Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1758: Shuo Bing meets Guan Tianyue again

"Not loud enough!" Zhan Xiu didn't want to wave anymore.

Su Shi was a little embarrassed, arching his hand: "So, Master Zhan said one?"

"Hey ..." Zhan Xiu shrugged. "I didn't even think about it!"

"Since I didn't think about it ..." Xiao Hua waved his sleeves, many jade cases flew out, and Zhenxian immortal wine fell like a stream of water, smiling, "then drink Qing Gong wine first!"

Not to mention that Xiao Hua took all walks to drink, Xianzhou flew to the fairy realm, and only said that the sixth place in the heavens of Yujie was a hail that fell like rain!

The immortal hail is naturally different from the ordinary world. The dense hail is not so much hail as it is hail. The ice crystals were clear, and blue light flashed in them. The hail of frost that condensed from the sky was hail; the flames were condensed and the color was fiery red. The flashing crystal surface was either the fire sparrow or the fire crow, falling from the sky. It is hail that directly burns the earth; it is earth yellow, or as big as a mountain peak, or as small as a thumb, but no matter how large or small the place is, it is the hail that pierces the space into a series of ripples; As for the silver light, which is as diffuse as a cloud of smoke, it looks like it has golden charm.

Under the hail of the five elements, everything in a million miles was submerged, the space was broken, and the rules were messy!

"Roar ..." Suddenly, a shout came out of the overlapping space fragments, and then, a ray of fire broke through, and the large and small fire shadows spun out, and as the flame stepped out, a hua Lingxian.

But seeing the chaotic light of the Hualingxian's whole body, the flames jumping in the shattered light, the appearance of the Hualingxian was obscured by the shattered light, and no one could be seen. However, some golden hail fell and pierced the flame. Guan Tianyue's face appeared from the inside.

At this time, Guan Tianyue was exhausted in his eyes, and there was a flash of silver light in his brows, but the silver light was broken. After adding the flame, the blood holes with spots around him were revealed. Seriously injured!

"Huh ..." Guan Tianyue stood in the air, looking around the fierce danger, but he took a long breath, exulting in his eyes, and laughed, "A house has finally come out!"

With that said, Guan Tianyue turned his head to look at the flame that was disappearing inch by inch, and said with a guilty conscience: "This day's runescape is really good. If it weren't for some means, I'm afraid it would fall into it! Sure enough, every Hualingxian It ’s not just practice ... ”

"Yeah!" Guan Tianyue's voice hadn't landed yet, a faint voice remembered, "Every Hualing immortal doesn't come from cultivating casually, congratulations to Guantang master half a step true immortal!"

"Who?" Guan Tianyue was startled, and he wanted to get rid of his body if he wanted to.

Unfortunately, he just flew thousands of feet, "Brush, brush ..." Five dazzling lights and shadows rushed out from the five elements of hail, condensing into a five-color rope cover to Guan Tianyue!

"Damn!" Guan Tianyue whispered. He never imagined that he encountered an ambush as soon as he came out of the forbidden area. As Guan Tianyue patted his eyebrows with his right hand, "Om ..." Bin Jingyun Zhu flew out , Turn into moire to protect yourself!

Guan Tianyue didn't leave his left hand idle, flicked the middle finger, "Brush ..." Jin Guang broke, and a small fan mark rolled out!

However, the five-colored rope fell, and the cloud pattern melted by Bin Jingyunzhu disappeared like water. Of course, there was a heavy seal of Tianzun House in the tumble of the seal, and the surrounding space was confined. Marked to kill!

"噗 ......" Guan Tian was too late to make other resistances. A rope like a snake bound Guan Tianyue. Guan Tianyue felt that his whole body was imprisoned, and his whole body fell like a stone!

"Go to death!" Guan Tianyue made a sound in his ear, and then he heard the sound of "剑" Jianming, a chilly cold approaching his immortal marks!

"Oh ..." Seeing that she was even ambush immortal who didn't see it clearly, she was going to fall, Guan Tianyue couldn't help but sigh, and whispered, "Binger ..."


Guan Tianyue felt a pain in his eyebrows and was about to die with his eyes closed. Suddenly, a familiar, almost unforgettable humming sounded.

Guan Tianyue couldn't tell whether he heard it in his dream or it sounded in his ear. He yelled without thinking: "Binger, run away, you are not his rival ..."

Unfortunately, before Guan Tianyue's voice landed, a "beep" sounded softly, and then "pappa ..." A stream of heat dripped on Guan Tianyue's face, an immortal wearing a black robe Falling from mid-air is exactly in front of Guan Tianyue. The pale face of this fairy has a pair of eyes that are dead, and the fear and perplexity of the godless eyes still remain. As for the fairy's eyebrow, the five bloodstains will immortal immortal Marks torn!

These five bloodstains look as if they were grasped away by a fairy with her fingers!

"Binger, Binger ..." Guan Tian couldn't wait to see the dead fairy, he yelled, "Is it you? Are you ... are you not injured?"

"How could I be hurt?"

Shuo Bing's voice came, and then Guan Tianyue immortal body loosened, and the colorful immortal cord was broken by Shuo Bingsheng!

"Binger ..." Guan Tianyue turned ecstatically, but when he saw Shuo Bing, the ecstasy condensed on his face, and a self-defeating feeling came from the bottom of his heart!

But seeing Shuo Bing standing in mid-air, the five-color hailstones have never hit the ground, they have turned into five-colored flames, dancing in the wind, and Shuo Bing has never spoken. The indescribable temperament is by no means described by Bingqingyujie and beauty!

The most puzzling thing for Guan Tianyue is that Shuo Bing has thousands of immortal bodies, and there are some light purple laces looming in the five-colored flames. This is very familiar with Rays Guan Tianyue.

In other words, this self-loving female fairy, the female fairy who she is willing to protect with her life, now has her own invisible practice!

The worst is also true! !!

"You ... Are you Shuo Bing?"

"Are you Guan Tianyue?"

Shuo Bing crooked his head and looked at Guan Tianyue strangely.

"I ... I naturally do ..." Guan Tianyue gaped and replied, "But ... but ..."

"I naturally too!" Shuo Bing nodded and looked at Guan Tianyue. "Let's go, you are hurt, and you are anxious to achieve success, Daoji is unstable, so find a place to meditate for a while before talking!"

"Okay, okay ..." Guan Tianyue watched Shuo Bing turned and followed quickly, but flew for a moment, Shuo Bing turned his head, "Kill your fairy, you don't care?"

"Oh ..." Guan Tianyue woke up like a dream, hurriedly patted his forehead, "I forgot ..."

"Huh ..." Shuo Bing looked at Guan Tianyue's disappointment and smiled slightly. Guan Tianyue felt his head "hum" and his blood surged up.

Guan Tianyue didn't dare to look at it, he turned his head quickly, took away the body of the fairy, and then carefully said, "Where should we meditate?"

"Come with me!" Shuo Bing looked around, raised his hand and pointed, and replied.

Guan Tianyue was overjoyed. This "us" is naturally a temptation, and Shuo Bing's pale fingers made Guan Tianyue understand that Shuo Bing is no longer Shuo Bing who was a kind of deep monster!

Shuo Bing looked for a secret place, raised his hand and ordered Guan Tianyue's jaw-dropping immortal ban, and then he gave him a faint glance and said, "You meditate!"

"Oh, okay, okay ..." In the face of Shuo Bing's still cold tone, Guan Tianyue didn't think about anything. He just felt like he was falling in a dream, he agreed in a hurry, and hurriedly sat cross-legged.

But Shuo Bing frowned and said, "Why are you so irritable? How do you step into the spirit?"

"I ... I ..." Guan Tianyue stuttered, he really couldn't meditate!

Suo Bing appeared too suddenly, his strength grew too fast, making him feel like he was in a fantasy world!

Moreover, it is extremely secretive to enter Tianfu's secret realm by yourself. Who will set an ambush outside the secret realm?

"Then I'm leaving ..." As soon as Shuo Bing's face was cold, he was about to walk away.

"Don't ..." Guan Tianyue raised his hand to grab Shuo Bing's wrist. Unfortunately, Shuo Bing raised his hand, and Guan Tianyue's figure rolled in mid-air!

Unlike other fairies, Shuo Bing looked coldly at Guan Tianyue and stopped frowning, frowning, "I ca n’t practice meditation here. You forcibly step into the spirit, and the foundation is unstable. , When not to meditate and solidify at this time, when will you wait? "

"Binger ..." Guan Tianyue begged, "I ... I really don't know if this is a fantasy or real, I really can't think of it ... goodbye, this is the case, I ... I can't even dream Come! "

"I'll wait for you three more hours!" Shuo Bing's tone was still cold, and he answered, "If you can't meditate, I'll go to Qingyun Mountain!"

"Why are you going to Qingyun Mountain?" Guan Tianyue froze.

"Kill!" Shuo Bing fang smiled and looked very scary.

"Oh, it's Biyun Cave, right?" Hearing here, Guan Tianyue was calm, and asked, "There's your enemy there!"

"Huh ..." Shuo Bingheng snorted coldly, "I don't want to test me, you know I'm going to Green Bamboo Peak, and I'm going to kill Master Qiu Bochong!"

"I'll stay with you !!" Guan Tianyue cut off the railroad ~ ~ Hum, let's stabilize Daoji first! "

"Yes, yes!" Once Guan Tianyue confirmed that Shuo Bing was that Shuo Bing, he nodded hurriedly, but just before entering Dingding, he tentatively said, "So ... how do you know that I am here?"

"Xiao Zhenren told me!" Shuo Bing frowned, and said casually.

"Xiao Zhenren really has great magic!" Guan Tian increasingly admired Xiao Hua, but he didn't know, where did Xiao Hua know where he was!

"Come and practice!" Shuo Bing urged impatiently.

Guan Tianyue hurried into Ding Jingxiu, Shuo Bing glanced at him, hiding a long way away, and sat cross-legged on the gourd, but at this time Shuo Bing did not have the calmness and closed eyes before. The eyelids under the eyelids turned slightly, but still a little cramped, as if thinking about something.

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