Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1771: confusing?

"Well," a faint voice sounded in the hall, and then a heavy red flame overflowed from the hall, as if pushed by a large hand, and a portal opened, "Come in!"

"Yes, sir!" Tianzheng hesitated, and flew into the portal with a gritted tooth.

Immediately afterwards, Tianzheng immediately fell down on one knee: "Master, please plead guilty."

At the top of the hall, in a beam of light that penetrates the sky, Ouyang Shuotian sits in the end, except that his shape and appearance are distorted in the beam of light, and even his voice is a bit erratic: "What is your sin?"

"Xiao has found out that the news of Xu Zhi and Wu Xingyue was revealed by Zhong Li!" Tianzheng gritted his teeth and said, "When Zhong Lichu entered the penalty palace, he was under Xu Zhi. Xu Zhi was very kind to him, he called him Xu Zhi is uncle ... "

"So Zhong Li detected the news of Xu Zhi in the lower realm, and did not share it with you. Instead, he returned to the immortal to make his own claim to prosecute the Palace of Penalty. Did the Palace of Penalty begin to investigate the news of Xu Zhi?"

Although Ouyang Shuotian's tone was faint, Tianzheng was so shocked that he said, "Yes, it's all negligence. Actually, Zhong Li leaked the news of Xu Zhi!"

"Strange," Ouyang Shuotian laughed. "Xu Zhi is a high-ranking punisher in the penalty hall of my punishment palace. He has been missing for a long time. Now that he has received the news of his return to the fairy realm, the old man is too late to be happy, why punish you?"

"Master ... adult ..." Tianzheng carefully said, "adults should know this for the first time, and it's up to the adult to decide whether ..."

He did not wait for Tian Zheng to finish, Ouyang Shuotian interrupted him and said, "Even the old man, the same way. Get up, you are not guilty, Zhong Li is right!"

呼 "Whew," Tianzheng exhaled a long time, got up and said, "Lord is magnanimous, too small!"

"Zhong Li is the official of the punishment hall, and it is Xu Zhi's acquaintance. It concerns the news of Xu Zhi's disappearance. He naturally informed the punishment hall at the first time. He is somewhat selfish and it is normal ..."

"Yes, lord," Tianzheng said respectfully, "but the little one didn't understand is that the news was originally passed out by Zhong Li, how can it become the Taoist heavenly palace leaked now?"

"Don't you forget it!" Ouyang Shuotian replied, "He disappeared with Xu Zhi, and even returned with Xingyue in the Palace of Law. Since the two of them have returned to the fairy realm, where are they? Who seems to be? Don't know! "

"Yes, no one has seen these two people, whether it is the Palace of Command or our Palace of Penalty!"

"That's right," Ouyang Shuotian laughed. "It means that the two have just returned to the fairyland and are missing again!"

"What ... what's going on?"

"I'm afraid nobody knows this except the one who made it!"

"That Lord of Heaven?"

"Did you know?" Ouyang Shuotian asked, "the two deputy chiefs of the Palace of the Command also disappeared!"

"Ah?" Tianzheng was startled. "When is it?"

"It was just before your visit to the Nether!"

"This ... This is too weird, right?" Tian Zheng pinched his chin. "Who is my penal palace?"

"Who has such a big deal to kill the two deputy masters directly!" Ouyang Shuotian shook his head and said, "The old man doesn't think it is my penal palace ..."

"That is?"

"Don't you understand?" Ouyang Shuotian asked.

Sui Tian was suddenly afraid in his eyes and whispered, "No, right? Taoist Temple?"

既然 "Since the rumor mentions the Taoist Heavenly Palace, it is unlikely to be the Taoist Heavenly Palace!" Ouyang Shuotian laughed. "They will not trouble themselves and set themselves on fire."

既然 "Since it is not the Palace of Penalty or the Taoist Heavenly Palace, then Daozun Tiangong and Daozu Tiangong are left ..." Tianzheng scratched his head and said, "Who will be the two of them?"

"Hahaha," Ouyang Shuotian shook her body, as if to rise into the sky, and laughed, "Who is no longer important, think about it yourself!"

"Greetings to my lord!" Tian Zheng hurriedly bowed.

Seeing Ouyang Shuotian's body disappeared, only forty-three thunders flashed on the beam of light, Tianzheng laughed: "Adult is really good, I haven't thought about it for a long time, I just realized that his old man was a little bit old. What I want is to provoke Daozun Tiangong and Daozun Tiangong to be jealous of each other! The common fairy only knows the disappearance of Xu Zhi and Xing Xingyue, but what they do n’t know is that the two deputy masters of the Palace of the Palace are followed, The disappearance of the two deputy masters is actually related to Daozu Tiangong and Daozun Tiangong, which is interesting ... "

Xi Tianzheng turned with a smile and left happily. What he didn't know was that Ouyang Shuotian's figure was still in a large hall after it was condensed in a certain sky.

However, where is his expression at this moment? He looked at Zuo Jin, and yelled: "Damn, Tianzheng, if it wasn't for the old husband's avatar, the old husband would have killed you already! But it was so much trouble to visit the realm! And that Zhongli actually concealed Xu However, it is also his life. If he didn't hide it, the moment when Tianzheng sent a message to the old man would be his death! "

"The problem now is that even if he falsely accuses Xu Zhi, who is involved in the Taoist Heavenly Palace! The disappearance of Xu Zhi and Xing Xingyue is nothing, but the disappearance of Xi Cheng and Yan Yongxi is extraordinary ... ... "

"Damn city of Xi," Ouyang Shuotian stretched his hand and squeezed his eyebrows, a little annoyed, "He only said that Xu Zhi was involved in Shen Jian, but where is Shen Jian? He really doesn't know?"

I wondered, Ouyang Shuotian went into his fairy space.

"Xicheng," Ouyang Shuotian looked at Xicheng coldly, "The husband told you clearly that the disappearance of you and Yan Yongxi has already attracted the attention of Taoist Heavenly Palace. The husband has no patience, and I will ask you one last time, Xu Zhi How could it appear in the forbidden area of ​​the palace of law, what is there in that forbidden area ... "

Xicheng squinted and looked at Ouyang Shuotian's Yuanshen and asked, "Did I say that earlier? I just took turns in that forbidden place, and I didn't know what was in that forbidden place. As for how Xu Zhi returned to the fairyland, I It ’s also not clear. I just searched the memory of Xing Xingyue, and the girl blew me off guard and didn't see clearly ... ”

"Okay!" Ouyang Shuotian said coldly, "Since you don't cooperate, then you should blame some kind of heart!"

"Papapa" With Ouyang Shuotian's voice landing, the Xicheng fairy body piece burst.

"Hum" Xi Cheng snorted coldly, "Ouyang Shuotian, the old man still has a bit of expectation, delusion that you can let the old man go, but after more than a century of meditation, the old man has already figured it out. Just deal with the old man In general Xu Zhi, you will never let your husband out, so the husband will never say a word again! But before the husband silences, there is a warning for you! "

"What warning?"

"It's about Shen Jian, don't touch it!" Xi Cheng said, "Shen Jian is a vortex of death, and anyone who touches it can't escape death! 烨 天天 尊, 巽 芷 天尊, 苒 星月, 徐志, me , Yan Yongxi, and ... you !!! "

"Haha" Ouyang Shuotian laughed, raised his hand a little in Xicheng, and Yan Yongxi, who was also bloodied next to the immortal body, said, "What do you say, Deputy Lord Yan Yanxi Yan?"

"Yes!" Yan Yongxi coldly said, "Ouyang Shuotian, since you have already shown your true face in front of me, how can you let us go?"

"Huh, huh" Ouyang Shuotian smiled slightly, "Boom ..." Yan Yongxi gave birth to a thin thunderbolt, Leihao like an ant devouring the golden light of Yanyong Xixian's body, and, more like a jagged thunder, surrounded by Yanyong's dark green fairy marks Zhenming, "Ah" Yan Yongxi couldn't help screaming whispering. In Ouyang Shuotian's fairy space, all her defenses were vanished. Ouyang Shuotian's severe punishment was on her soul and body.

"I ..." Yan Yongxi whispered, "I said ..."

"That's it!" Ouyang Shuotian smiled at the corner of her mouth and said lightly, "Why force an old man to do this?"

"That ... that's ..."

He did not wait for Yan Yongxi to finish speaking, Xi Cheng roared: "Yan Yongxi, you are crazy ..."

"I ..." There was a cloud of confusion in Yan Yongxi's eyes.

"Hey ..." Ouyang Shuotian sneered, "Papapa ..." The broken fairy marks of Xicheng exploded every inch ...

When the city of Xixi and Yan Yongxi were forced to interrogate, Mo Feiyan carefully flew to the gate of a pavilion in Huang Zengtian's palace of law ~ ~ respectfully said: "My lord, here is my humble job ..."

"Come in," Yan Yu's voice came from inside.

"Have met an adult in a humble job." Mo Feiyan entered the pavilion, Yan Yuzheng stood at the window with his hands on his back, Mo Feiyan respectfully said.

"Well," Yan Yu didn't look back, a finger flicked, and a token fell in front of Mo Feiyan.

"High ... High-ranking robber?" Mo Feiyan looked at the token and whispered, "Sir, this ..."

"This is the old man who just applied for you!" Yan Yu turned and smiled, "The appointment will come down later."

"Thank you, sir." Mo Feiyan knelt down on one knee without hesitation. "Humble duty is willing to pave the way for adults!"

"Get up!" Yan Yu lifted Mo Feiyan with a smile, "You can go to the Yuyu continent to find an old man. How loyal is this old man? I do n’t know? You are now a senior of the Five Elements, and you have been there for more than a century Credit, although granting you high-level robbery at this time makes it a bit unusual, but ... your performance is too good, the old man will not apply for you, that is the old man's wrong! "

"These are all done by the humble function." Mo Feiyan stood up, still respectfully, "I can't think of every bit of my adult mind, and I am afraid of the humble job."

"You don't need to say more, but you must intensify your cultivation!" Yan Yu said immediately and explained again, "Oh, I'm not saying that you don't work hard. After you have recovered from your injuries, you are practicing with all your strength. It ’s completely different from before, far beyond my imagination. If I had n’t inspected by Tianjian, I would think you are not Mo Feiyan! ”

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