Luoyi Business Alliance not a Taoist immortal at all? A Confucian immortal?"

   Their question is afraid that only Xiao Hua can answer. Treading the gods is the cultivation method that embraces all rivers. What's weird about Qiao Samsara in the heavenly charm?

   Situ Jin Ge didn't know this. He watched the thunder chain blast down incredibly, with the will of heaven and earth, and Tianting Hongyun, he hurriedly opened his mouth and sacrificed a scarlet-shaped artifact like a shield.

   This inscription is covered with inscriptions on the armor, and as Situ Jinge's breath of invigoration sprayed down, the culture of Jia inscriptions made a film of clouds, and countless strange beasts flew out from within, roaring toward the thunder chain.

   But, how can the heavenly writing instruments resist the thunder chain of Hongyun Law?


  All the fairy beasts were turned into ashes and disappeared, and the remaining power of the thirty-six chains that sealed everything fell towards Situ Jinge!

   Situ Jin Ge could only fly upside down, and then was about to sacrifice the fairy weapon again.

   "Swipe~" Thirty-six thunder chains suddenly melted and turned into clouds and disappeared, and the spear that had just been blocked by the flying sword suddenly flew upside down, leaving only the flying sword hanging in the air.

   Joe Samsara stood with his arms folded, looking at Situ Jin Ge with a smile but a smile: "Is Xiongtai going to gamble again?"

Situ Jin Ge was taken aback for a moment, looked down at the air, and suddenly understood that Qiao Samsara just said that he made himself retreat, and he...has been flying backwards three steps, if he continues to bet and fight, he can only deceive himself. Up!

   "Haha!" Situ Jinge laughed, he raised his hand and grabbed the flying sword in his hand, and said in a polite manner, "Thank you for the mercy of Luoyi Business League. In the future, you will come to the Business League everywhere.

   After finishing speaking, Situ Jin Ge flew out of Huoyu and took the Mingefang disciples.

   "I'm going, this... This is a great business alliance!"

   Watching Qiao Samsara fly out of the fire jade, the Confucian scholars around him are whispering, "Even Mingefang has to retreat."

   "Master~" Qiao Samsara flew back without arrogance or rashness, and said in a low voice, "Fortunately not insulting!"

   "Sorry to say!"

   Xiao Hua pouted his mouth and said The old man's innate treasures are all flying! "

   "What...what do you mean?"

   Joe was dumbfounded in Samsara, and I don't know what Xiao Hua said.

   "Let's go, let's go!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and smiled, "With you disciples, it is better than any innate treasure!"

   Afterwards, Fu Zhiwen and Ming Qiantou led the way, followed by Xiao Hua and Qiao Samsara.

  Qiao Samsara naturally didn't understand Xiao Hua's meaning, Xiao Hua thought of another thing.

As long as the space is formed, there will naturally be innate treasures, and at the worst, there must be some jade and mineral veins and other wonderful things. But in Xiaohua's space, whether it is the space of the fairy world, the space of the heavens, or even the dragon, even a decent piece There are no stones.

Xiao Hua was puzzled before, but now Qian Qian awakens the person in his dream with a single sentence. These spaces were occupied by disciples of the Good Fortune Sect like Qiao Samsara before they took shape, but if there were some good fortunes... not all fell on them, where Can you give birth to innate treasures?

   However, Xiao Hua was also in the game, but he had forgotten that the most natural thing in the space... are his jade avatars!

   If it is said that Qiao Samsara waited for his disciple to get one point of good fortune, the other nine points of good fortune have fallen onto the jade avatar!

   Jade Clone clone is the real innate treasure!

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