Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2450: Weird innate aura

"Why not use the law of cause and effect?"

   Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment, threw some jade coins, and turned around and went down the tall building.

   Then Xiao Hua gave birth to blue clouds at one step, floated out of Fuyu City, and then flew over in a random direction.

After    made an appointment with an incense stick, Xiao Hua looked at no one around him, and sent his body from Linquan Gaoyi's map, the soul returned, and directly urged Guang to escape.

   About half an hour, Xiao Hua escaped from the light, and he looked at this uninhabited Heavenly Yuan Domain with great interest.

   I don’t know what the Yuan domain is in other parts of the Heavenly Court, it is different from the Dao Immortal Realm's Jie Tian.

   Xiao Hua looked at it. Within a million miles, countless large and small space fragments were tumbling in the extremely strong innate aura, and there was very little silence and no wind.

   Although the rays of the sun in the sky are soft, but where the sun shines, some space fragments burst, and there will be endless fairy clouds gushing out.

   And the fairy cloud, like smoke, once again turned into nothingness in the sweeping wind.

   Xiao Hua's body surface has a heavy interface barrier, but even so, the wind mixed with space debris blowing in will cause small waves.

   Looking millions of miles away, there is a red outline, winding down from the sky, seeming to be a streamer.

   Xiao Hua moved his curiosity and urged his figure to go over. When he waited close, Xiao Hua was stunned on the spot.

   But seeing that this is a big behemoth that even Xiao Hua is dumbfounded, the whole body of this behemoth is misty, and every wisp of mist is a strong innate air!

   "This...Is this behemoth condensed from innate aura?"

   Xiao Hua felt like she was going crazy, the innate aura that looked like a treasure in the Tibetan Immortal Continent became a condensed behemoth in the Yuanyu of Heavenly Court!

   As for the scarlet outline that Xiao Hua saw just now, it was just where the solidified innate energy broke!

   In other words, on the other side of the still silhouette, is the endless solidified innate air? ?

   However, no matter whether it is performing the technique of seeing and coming, or opening the blind eyes, Xiao Hua cannot see the other side!

   "Even so~" Xiao Hua's eyes were green, he whispered, "This...this huge innate energy is definitely an incredible amount of money!"

   Thinking of Xiao Hua urging his figure to fly over, letting go of his mind, he wanted to cover this huge solidified innate air.

   However, just as his mind fell, Xiao Hua suddenly had a warning sign: "No, such a good thing, how could it be easily encountered by Xiao?"

   is the place where Xiao Hua had just swept his mind during this hesitation, and immediately made a "boom boom~" trembling sound, countless small red flames, burning out of thin air!

   At the same time, the behemoth was ignited like a huge firecracker, and its surroundings were immediately lit, and the space of millions of miles suddenly shrank into the flame!

   Perceiving a big hand with the madness of heaven and earth dragging himself into the flames, Xiao Hua didn't want to urge Guang Eun, so he rushed out!

   "Boom~" Until he flew far, Xiao Hua could still perceive the vibration of the entire metadomain, and the tyrannical innate aura that was impacting around him like a giant current!

   Xiao Hua stood in the air, watching a fire burning in the distance, and said with a wry smile: "I'll just say, where is such a good bargain?"

   "The explosion of this innate aura will destroy the Yuanyu, which is close to hundreds of millions of miles away, at once. No wonder there are not many Confucian immortals in the Yuanyu, and the heavenly court encourages the Confucian immortals to open up an unknown Yuancheng!"

   "Oh, yes~" Seeing the flame spread, Xiao Hua patted his forehead and smiled, "If you don't use causality at this time, when will you wait?"

   After finishing speaking, Xiao Hua sat cross-legged and began to pinch his hands.

  Although he is already mixed, his actions are all rules, but this causal technique still has to use the stimulating magic technique.

   It's just that when Xiao Hua urged the fairy tactics, he already had a clear understanding, many of the fairy tactics no longer need to be used, the fairy power he brings is complete, and he can replace it with his fingers!


Seeing the nine-color Xia Cai born from Xiao Hua's Immortal Art, the surrounding space immediately gave birth to a tremor, countless weird fluctuations, and black and white light marks emerging from the void, falling in madly, Xiao Hua's body began to appear like a river The totem of the gods and ghosts neighed, a strange wind raged, and the totem began to show its halo.

In the halo, the outline of a causal hand began to condense, and in the outline of the big hand, a river of cause and effect appeared as bright as a gossamer!


   The river of cause and effect appeared and immediately thundered in all directions!

   Wuqi Zhenglei naturally couldn't see Xiao Hua's eyes. He fully urged Xianjue, his eyes fixed on the river of cause and effect, and prepared to send Zhou Xiaoming out.

   But, before he waited for Xiao Hua to enter the space.


   A thunderbolt that resembled the sound of a sword tore the sky apart, and then the thunderbolt slammed Xiao Hua's hand of cause and effect with the highest aura! (Note the "Supreme Breath")

"My goodness!"

   Xiao Hua was so embarrassed that she could not use any more causal hand, and tried her best to push her figure into the light!


   where the thunderbolt fell, the entire space was split in half, and everything around the space instantly turned into nothingness!

   "Damn it!"

   Xiao Hua was able to avoid the thunderbolt, cursed in a low voice, and didn't even want to flee in one direction!

   "This heaven is too domineering, right?"

After Xiao Hua escaped a meal, he saw that there was no more threat, and then he got out. He turned his head and looked at the place where he was coming, and said with lingering fear, "Xiao is just using a hand of cause and effect, and even the righteous master did not give it away. , I gave Xiao a prestige! It seems that even Yuanyu, the Heavenly Supervisor's Immortal Device can detect it!"

   "Huh, what if you can detect it?"

   Xiao Hua snorted coldly and muttered to herself, "That place will be burned by the innate true fire immediately, and everything will be vanished. Even if you want to explore something, it is impossible!"

   "Kachacha" Xiao Hua was talking, and there was another crisp sound not far away.

   Xiao Hua looked up, and realized that he was flying away again!

   But seeing another scarlet outline was born in the sky a hundred miles away, the split outline looked like a mocking eye, staring at Xiao Hua.

   "It's so close!" Xiao Hua was a little afraid to move, and said in his heart, "Once the innate real fire burns, it won't be easy for Xiao to escape!"

   The weird thing is that after a soft sound, the outline is still there, and it doesn't split anymore.

   Xiao Hua's eyes rolled, just about to move his figure, the outline of "Kakchacha" split again!

   "Well, Xiao Mou just urged Xianli!"

   Xiao Hua immediately understood that the outline of the condensed innate aura might not be disturbed by immortal power, cultural power, or even mind and spirit.

   "Innate qi, innate qi???"

   Suddenly Xiao Hua had a crazy idea in his heart.

   "Xiao is a light-condensed body and does not enter the five elements. When Xiao's physical body touches the innate aura, it should not cause congenital true fire, and Xiao's five-element Ruyi Tongtian stick also does not enter the five elements, is it..."

   Thinking, Xiao Hua quietly took out the wishful stick!

   "Long, long, long~"

   Xiao Hua thought carefully in her heart, and the wishful stick grew a little bit longer.

   stayed long enough, Xiao Hua lightly pestle along the outline, and sure enough, the outline cracked like a crack!

   Xiao Hua was not greedy when he tried for the first time. Seeing an oval congenital aura solidification appeared, he deliberately left a small gap, and then gently the wishful stick, "brushing" the congenital aura solidification and it really fell.

   To Xiao Hua's surprise, the congenital qi had just left after freezing, and immediately began to melt into the qi, and even floated into the sky.

   Xiao Hua did not dare to take his mind to collect, but threw out the diamond!

   "Brushing" the diamond cut bronze light and shadow flashed, and immediately collected the solidified innate energy!

   Xiao Hua was overjoyed, and his mind again rolled the King Kong to make room for income.

  Since it can receive the space, it is easy to handle. Xiao Hua's heart turned into a jade, confined this solidified innate energy, and directly sent it to Lin Quan Gao Yitu.

   "Boom!" In Lin Quan Gaoyi's map, this solidified innate gas turned into a mountain range!

   "Haha~" Xiao Hua laughed, and said, "Sure enough!"

The grace of the dripping water is reported by the spring. Xiao Hua has gained infinite benefits from Linquan Gaoyitu. At this time, it is his turn to give back to Linquan Gaoyitu. Mountain after another is piled up in Linquan Gaoyitu. From the first floor On the second floor, Xiao Hua is always happy!

   Just when the jade slip Xiao Hua sent into the mountain range where the one hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred and twenty-one condensed auras were condensed, the jade slip literary song rushed into the space violently, and shouted, "Where are Dao friends?"

   "What's the matter?" Xiao Hua said triumphantly, "I didn't see that the poor road was moving the mountains!"

   "Friends of Dao!" Yu Di Wenqu jumped and said, "Fu Zhiwen gambling with people in Fuyu City has waited for the Daoists for forty-nine years. The Daoists are good, so hide here to carry the mountains?"

   "Impossible!" Xiao Hua frowned, "Poor Dao has only been here for a few years..."

   Speaking of this, Xiao Hua suddenly realized something. He raised his head to look at the jade song and said in surprise, "There is no time in Yuanyu!!!"

"It can't be said that there is no time in Yuanyu!" During these few breaths, Xiao Hua had already passed on what he had encountered to the jade wenqu, and the jade wenqufen said, "it is condensed by innate aura. Where, there is something strange, it should be that the law of time is different! Otherwise, why can’t Fu Zhiwen’s Goose Book and Chenxu of Zaohuamen be able to communicate?"

   "Don't talk about it~" Xiao Hua said hurriedly, "Pan Dao, hurry back!"

  Floating Jade City, in the center, a piece of fire jade measuring one hundred thousand feet is burning with blood-colored flames.

  The flame attracted thousands of Confucian scholars.

   "Who wants to bet against?"

These Confucian immortals looked at the blood-colored flames, then looked at the Confucian immortal standing on the side of the fire jade wearing a battle armor, and couldn't help but whisper, "Yes... it's Situ Jin Ge from Ming Ge Fang?? Who is going to die? ?"

   "That, that!"

   "It's the Heavenly Immortal of the Supreme Qing!" A female fairy who had been standing next pointed to Fu Zhiwen, who was on the other side of Huoyu, and said in a low voice, "He is going to gamble against Situ Jin Ge, who is a fairy of Taiqing!"

"how is this possible??"

  A Confucian fairy blurted out and made his debut, "Is this Shangqing Dixian stupid?"

   "I don't know~" The fairy replied, "It seems that this Shangqing land fairy was fooled!"

  Nvxian said it right, Fu Zhiwen had absolutely nothing on his face, and his eyes were firm and he looked at the long hair next to him.

  茕茕 has a green face.

   On that day, Ming Ming followed Fu Zhiwen to report. Qunyulou didn't make any trouble, and issued a document to make Fu Zhiwen look for a pavilion in Fuyu City as the foundation of the Luoyi Business League.

Fu Zhiwen found a free place in accordance with his words, went to Qunyu Building to report again, and paid a large amount of jade coins, but when Fu Zhiwen rushed to send Xiao Hua a message, Xiao Hua did not reply for a long time, he brought the Qunyu Building documents When I rushed back there, I found that the pavilion was actually occupied, and a plaque "Mingofang" was hung up!

   Fu Zhiwen saw that this Mingefang was a business alliance selling cultural instruments, so he naturally quit, took out his own documents, and let Mingefang give up the pavilion.

   How can I know that Mingofang also took out his own documents, it is actually the same place!

   Fu Zhiwen understood at once that this must be the document that Mingefang had picked up after taking the Qunyulou's documents and waiting for Xiao Hua's return. Mingefang took photos of this place, and they bought Qunyulou and reissued the documents.

   Sure enough, after Fu Zhiwen found Qunyulou, the disciple of Qunyulou made Fu Zhiwen look for another place lightly!

Of course Fu Zhiwen would not agree, not to mention that this was the place he chose first. To speak of his concession alone would be a concession made by the Luoyi Shangmeng. In the future, the Luoyi Shangmeng would settle down in Fuyu City, and the Luoyi Shangmeng would be short first. On the one hand, if you mention the reason again, Fu Zhiwen's face is afraid that he will fall into the world, right?

   Not to mention Fu Zhiwen knows that Luoyi Shangmeng will become a giant in the heavens. I am afraid that I will be poked in the back for many years!

   Seeing that Fu Zhiwen would not give in, the Qun Yulou disciples sneered. Their mediation method was to make Fu Zhiwen and Ming Gefang gamble.

   Gambling and fighting in the Heavenly Court is considered to be an ordinary means of solving problems, and it is understandable, Fu Zhiwen also agreed, but he did not know that Ming Ge Fang made a fuss on the invitation note of Qun Yulou, only Ming Ge Fang was written without the Confucian fairy name.

   Fu Zhiwen sneered in his heart. He knew that Mingefang had visited earlier. UU reading www.uukanshu. com knows that the Luoyi Business League is with Qianqiang, and there is no other Confucianism, so he also wrote the Luoyi Business League.

But the problem lies here. Mingefang sent Situ Jinge, the third grade of the Shangqing Dixian, and Fu Zhiwen to send a message to Xiao Hua. There was no reply to the message. The gambling period given by Qunyulou was fifty years, if fifty years. Should not fight, even lose.

   This is the last time Mingefang has been invited to fight. Fu Zhiwen will either play or give up and give up the pavilion to Mingefang!

"Husband~" Ming Qiang looked at Fu Zhiwen, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, wait for a while, the concubine body has already sent messages to the disciples of the Luoyi Business League, asking them to find the third master, and the third master will definitely be able to find the master. !"

"The problem is~" Fu Zhiwen closed his gaze, looked at Fu Zhiwen with a wry smile, and said, "Master is not in Fuyu City, he must have gone out. Outside Fuyu City is the great Yuanyu. With the master's ability, if he can When he comes back, he can return in a blink of an eye. The reason why his old man did not return for 49 years..."

   "" Ming Ming exclaimed, "Is it possible that the master can still worry about his life?"

   "There will never be any worries about life~" Fu Zhiwen said, "What I worry about for my husband is that the master should be lost!!"

   Fu Zhiwen and Xiao Hua experienced together in the Tibetan Immortal Continent. He was extremely impressed with Xiao Hua's sense of direction.

   "Okay!" Ming Qian was helpless, she nodded, "Then you can only wait!"

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