Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1769: Discuss

"Master Tang," Yin Yihong hurriedly bowed and saluted on the side of the jade case. "Why are you here? Didn't you just say that there is an urgent matter there?"

"Huh!" Xu Ying stood on the high platform, snorted coldly, "Have no time to pay tribute to the three Yuexiaos? Those demon soldiers sneaking into the immortal world are fierce, and our Taoist Celestial immortal will surrender and destroy these The monster soldiers also rely on three Yuexiao to lead the fairy soldiers. If you can't work together and work together, how can you protect my fairy fairy? "

"Yes, yes, you are wrong!" Yin Yihong replied in a terrified way, rushing to Xiao Hua and so on. "Three adults, Yin is wrong, please forgive the three adults!"

Watching the co-host and deputy co-host acting together, Xiao Hua and the other three knew each other well, and they also laughed and said, "Master Tang, deputy co-instructor, I and others are rushing wars, always rude. Palace etiquette, if there is any offense, please forgive me. "

"Haha, three Yuexiao handsomes please," said the host, Xingying laughed, "the old man said that the heavenly palace Qianji Palace was nothing, Yueheng Tang, the master of Hongheng, and the demon soldier sneaked in. First of all, I found that the husband should be responsible for it at this time. However, suddenly there was another thing in the Qianji Palace that was related to Master Tianzun. The husband could not come to the Palace of Desire, so he sent the assistant of the husband, Deputy Assistant Yin, to coordinate this. Matter! The qualifications, strength, and merit of the three Yuexiaos have already been obtained from the master of my house. You and others are all the stars of the team. This matter is a tricky matter in the eyes of my Tianzun Mansion. To solve the problem, the old man first gave birth to Tianzun Mansion and thanked the three immortals on behalf of the immortal world! "

"Master, you are welcome!" Xiao Hua and others did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly bowed again.

"I don't want to talk about the old man," Hong Yuxiao looked at the crowd and laughed. "You will wait for the invaders to infiltrate! Yihong is in charge of coordinating and will second the immortal officials with the Celestial Government. The family and the disciples of Xianmen inspected the traces of the demon soldiers from all walks of life. The three Yuexiaos could inspect the sky from all walks of life. Once there was a message from the demon soldiers, they immediately led the soldiers to annihilation. You can rest assured that the old man will never praise you for your credit. Will definitely give you credit. "

"I understand," Yin Yihong, Xiao Hua, Xu Chenggong, Jiang Yize, etc., and even many yaoyao, the immortal official hurriedly bowed down, "Please rest assured Lord Master, I will wait and do everything to get this done!"

"Okay, okay, okay." Hong Yuxiao applauded, the big hand was frightened in the jade case, the gold light flashed on the jade case, and it instantly turned into a circle. Four jade chairs were placed around the round table.

Wu Hongyu Xiao glanced at the crowd again, and disappeared as a broken firefly.

"Hehe, three Yuexiao adults please." Yin Yihong changed her smile and reached out to signal that she didn't sit down before this time.

"Guests are at their disposal, adults please," Xu Chenggong laughed.

"No guest, no owner ..." Yin Yihong said, "This is the palace of desire, we are all guests, and we are all masters!"

来 "Come, sit, sit!" Jiang Yize looked at the four jade chairs and said, "Master Hong has already arranged my duties and so on. I'll wait to discuss how to eradicate the demons!"

"Everyone can sit down!" Xiao Hua also smiled, flew to the high platform, and found a jade chair to sit down. Yin Yihong waited to see each other and also sat down.

Seeing the four adults taking their seats, Bu Yaohan and other Yaoyao also flew up to the platform and stood separately, while Yao Zhaoxing and Guan Tianyue stood on the left of the platform.

Xiao Xiaohua looked at the right side of the empty platform and laughed, "It seems that people from all walks of life in Xianmen have not yet arrived?"

他们 "They have come here naturally," Yin Yihong replied, "but now is the time for me to discuss important matters, they are not qualified to be here! When I have finished the negotiation, I can directly assign their tasks!"

"Yeah!" Xu Chenggong looked at Xiao Hua and Jiang Yize, and laughed. "I and I are all generals, good at fighting, and the deputy Yin has received the news earlier, so I must have a plan, I will not let the deputy Yin first How about it? "

"Well, Jiang has the same idea!" Jiang Yize nodded in agreement, and Xiao Hua nodded.

Yin Yihong said: "Yin is like this idea. My Taoist Tiangong is in the middle of the schedule. The Celestial Officials of the Celestial Palace are responsible for the investigation of the Celestial Territory and the Continent.

"... adults can send a team of fairy soldiers to protect the fairy officials, fairy gates, and family disciples on all continents. When they have the exact news, the adults will immediately dispatch the fairy soldiers ..."

After waiting for Yin Yihong to finish speaking, Jiang Yize interjected: "Vice Lord Yin, my team's immortal soldiers are too murderous, and they are not suitable for activities in the fairyland. Moreover, the immortals of the fairyland are not suitable for knowing more, so Jiang A suggestion is that it is better for the Taoist Heavenly Palace to send immortal soldiers to protect the immortal officials! "

"Yes, Xu also means that!" Xu Chenggong also said, "And I waited for Her Majesty Buyao's limited immortal soldiers, and the strength of the scattered queens of the world must be insufficient. If the news of the demon soldiers, the assembly, it may be a fighter. ... "

Yun Yinhong asked: "How many immortal soldiers did you bring?"

"Every step Yao Yao about 200 million soldiers!" Xu Chenggong looked at Yao Qin and asked, "Right?"

"Yes, sir!" Yao Qin answered quickly.

这个 "This," Yin Yihong looked at the eight steps, frowned, "There are only 1.6 billion immortals, it is indeed a bit stretched! If it is scattered, it is really difficult to cope!"

"How many demon soldiers sneaked into the immortal realm?" Xiao Hua was very concerned about this, but Yin Yihong said, "Finally, since there are not many immortal soldiers brought by adults, you don't need to disperse the troops ..."

Speaking of Yin Yihong, he took out three immortals with three legs, and sent them to Xiao Hua and others. "This is the transmission of the immortals from the palace of the realm. The three adults are excited anywhere in the world of the realm. All adults will be connected to this hall, and from this hall, three adults can also go directly to any place in Desire World! "

"Well," Xiao Hua and others took the three-legged fairy, and said, "Because of this, I will also take Buyao to go to all circles to take a look and help to detect the trace of the demon soldiers!"

"Then there are grown-up adults," Yin Yihong said, pointing to the three-legged fairy. "The grown-ups can use this fairy to send a message to Yin at any time. Of course, if they do n’t include the marching fairy, Yin can also know you. Where the Lord is. "

Yin Yihong then detailed the specific affairs of all circles, Xiao Hua and so on listened to it!

"Yes," Yin Yihong said, thinking something again, and said, "The adults are charging towards the realm, and they are not familiar with the heavens of the immortal world, so if the adults are willing, they can choose one or two of these immortal officials as help If the adults are not familiar, Yin can help the adults assign! "

Xiao Huale, look left and right, and point to Guan Tianyue in the distance, asking, "Come here ..."

Tongguan Tianyuefei will come over, respectfully said: "I've met an adult."

"Which Tianzun Mansion do you belong to?" Yin Yihong apparently didn't know Guan Tianyue and asked.

"Your lords, your humble job is Huang Zengtian's enlightenment on the mainland to reach the Supreme Court Guan Tianyue."

"Huang Zengtian?" Yin Yihong frowned, looked up at the other fairy officials, and said, "Master Xiao, it would be better to find a fairy minister ..."

"Forget it, just him!" Xiao Hua laughed, "Xiao Mou had ordered it casually, all the immortal officials had become!"

"Success!" Yin Yihong also reluctantly said to Guan Tianyue, "You just follow Xiao Yuexiao and work hard."

"Yes, sir!" Guan Tianyue nodded respectfully, stood under the high platform, and waited for Qian Yuhan in one direction.

Looking at Xiao Hua himself, Xu Chenggong and Jiang Yize both found a fairy official at will.

"I've waited for things to be arranged," Yin Yihong said again, "Yin is going to let those Xianmen and family disciples come in for orders."

嗯 "Well," Xu Chenggong preempted again, "these are the deputy Lao Yin."

Yin Yinhong smiled and looked up at the immortal official standing on the stage and said, "Call them in."

He watched Xianmen and his family disciples entering through the fish, Xiao Hua was hesitated again. He actually saw Jiang Zibo in the crowd!

However, at this time Jiang Zibo is already a true immortal.

Jiang Zibo naturally did not recognize Xiao Hua, and Yin Yihong did not specifically introduce the names of Xiao Hua and others ~ ~ only three adults, Yue Xiao.

In the face of the warriors of Jinxian, family members such as Jiang Zibo and Xianmen disciples have to bow down and salute. How dare you look seriously!

Yin Yihong still has some face in the face of Xiao Hua and other generals. Even though he had some intentions to play before, he was not polite to these families and disciples of Xianmen. Assigning tasks and delineating areas of responsibility were all orders. No doubt at all.

Wu Shijia and Xianmen disciples also seem to be accustomed to the style of the Taoist Heavenly Palace. Except for a nod, they agree, without any rebuttal.

After waiting for the arrangement, Yin Yihong let out a long sigh of relief and waved to all the immortals in the hall: "You just wait! Be prepared to prepare for this lower bound!"

"Yes, lord!" The immortals bowed and urged their figures to leave the hall, but for a moment, under the hall's high platform, except for Guan Tianyue and the three immortals, there was almost no one.

"No!" Xiao Hua looked around and smiled, "Did Deputy Lord Yin also said that he wanted me to wait and see the information about the demon soldiers, how could he let those fairy officials go?"

"Hey," Yin Yihong smiled and said, "This is confidential. How can you show people at will?"

He said, Yin Yihong took out a dish-like fairy, but said in his mouth, "Three adults, if possible, please ask some adults to avoid Buyao!"

"This," Xu Chenggong and Jiang Yize hesitated. After all, they don't carry soldiers. The real force is Yao Qin. Tang Jiyao's Jinxian Buyao, let them avoid at this time, how can they open their mouths? Nor can they!

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