Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1770: bluff?

"Qian Yuhan, Su Shi," Xiao Hua calmly, commanded, "you wait to go out first, and discuss with Yao Buyao specifically how to explore the heavens from all walks of life. After all, this is the sixth heaven of the world, and we can get some strength. ! "

"Yes, sir!" Qian Yuhan and Su Shi hurriedly answered without any hesitation.

Xu Chenggong and Jiang Yize also ordered Cao Jian and Yun Qi to take advantage of the situation. These Jinxian Buyao looked a little disgusted, but watched Qian Yuhan and Su Shi take Guan Tianyue out, they also said hello and did not look back. Followed!

"Damn ..." Xu Chenggong and Jiang Yize looked at Bu Zhan and other faces, suddenly there was a vigilance, they looked at each other, and secretly said, "Is this Yin Yihong's method of separation?"

"Three adults," seeing that the hall was gone, Yin Yihong smiled mysteriously, raised his hand to the dish-shaped fairy, and said, "This is the image of the middle of the demon soldier. Please look carefully ..."

Immediately, a piece of broken fireflies burst out from the dish-like fairy. After the broken pieces of flakes had condensed, some fuzzy shadows appeared inside.

"What's this?" Jiang Yize looked at the shadows and couldn't see anything at all, strangely.

"Master Jiang is in a hurry," Yin Yihong raised his hand and grabbed, and the light and shadow began to enlarge. After a moment, the light and shadow became clear. It turned out to be a mountain-topped earth, but the light and shadow were far away from the earth, and it was not clear that the ground was like a worm. What is the shadow.

"Look at me, adults," Yin Yihong pointed to those shadows, all saying, "This is what my Taoist Tiangong official saw when he used the celestial celestial celestial weapon. This light red color indicates that it is a monster league, and adults look at these shadows. , Is not a human figure, and these pale red shadows have disappeared again, indicating that these monsters have broken the world from Yueheng Heaven to Moyi Heaven ... "

"Deputy Yin Yin," Jiang Yize looked at the disappearing pale red outline, his face was a bit ugly, and said coldly, "Jiang may not have seen the Celestial Celestial Device of Tianzun Mansion, but Jiang also used the celebrity surveillance instrument of my clan. , Such an image of a monster soldier ... can it be worth hundreds of millions? "

"Hundreds of millions are naturally impossible!" Yin Yihong laughed. "If there are hundreds of millions, wouldn't the fairy soldiers in the Palace of the Realm find out?"

"Since there aren't hundreds of millions," Jiang Yize said a little bit angry, "How did the deputy Yin's rumors spread? I waited for three deputies Yuexiao, eight Jinxian Buyao, and brought 1.6 billion immortals to come. Are you a small group of monsters? "

"Master Jiang," Yin Yihong still said with a smile, "Although there are few demon soldiers, who knows if they have any demon weapon similar to the marching fairy? If every demon tribe had a demon weapon, no demon weapon There are tens of millions of demon soldiers in it, isn't there ... billions of demon clan? "

这么 "It's possible!" Jiang Yize shouted, "Do you think this kind of demon weapon is a hundred-bag, is there everywhere in fairyland?"

"Yin naturally knows that those monsters are not Baina bags, and they ca n’t be everywhere ..." Yin Yihong said, "But Yin knows that the credit is just a Baina bag. I'll get it at hand! Of course, if Lord Jiang doesn't want to For these military achievements, Lord Jiang can go back as much as possible, but Yin does not want Lord Jiang to block the way for others to make contributions! "

"Yes!" Xu Chenggong understood Yin Yihong's thoughts, and smiled, "Vice Deputy Tang Yin is so frank, I can't help but give face? Master Jiang has to think twice !!!"

Then Xu Chenggong looked at Xiao Hua and laughed, "How does Master Xiao think?"

If it was before, Xiao Hua said that he would not be able to make a case, and angrily reprimanded Yin Yihong for cheating, and he would not join them. But at this time, Xiao Hua smiled slightly and said: "How adults behave, it's all the adults' affairs. Xiaomou, however, comes over by the military order. If he can do it, he can do it. If he can't, he can't do it! As for military merit, it's fine No matter what, left and right Xiaomou has just been promoted to Deputy Yue Xiao, there can be no big changes in a short time ... "

"Hee hee," Xu Chenggong laughed, "Xu Yi sees Xiao Xiao as a wise person, otherwise it would not be possible to be promoted to Deputy Yue Xiao in a short time. Since I got here, how could I go back empty-handed? You said Isn't it, Lord Jiang? "

"Well, what Master Xu said!" Jiang Yize thought for a few moments, weighed the pros and cons, and nodded, "Jiang understands, but listens to the arrangements made by Vice President Yin!"

"Haha," Yin Yihong laughed, clenching his fists in both hands, "Thank you to the three Yue Xiao adults for their support, Yin will never let the adults return empty-handed!"

At this moment, Yin Yihong flickered with light and shadow on the messenger around his waist. He patted lightly and said, "What's the matter?"

"Master," a voice sounded, "the disciples of the Jiang family have something to ask for grown-ups!"

"Jing's house?" Yin Yihong frowned. "Did you say something?"


"See you then!" Yin Yihong replied.

He did not wait for Yin Yihong to finish speaking, Xiao Hua laughed: "Vice Deputy Yin, if it's about sneaking into the demon tribe? See you later."

"Well, listen to Lord Xiao," Yin Yihong said with a smile on his face, "let him in!"

After a short while, Jiang Zibo flew into the hall.

"Master Yin," Jiang Zibo looked carefully at Yin Yihong, "the younger one has an important matter and wants to ask the adults, I wonder if I can say it alone?"

"No need!" Yin Yihong said lightly, "The old man and the three Yuexiao adults co-schedule this major event, there is no need to avoid it, you can say it!"

"Master, this ..." Jiang Zibo hesitated for a moment and said, "This is a private matter of the younger, can you ..."

"Since it's a private matter, that's even more unnecessary!" Yin Yihong waved, "If you are not convenient to say, then please come back!"

"No, no," Jiang Zibo heard Yin Yihong's order to sacrifice guests, and hurried to accompany the laughter, "the junior is just asking about a trivial matter, there is nothing inconvenient!"

"Come on," Yin Yihong said impatiently, "I'm waiting to discuss how to detect the traces of the billions of demons!"

"Master," Jiang Zibo said quickly, "the junior heard that the Taoist Temple had a message from them, and a fairy official in the Tiangong Palace found the news that the high-level penalty of the palace of punishment made Xu Zhi?"

"Why do we have the news of the immortal official of the punishment palace?" Yin Yihong waved his hands without thinking or thinking, "This is all a rumor, don't believe it!"

"But, sir," Jiang Zibo hurriedly said, "It is said that there is no wind and waves, and it is impossible to have such news from the Taoist Temple of Heaven for nothing?"

"What do you mean?" Yin Yihong said coldly. "The old man gave you family disciples face and asked you to come and help, but you asked the old man with a rumor that was totally unfounded. Do you want to hear the news, or do you want to destroy the demon soldiers ?? "

"Sorry, sir," Jiang Zibo gritted his teeth. "Xu Zhinai was a junior to make friends, and the junior hasn't seen him for a long time. The junior always thought he was in the palace of punishment. I didn't expect him to disappear ...

"Okay, okay!" Xiao Hua waved his hand to stop Jiang Zibo from saying, "The deputy Yin Yin has made it clear that the news is nothing. He has actually answered your question. You have n’t hurriedly thanked Master Yin. Quickly back down? "

"Yes, the younger generation would like to thank Master Yin," Jiang Zibo reluctantly, after bowing and giving, he retreated.

"Hum!" Yin Yihong snorted coldly. "If it wasn't for Xiao Xiao, the old man would have to punish this disciple of the Jiang family. Any rumors that are unfounded would come to ask!"

"Okay, okay," Xiao Hua laughed. "You don't have to worry about this little thing, Master Yin still has to figure it out. Don't leak it!"

"That's ..." Yin Yihong smiled, "That's what Yin means to leave three adults alone!"

Listening to Yin Yihong, Jiang Yize, and Xu Chenggong, you are like a confidant who smells the same, and excitedly discusses how to join forces, Xiao Hua sneers and enters the space.

Xu Zhi is actually Jiang Zibo's best friend. This is something that Xiao Hua never expected.

Xu Zhi once said that there are two besties in the fairyland, but he never said who the two besties were, so Xiao Hua didn't ask him carefully. Now that he knows, Xiao Hua naturally wants to ask, let alone Xiao Hua is very rare. How did the news of Xu Zhi return to the fairyland leaked.

The color of heaven is the most important of the sky.

处方 This prescription is different from other places within billions of miles. It has neither sporadic flames nor fine clouds. Under the silver and white sunlight of Viper Sun, the crystals around it are like huge ice crystals!

"Oh ..." But seeing a blue light flashing, like a needle tip piercing into the ice crystal obliquely ~ ~ hum ... "Bing Jing made a deep thunder, and a ray of thunder flew past the blue light. Where it was born, it rushed into the depths of the ice crystal, and between the flashes of light and shadow, it seemed that twenty-four overlapping superimposed outlines of thunder appeared in the ice crystals, and the center of each thunder outline was twenty-four identical palaces!

阙 Isn't this palace the punishment palace?

As for the blue light that flew in, the appearance of a fairy boat also appeared in the flash of thunder!

At this time, a true immortal wearing a robe was standing on the immortal boat, and the silver light of the true immortal body was also annihilated under the wash of thunder.

Xi Tian frowned, and the thunder in the eyes could not hide his anxiety.

Wu Xianzhou rushed past Lei Guang, and the twenty-four rushed to the penalty palace's ghost image was solidified. This penalty palace looks exactly like Huang Zengtian's penalty palace.

However, the closer to the penalty palace, the slower Tianzheng's Xianzhou flight was. At the end, Xianzhou stopped and Tianzheng Yang took out a token. When Xianli urged it, the token turned into a thundering charge. Void before entering.

"Boom ..." The heavy mottled thunder marks were born again. The thunder marks penetrated in the middle, and a step-like light and shadow led directly to the punishment palace.

"Hoo ..." Tianzheng took a deep breath, closed the fairy boat, and urged his figure to fall on the light and shadow. The figure also flashed countless false figures and rushed into the penalty palace.

When Wu Tianzheng reappeared, he was already in front of a towering hall in the palace of punishment.

Xi Tianzheng tidy up his clothes and respectfully said: "Sir, I am back."

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