Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1768: Vanity Fair

These battles and the League of Legends will not kill the two geniuses, they know very well, let alone kill the true body of the Purple Star Heng Demon General, or the clone is extremely rare! It is almost impossible to kill the clone of Xingju Demon, while Xiao Hua exploded while Wei Chong was injured. The blue lion was injured. So many demon will be killed in one fell swoop, plus 10 billion demon soldiers and 10 billion clan. The life of the immortal soldiers, it is really unreasonable to not reward Yue Xiao!

Xu Chenggong rolled his eyes slightly and hurriedly bowed: "Xu thanked Xiao Xiao for the team hero who died in the hands of the Blue Lion ..."

"Dare, dare ..." Xiao Hua hurriedly raised Xu Chenggong and laughed, "this is what Xiao should do!"

"The bad news of Master Wei's fall has not yet been transmitted ..." Jiang Yize looked behind Xiao Hua and said, "Master Xiao is afraid that he came to the Palace of Yujie as soon as he came out of the battlefield? Do you know how many of the soldiers who sent the soldiers to Yao Yao Come to help the adults? "

"Master Sinan didn't say ..." Xiao Hua shook his head. "If nothing unexpected happens, Xiao Mo will be a few steps away!"

"Master ... His Majesty Bu Yaojun?" Jiang Yize and Xu Chenggong were both surprised.

But Xu Chenggong patted his forehead and said, "No, Wei Yuexiao fell, and the old man's step Yao will belong to Xiao!"

Speaking of which, Xu Chenggong glanced at several steps, and whispered, "Master Xiao, this is an excellent opportunity. Don't let it go ..."

"Huh!" Xiao Hua nodded slightly, motioned to understand.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Hua told Jiang Yize: "Xiao came with Qian Yuhan and Su Shi, but they were injured and stayed in Xiao Xing's martial arts weapon for a while!"

"No ... not?" Tang Jiyao and Bu Yaoshuai looked at each other, and they were surprised again. They knew in their hearts that if they were themselves, they would not easily enter the martial arts parades of others, even Yuexiao handsome!

"Let's send them out!" Jiang Yize whispered, "I'll see Vice President Yin soon, they're not afraid it's bad!"

"Not to mention!" Xiao Hua didn't know these taboos, took a little thought out of Kunlun mirror, and sent Qian Yuhan and Su Shi.

Seeing Yao Qin and other Yao Yao, Qian Yuhan and Su Shi immediately understood that they would first meet with Jiang Yize and Xu Chenggong, and then meet with Bu Yaoyao.

Zhongbuyao was familiar, naturally whispering, and the hall was lively.

Xu Chenggong looked at the empty hall and Yao Zhaoxing who was waiting beside him, and said lightly: "Brother Jiang, the main shelf of this vice vice church is not small. I will wait for the team generals to come here, but also wait for him here!"

"Hey ..." Jiang Yize smiled slightly, "Although the Lord Xu did not see the Deputy Lord Yin, it was an instant hit. The adult greeted Xu and did not say two words, so he went on business as an excuse. If not, The adult is sending a crystal rune, Jiang is still sitting in the inner hall! "

Yao Zhaoxing was embarrassed. He was neither standing nor walking. He knew in his heart that it would be impossible for these Jinxian to enter the palace of the realm without the help of Deputy Yin.

"Lord, wait a minute ..." Yao Zhaoxing laughed with companionship, "The small one urges Deputy Yin ..."

I don't know if Yao Zhaoxing sent a message. It was enough time to make a note of incense.

"Let's go ..." Xu Cheng said flatly, "I've been waiting in the realm for a long time. This emptiness and balance are not frequent, so take this opportunity to see!"

"Okay!" Jiang Yize was also angry, nodding, "I'll wait for a while ..."

Yao Zhaoxing was so anxious that he was about to say something.

A loud voice sounded from the hall: "Lords, stay away ..."

"My lord, my lord is here ..." Yao Zhaoxing was overjoyed, and hurried.

Xu Chenggong, Jiang Yize, and Xiao Hua looked at each other, exchanged their gazes, all stopped and looked at where the sound came from.

However, there was a ring-shaped spiral in the hall. A young male immortal in a Jinyi flew out with ten dozen officials.

The male fairy has a round face, and a pair of eyes flashes slightly gold. The male fairy's face is indifferent, and he flew to the door before arching: "Old man Yin Yihong, has seen two adults Yue Xiao, just had an urgent message from the master of my house. It was late. . "

Hearing Yin Yihong didn't even apologize, even Xiao Hua frowned.

However, Jiang Yize hesitated for a moment, and laughed: "Vice Lord Yin, come, come, come, let me introduce to the adults the two newly promoted Vice Yuexiaos of the Chongchong team ..."

Jiang Yize then pointed to Xu Chenggong and Xiao Hua and introduced: "This is Xu Chenggong and Xu Yuexiao, this is Xiao Zhenxiao Xiaoxiao ..."

"I've seen the Vice Lord Yin ..." Xiao Hua and Xu Chenggong both raised their hands to salute, but Xiao Hua glanced behind Yin Yihong and froze, because he saw Guan Tianyue among those immortal officials, and Guan Tianyue Ye Xiao looked at Xiao Hua, his eyes were full of incredible!

"No wonder ..." Xiao Hua was stunned, thinking of the kind of induction that was outside the hall before. If there was no accident, Shuo Bing should be outside the palace of desire world!

"It's even more weird!" Xiao Hua looked away, his heart getting more and more puzzled. "How does Shuo Bing know that Guan Tianyue is in the Palace of Desire?"

Seeing Xiao Hua's eyes closed, Guan Tianyue also hurriedly bowed his head. He never expected to see Xiao Hua in the Palace of Desires, and Xiao Hua became the vice Yue Xiao of the team, even side by side with Yin Yihong.

"No wonder Binger said that she has a cloud and mud compared to Xiao Zhenren!" Guan Tianyue's eyes turned sharply, and he secretly thought about how to remind Xiao Hua to pay attention to safety, but he did not dare to spread his voice. He was afraid of any monitoring of the fairy.

"Three adults ..." Yin Yihong said after a simple courtesy, "This is not the place to talk, so let's follow Yin to the inner temple to discuss!"

Xu Chenggong glanced at Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua nodded slightly, Xu Chenggong was pleased, knowing that Xiao Hua didn't plan to grab any right to speak with him, so he also smiled at Jiang Yize: "Brother Jiang, deputy Yin is right, here I ca n’t discuss things, I ’ll just go in and talk ... ”

Jiang Yize frowned, because in the military order only said that the Palace of Yujie assisted Tianzun Mansion, one did not say which Tianzun Mansion, and two did not say how many teams came over. Jiang Yize also knew from Yin Yihong's mouth that the three demon handsomes sent three Vice Yue Xiao came over, and he didn't know who he was.

What Jiang Yize cares about most is who is headed by the three deputies Yuexiao!

The matter of assisting Tianzun Mansion to eradicate the demon clan, if done well, it will be a great achievement, and it will be of great help to promote Yuexiao.

When Jiang Yize saw Xu Chenggong and Xiao Hua separately, he first let go. No matter Xu Chenggong or Xiao Hua, they were all newly promoted deputy Yuexiao. His qualifications could not be compared. He was not familiar with Xiao Hua and just wanted to win Xu Chenggong. Then, how do you know that Xu Chenggong will jump out and speak at this time? This clearly means to **** the words!

It's just that Xu Chenggong's face was smiling and seemed to listen to Jiang Yize's meaning, so Jiang Yize couldn't tear his face, and just faintly answered: "Huh ..."

"That's it, three adults please ..."

Yin Yihong looked at everything, sneered at the corner of his mouth, raised his hand to indicate, but he gave birth to the golden light and stepped into the ring portal.

At the same time, Jiang Yize and Xu Chenggong were angry, Xiao Hua was not happy.

"Two adults please ..." Xiao Hua didn't mind adding another fire, grinning.

"Master Xiao, please ..." Jiang Yize and Xu Chenggong smiled at the same time, narrowing their anger in their eyes and saying.

"Let's just wait together!" Xiao Hua laughed, raised his hands, and pulled them up at the same time.

"Masters, please ..." A group of fairy officials including Guan Tianyue hurriedly bowed and shouted in unison.

Under the bow of the officials, Xiao Hua waited for a group of Jinxian Buyao to fly into the portal.

It was a fold of light and shadow that swept across Xiao Hua and others, and Xiao Hua and other figures fell into another hall.

This hall is similar to the military account of the team. There is a high platform with a jade case. The jade case contains paper pens and seals. Under the jade case are three jade chairs. At this time, Yin Yihong has stood on the side of the jade case. , Watching Xiao Hua and others flying up and raised their hands and signaled: "Three adults please sit down, and all the generals brought by the adults please go to the high platform, my Taoist Tiangong Xian officials will listen to the order!"

"Hey ..." Xiao Hua laughed, stopped, looked at the first three jade chairs in the jade case, and said, "What does Deputy Deputy Lord Yin mean? I thought I would charge the team ... as His Majesty the Heavenly Palace." What? "

"Nice ..." Xu Chenggong also said coldly, "The military order I got was to assist the Taoist Tiangong to kill the demon soldiers, but not to be a soldier!"

"You're so sorry to wait!" Yin Yihong stood on the high platform and yelled, "How did you wait to protect the realm from rushing? Actually let the monster alliance demon soldiers sneak into the immortal world? If our Taoist Celestial priests found those demon soldiers, Presumably you are still being caught in the drum right now? Now let you come to assist me, the Taoist lord of heaven, and you have to wait for the shelf! Where can I not only lose my power but also enjoy respect? "

"Yin Vice Tang Lord ..." Xiao Hua said lightly ~ ~ This is also bad! How many demon soldiers sneak in and where to sneak in, I don't know what to wait for! With just one word from your lord Tiangong, are you going to condemn me to wait for the generals? "

"Yes!" Jiang Yize also exasperated. "Vice Vice President Yin gave us a hat as soon as he came up, and he showed me his face! What does that mean? I waited to be ordered, but to assist, not to be enraged!" "

"No more, no more ..." Xu Chenggong was even more straightforward, pulling Xiao Hua into battle, "Master Xiao, I'll wait to go back to the world! I'm going to fight with them, why should I grind with them here?" grumble……"

"Go!" Xiao Hua nodded in agreement.

"Hehe ..." Just as the three generals turned around, a voice sounded, "Three Yuexiao stayed ..."

"Brush ..." But on the high platform, a golden light flashed, and a ghost in a robe came out from behind the jade case.

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