Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2437: Tomb of Hun Yuan

   Xiao Hua left the pass, Fu Zhiwen, Bai Xiaotu and other good-for-nothing disciples naturally came over to see him, telling him what he had done for thousands of years.

   Xiao Hua immediately asked Gu Shewan to select a team from Xingchentian to be on duty, and sent out more than a thousand shadows, and then he was ready to send Bai Xiaotu and others into the immortal space.

  It was Li Zhaoran, the lord of the Tianxiong Star Palace, who was already at the top of Daluo's high-level power. After meeting Xiao Hua, he hurried away.

   "Master~" Seeing Xiao Hua offering the Kunlun mirror, Bai Xiaotu hurriedly winked his eyebrows, "Where is your old Sanguang Shenshui?"

   Xiao Hua asked angrily: "Are you sick?"

   "The disciple is neither sick nor disaster~" Bai Xiaotu said with a smile, "However, in order to prevent illness and disaster, the disciple thinks it is better to prepare first!"

   "There is some truth!" Xiao Hua nodded, and took a drop to Bai Xiaotu. He collected a lot of Sanguang Divine Water from the Huaijiang Heavenly Realm, and it was no problem for Bai Xiaotu and other core disciples to give one drop to each of them.


Bai Xiaotu received it carefully, then looked around, and then quietly asked: "You used to say that it was light purple water in Moxian pupil. Now you have three lights of divine water again, which means you always look at it separately. To the golden and silver water light?"

   Xiao Hua knew what little secret Bai Xiaotu had, so he explained the previous situation.

   "Huaijiang Heavenly Realm?"

  Bai Xiaotu looked at Xiao Hua and shook his head with emotion, "Master, I have to say, your old heart is really big! You have a big life! There is a nickname in Daoxian realm, called the tomb of Hunyuan!"

"Master is already in the realm of Hunyuan. You should know that Hunyuan immortal can run rampant in the seven realms, but the Huaijiang Heavenly Realm is just a forbidden place for Hunyuan. My disciple has not heard of any immortal living from the core of Huaijiang Heavenly Realm. of!"

   "Besides the old man, there is at least one!"

   Xiao Hua smiled, "I just don't know who it is! If you know your first name and last name, you should know it too!"

"Perhaps~" Bai Xiaotu didn't seem to be interested in the previous life. He only squinted his eyes and said, "Master, although the disciples don't know that there are Sanguang Shenshui in the Huaijiang sky, the disciples know that Sunlight Shenshui, Moonlight Shenshui and Starlight The divine water is separated and connected to each other end to end, which means endless life. Master might as well follow the layout of the Huaijiang Heavenly Realm. In the future, my good fortune gate will use the endless three-light divine water."

   "Do you still use it?" Xiao Hua said, "The old man has already created another Huaijiang Heavenly Realm in Kunlun Wonderland, but the old man didn't feel the meaning of the Three Lights and Divine Water!"

   "Hey, Master, don't worry!" Bai Xiaotu said, "The three-light divine water is the creation of heaven and earth. How can a little fairy space of Master give birth to good fortune? It is good to ensure that the three-light divine water does not drain."

   "Okay, the old man knows!" Xiao Hua nodded, "You should go back and practice quickly!"

   After accepting the disciples of the Good Fortune Sect, Xiao Hua had already seen Dong Xing who was impatient.

   Xiao Hua smiled and let Dong Xing enter the pavilion.

   "Senior~" Dong Xing hurriedly saluted, and said in a low voice, "How?"

   "Hey~" Xiao Hua smiled, first handed the bronze bamboo knots back to Dong Xing, and then took out a Xiayun festival, and said, "Let's take a look!"


   After seeing it, Dong Xing opened his mouth and tried to open his mouth several times, as if his throat was blocked.

   Cheng Tian Zhonggui Jue and Gan Fan Taju Jue, Dong's long-lost method, he really did not expect to see the sun in his own hands!

   "Don't say anything to thank you!" Xiao Hua smiled, "This is what you belong to the Dong family, the old man just found him out!"

"Master Xiao!" Dong Xing came back to his senses and resolutely said, "This exercise is certainly owned by my Dong family, but without Xiao Shihui's eyes, it is impossible for my Dong family to discover this exercise. , The younger generation is satisfied with this technique!"

Xiao Hua didn't say more about the method of doing it in one go. Instead, he took out two Xiayun Festivals and handed them to Dong Xingdao: "These two Xiayun Festival internal secret techniques are what you want, one is the revision of your Dong family's practice, and the other is It is the method of condensing Yuqiang Jie modified based on your Dong family's practice. Presumably, after cultivating, Yuqing's immortal level can be condensed."

Dong Xing’s eyes were red. He didn’t answer it, but he couldn’t resist the temptation. After thinking about it, he took it with both hands and said, “The juniors don’t know what to say. Family vows to advance and retreat together with Luoyi Business League."

   pacified Dong Xing, Lan Fan and Dong Bin came over immediately. They were not surprised by the excitement on Dong Xing's face. Xiao Hua knew that Dong Xing could come and it would be Lan Fan's idea.

After everyone gave the gifts, Xiao Hua said: "You have to wait for the future development of the Luoyi Business Alliance. The old man will continue to travel far after he promises. These customs will be ignored. Of course, if you wait, If you are particularly embarrassed, you can explain to the Luoyi Business League disciples that if I have free time, I will come over!"

   "Master Xiao!" Lan Fan said hurriedly, "I don't have to say anything about promises. Before, the juniors had no eyes!"

   "No, no!" Xiao Hua waved his hand, "The old man is also new to the jade technique. I am really interested in this, and I want to take a look at the jade building."

   "Master Xiao has such an arrangement, it's better for the younger generation to respect their lives!"

   "Six Dust Duyun Baskets should be usable now, right?" Xiao Hua asked, "I want to use it again before leaving Xuanpu."

   "Master Xiao~" Lan Fan said with a smile, "Forget it for the younger generation, even if you always go to the Qunyulou, you should be able to use it twice!"

   "Master Xiao!" Du Bin also hurriedly said, "My Du's Yongcheng Jixianlu also has the effect of Liuchen Du Yunlan, Master Xiao can try!"

   "The old man first use the six-dust basket!" Xiao Hua smiled, "If the old man can't be sprouted yet, it's not too late!"


   Lan Fan, Du Bin, and Dong Xing looked at each other. They thought Xiao Hua was hiding his realm, but they didn't expect it to be really budding!

There were three hundred and sixty disciples of the Good Fortune Sect, once again urging the Liuchen Du Yunlan. This time Xiao Hua also used the Dong family's one-stop art. It is the secret method of the beginning. This time the six dusts are the result of Yunlan. The effect is three times as before!

   is the same as the effect of Xiao Huaning's painting "Yuanxu Wuyang Tu".

   Xiao Hua is just ecstatic. The previous urge was equivalent to Xiao Hua and Jiu Xia's hard work for 13 million years. Now it is tripled, and naturally it is 39 million years.

   But Xiao Hua didn't have time to calculate, and hurriedly re-entered Linquan Gao Yitu's practice again, and the same one million years of repair this time was comparable to the previous nine million years, and the Xuanpu time had just passed more than three hundred years.

In this way, Xiao Hua used the Six Dust Shuyu Art, the Six Dust Jun Basket, the Transformation Mantra, plus the one-shot technique, UU Reading spent thousands of years and finally completed it. Ninety-nine percent of the paintings of "Yuan Xu Wu Qi".

   At this time, there are still less than 800 years before the ten thousand years promised by Xiao Hua.

  Because the Liuchen Duyun Basket cannot be used for thousands of years, it should be six hundred years later that it will be urged again, so before Xiao Hua left, as Lan Fan said, he can use the Liuchen Du Yun basket again.

   So Xiao Hua stopped practicing and planned to spend three to five hundred years to point Yue Yichun and Lan Zhan.

   But I have to wait to see the cultivation of the two, and the growth of the jade technique, Xiao Hua felt that there was no need to say anything.

Because after the five schools of Xuanpu, the three talented disciples of the Du family also came to Sanyufeng, and they practiced with Lan Zhan and planted jade together. Lan Fan, Du Bin and Dong Jing also personally pointed out their experience. There is so much richness, and Xiao Hua left the Liuchen Shuyu Jue to Lan Fan, Yue Yichun and Lan Zhan have grown extremely fast.

   What makes Xiao Hua most happy is that the three genius disciples of the Du family also took the demon fruit. This shows that Lan Fan really has no secrets, so Xiao Hua is sure that the Lan family, the Du family, and the Dong family will be prosperous!

   Xiao Hua was happy in his heart, so he opened the altar to talk, so that the disciples of Luoyi Business League, the heads of the three families and the elders all came to listen to the Fa, and said this for more than a month.

   Then Xiao Hua retreats again, preparing to use the Liuchen Duyun basket for the last time, and Yue Yichun also cleans up and prepares to follow Xiao Hua to Qunyulou!

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