Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2438: Jade Belt Speed

However, in the six hundred years, when Liu Chen Du Jun's basket could be urged again, Xiao Hua changed his mind, which made Yue Yichun very surprised.

Yue Yichun is still different from Lan Zhan. She is unruly by nature, likes freedom, and is relatively indifferent to etiquette.

Although Xiao Hua asked her to admire her, she still liked the atmosphere of being a teacher and a friend, so she boarded the jade cart of Dong's family, and Yue Yichun asked: "Master Xiao, are you always stupid, why not? What?"

"I have used it four times, and I don't care if I use it one more time, do you think it is."

"Will you come back after leaving Xuanpu? I'm afraid you won't need it anymore, right?"

Seeing Yue Yichun chattering, Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry. He ignored Yue Yichun and raised his hand to bid farewell to Lan Fan, Dong Xing, Du Bin, and several elders of the Lan family, Yao Xuan, etc. People also came, they were all respectful salutes, with reluctance in their eyes.

"Everyone~" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "Xiaosheng stayed in Xuanpu for thousands of years and benefited a lot. I thanked Xiaosheng here."

After that, Xiao Hua, the chief inspector, salutes.

What Xiao Hua said was true. Xiao Hua learned the two oldest cultivation methods in the Heavenly Court in Xuanpu, one is the Lan family's jade-planting technique, and the other is the method of plucking weeds in the space between stone cracks.

And Xiao Hua's literature recondensed, and after the rebirth of Nirvana, he opened up a path of cultivation that was different from ordinary people. Xiao Hua has really benefited a lot during these ten thousand years.

Lan Fan waited hurriedly to return the gift, saying that he did not dare.

Xiao Hua is always grateful, and the grace of the dripping water is reciprocated. After his harvest is full, the rewards of the Lan family, the Du family and the Dong family are also the things that these three dreams of, let alone Xiao Hua also left the line of business. Alliance.

Luoyi Business Alliance is not only an opportunity for the development of the three companies, but also a cache for the three joint ventures, and also a safe armor for the three companies!

Although Fu Zhiwen did not stay in the Luoyi Business League, Li Zhaoran of Xingchentian stayed with the team.

The combat power, organization and scale of the Luoyi Business Alliance made the three companies amazed.

Xiao Hua got up and waved his hand: "Today Xuanpu has a farewell, and the niche may or may not come in the future, but the princes will remember the voices and smiles of the niche, and they will have to say goodbye to the emperor for thousands of miles, everyone, goodbye."

Hearing Xiao Hua's order, the disciples of the Dong family who drove the jade cart urged Wen Li, and a jade belt was born under the jade cart, and the jade belt flashed to the distance, and the jade cart disappeared like a jade belt.

"Respectfully send Master Xiao~" Lan Fan and others hurriedly saluted again, watching the jade car disappear.

"Two brothers~" Lan Fan looked at Du Bin and Dong Xing and said with a smile, "Master Xiao is gone, but our road has just started. I still need to work hard. Don't let Master Xiao down!"

"Yes!" Dong Xing also nodded, "Brother Lan's blessing to be able to stay in Xuanpu, Master Xiao, to be able to reach out and stop the three families of mine is all because of the harmony of the three families of mine and our progress together. Come on, so Brother Lan and Brother Du, no matter how far we develop in the future, we must keep in mind each other's affection, and we must never do anything betrayal!"

Du Bin echoed: "I and the three families should take this as the ancestral motto, and be in harmony with each other forever."

"Little brother, too!" Lan Fan and Dong Xing looked at each other with excitement on their faces. This was the original intention of the three Patriarchs when they were young, and they are finally completed today. As for the future, they don't know. But they believe that with the practice of the three people today, future generations will also be affected.

Lan Fan said with some regrets: "It's a pity that Chen Zhibin escaped, there will be future troubles."

"How can things in the world be perfect?" Dong Xing smiled, "and I wait for the three companies, and the Luoyi Business League, how can I be afraid that he has a desolate Chen Family Patriarch?"

"Haha, come back!" Du Bin smiled, "I will wait for the full operation, and even if he comes back, he will hit his head and break his blood."

"Master Xiao~"

In the jade cart, Yue Yichun entangled Xiao Hua and asked, "What the **** are you doing for not taking the last advantage?"

Xiao Hua didn't intend to pay any attention to Yue Yichun. He looked at the jade car, which was actually similar to Xianzhou, with some elegant rooms in it.

"I know that you always like to take advantage of it the most. If it is not for any special reasons, you will never give up!"

Listening to Yue Yichun's "buzzing" like a fly, Xiao Hua felt helpless and said, "I can tell you, but you have to promise me one thing!"

"No problem!" Yue Yichun nodded without hesitation, "Even if my head is screwed off, it will work!"

"Don't call me Master Xiao!" Xiao Hua said, "I have left Xuanpu, I am just... Yaxian, if you call me Master Xiao, I will lose face!"

"Okay, OK!" Yue Yichun said, "We call you Xiao Zu."

"Isn't Xiao Zu even less faceless?" Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry.

"No, no" Yue Yichun explained solemnly, "Calling you Xiao Zu, it means that you are old and have nothing to do with the realm of cultivation! Otherwise, would you still want us to call your name?"

"How could it be possible, we wouldn't dare to kill us!"

Xiao Hua thought for a moment and waved: "Do whatever you want!"

"Then tell me quickly, why don't you need Liu Chen to make a basket?"

"It's very simple~" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I have used the six-dust basket for five times, and basically achieved the effect, but some places are still blank. I originally wanted to use it for the sixth time. Fill the blanks, but I I thought of the white space in the painting. If the entire painting is full, there will be no room for others to imagine, but it will be a disadvantage, so I also left white space in my practice!"

"Is it still blank for cultivation?" Mo said that Yue Yichun, Lan Zhan, and Du Zhong, Du Xin, and Zhao Linhong of the Du family were also shocked.

Zhao Linhong also tentatively said: "Xiao Zu, my family teacher always mentioned to us in the practice that the cultivation must be exhausted and consummated. Isn't your staying blank and his old man saying conflict?"

"There is no conflict!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "If you are comfortable, even within a certain goal, you will naturally have to compete. But the manpower is sometimes poor. If you are unable to complete it, you will naturally have to leave it blank!"

"But~" Yue Yichun still asked, "You've always been able to do well!"

"That's because I know that it is best to leave blank at this time. If it is perfect, it may be too late!"

"Okay!" Yue Yichun nodded helplessly.


Xiao Hua said and looked at the people in the jade car, and said, "What are you going to do while waiting, the old man went to meditate."

There are many disciples in the jade cart, there are dozens of them. In addition to the five disciples of Yue Yichun who participated in the jade planting competition, there are also three Dong family disciples who participated in the jade making competition, and there are even three disciples who participated in the selection of apocalypse. Eighteen disciples, the remaining disciples naturally have other internal affairs.

Xiao Hua didn't ask too much. He went to Qunyu Tower to help the Lan family get a good ranking, and then help Luoyi Shangmeng to stand on their heels, and then look for the traces of Lan Yu to see if he could wake up the state with the memory of the past. Xiao Ming.

Of course, we need to find out if Yue Yichun is the reincarnation of Ewha.

Xiao Hua searched for the room, waved the ban, and sat cross-legged.

He checked the sprouting situation of Zhongdantian's language, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

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