Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2436: 1The Art of Qi Hecheng

?   "The Master of the Shangqing Palace and Lihua are in the Mortal Realm. It is no longer realistic to find them again. It seems that I can only find the place of Lan Yu and Du Xin, and then see if there is a possibility of awakening Zhou Xiaoming."

   "As for the space in the painting, Xiaomou thought it was the inheritance left by Lan Yu. Now it seems that it should be where Lan Yu and Du Xin met!"

   "This blue rain's magical hand is really amazing, and writing is really amazing!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua was a little puzzled. After all, the ability to draw space in one stroke far exceeds the current strength of Lan Fan. Of course, Lan Yu is the master of the Shang Qing Palace in his previous life. Who knows how many years ago it happened. Perhaps the Lan family, Du family and Dong family of China are much stronger than they are now!

   Xiao Hua also had no time to think about it. Dong Xing returned when he was about to escape into the Xuanpu Yumai cultivation.

"Master Xiao~" Dong Xing also knew that Xiao Hua was anxious to cultivate, so he went straight to the point. "My Dong family does not have the art of planting jade, and there is no instrument like Liuchen Du Yunlan, but my Dong family also has a secret. If the seniors need it for cultivation, the juniors can give it to Master Xiao."

   "Oh?" Xiao Hua smiled, "What secret technique does your Dong family have?"

   "Master Xiao, please see!" Dong Xing had long known that Xiao Hua's behavior was upright, and he was not afraid that Xiao Hua would be unbelievable, so he handed over a bronze bamboo joint.

   "Taichu Immortal Device?"

   Xiao Hua looked at the bronze bamboo joints and was dumbfounded. The Dong family, the Lan family, and the Du family were really weak in Xiao Hua's eyes. I never thought that their family heirs were all from the beginning!

   After Xiao Hua had seen it, I was overjoyed, because the Dong family's secret technique is called "Success in one go".

   This secret technique is used for cultivation and for display. Its cultivation method has its own unique path. Using this secret technique can speed up the introduction of innate energy, and it also has the effect of accelerating in the use of Wenji.

Although Xiao Hua didn't know whether this secret technique could be used by himself, Xiao Hua couldn't bear to refuse it only by seeing Dong Xing's eagerness, so he smiled and asked: "The old man accepted this secret technique. I wonder what the old man can do for you? "

"So that the seniors know~" Dong Xingcheng said sincerely, "The reason why my Dong family is not as strong as the Lan family and Du family is because my Dong family does not have a unique jade planting technique. The juniors actually want to ask Master Xiao for a jade planting technique. But the technique of planting jade belongs to the Du family and the Lan family. My Dong family doesn’t need to hang on a tree, so the younger generation would like to ask Master Xiao if you have any jade-making technique."

   "This~" Xiao Hua was a little embarrassed when he heard it. He did have Yuzhangjie's method of condensing, but he didn't know whether the Dong family could use this condensing method.

   "It's okay, it's okay!"

   Dong Xing immediately accompanied and laughed, "If Master Xiao doesn't have it, the younger generation won't think much about it."

   "Don't worry~" Xiao Hua thought for a while, and smiled, "I have the method of condensing Yuqiangjie here, but I can give it to you, but I don't know if your Dong family has the ability to condense!"

   "Yu Yanjie?"

   Dong Xing heard that his eyes were about to fall off, and hurriedly said, "Thank you, Master Xiao, this junior will need this!"

   Xiao Hua gave Dong Xing the method of condensing Yuqiangjie. After Dong Xing saw it, his face became a little embarrassed. He could condense, but... you can't rely on him to condense it!

   "Fine!" Xiao Hua said, "If you are not afraid of leaking the exercises, give me the cultivation method of your Dong family, let me see how to modify the exercises of your Dong family!"

   "Really?" Dong Xing was really ecstatic, he couldn't believe his ears.

   "Get it quickly!" Xiao Hua became impatient, and said, "The old man still has to practice and break through the realm of elegance and immortality!"

   "Okay, good!" Dong Xing hurriedly took out a few Xiayun Festivals and handed them to Xiao Hua respectfully.

   "So many?" Xiao Hua frowned.

   "The juniors don't know what seniors need, so I just give them to seniors!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua reached out and said to Dong Xing, "Lan Fan took the cultivation method of Congyu, and you took the method of condensing jade 琾jie. Look at how to cooperate in the future, and then let Fu Zhiwen and the others be responsible. Give you jade seeds and help you sell them!"

   "Thank you Master Xiao, thank you Master Xiao!!"

   Dong Xing is grateful to go.

   Xiao Hua waited for a while, thinking that Du Bin would come, but watching Du Bin and Dong Jing discuss something with Fu Zhiwen, there was no intention to come, Xiao Hua also took the Dong family's cultivation method to escape into the depths of the jade vein.

   Xiao Hua first looked at the bronze bamboo joints, and after comprehension, he discovered that this secret technique is beneficial to the cultivation of ordinary people, but it is not very useful for his current cultivation. After all, he already has the Transformation Mantra available, and this secret technique is not a tasteless one.

   But when Xiao Hua was about to put away the bronze bamboo joints, Xiao Hua had doubts in his heart. Things from the beginning have always been surprises. How could there be such a mediocre secret technique?

   Could it be that the exercises are incompletely recorded?

   Then, Xiao Hua entered the space with the bronze bamboo joints.

"Haha, sure enough~" Xiao Hua looked at the other things within the bronze bamboo joints. There were 36 obscure and unusual exercises and secrets in front of him. Xiao Hua couldn't help laughing." Things from the beginning have never disappointed the poor road!"

   There are as many ways as the heavens in one go. It is divided into the heaven-bearing heavy rules and the dry fan taru rules, covering the various stages of pregnancy, embryo, budding, branching, flowering, and even the condensation of three flowers.

   (Heavy rules and rules: Refers to the front and back, conforming to the same rules and regulations. It is also a metaphor for inheritance and repetition.)

   ("Yuefu Poetry Collection · Yan She Ge Ci II · Huang Xia": "Yao Xian ordered Shun, Shun also ordered Yu, the adults control the calendar and follow the rules.")

   Even Xiao Hua saw the application of Zhan Sanhua from this technique!

   "Cut the three flowers?"

   Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry, he hadn't even condensed the three flowers, and unexpectedly appeared "cut three flowers" again?

   As Dong Xing said, this qi can not only be used in cultivation practice, but also in writing texts, as well as in condensing painting and rhyme.

After    Xiao Hua took a closer look at the jade slip, he was overjoyed. He is now using Germination to draw the "Yuanxu Wuqitu". If he can comprehend the art of condensing, his speed of condensing painting will increase again!

   Xiao Hua saw the exercises, and immediately escaped from the space, transformed into a Confucian statue, and entered the green willow tree cave for enlightenment.

   After about ten thousand years, Xiao Hua's mind will complete the enlightenment in one go.

   Sure enough, the mind returned to the right place. In the middle dantian, the eleven budding brushes were like eleven brushes, which was twice as fast as before.

"Not bad!"

   Xiao Hua was even more happy to see that the one-shot method was effective, and then he continued to comprehend, preparing to join this one-shot method the next time the Liuchen Duyun basket was activated.

   After Xiao Hua left the customs again, it was already a thousand years later.

   Thousand years is just a retreat for Xiao Hua. For the Lan family, the Du family and the Dong family, the same small rest, and the branch of the Luoyi Business League has also completed the basic construction.

The formation of the business alliance in the heaven is different from the Dao Xianjie and the demon alliance. It is to be reported in the fairy palace and governed by the officials under the seat of the five heavenly emperors. If the Luoyi business alliance is first established, it will naturally not be easy, but the Wenqu’s Luoyi business alliance has already Before everything was done, Fu Zhiwen only had to go through Chenwei and ask the original Luoyi Shangmeng disciples for all the files, and just report a branch under the leadership of the Lan family disciples.

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