Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1757: 2 billion private soldiers

After waiting, Xiao Hua took the card's immortal secret room space to the poor Qi Yinxi and Lingjian from the reward and punishment order, and Qian Yuhan and Su Shi also joined the fairy boat.

"Master ..." Su Shi arched, "Sumou took the liberty to disturb and rest."

"Master Su, don't be polite ..." Xiao Hua hurriedly got up to pay his respects, and raised his hand to Qian Yuhan and waved his hand, "Master Qian, don't be polite, this is not a military account!"

Qian Yuhan was free and easy, and laughed: "Then I won't be polite, I think it's awkward to see you!"

"Uh, uh ..." Xiao Hua nodded again and again, "That's right!"

"Sir ..." Su Shi looked at Qian Yuhan, shook his head helplessly, and then said, "I'm waiting to talk to adults about military achievements ..."

"Su Shi was afraid that the military success would make the adult disappointed, so he wanted to tell the adult in advance why he made his own claim ..." Qian Yuhan also hurriedly added.

Xiao Hua smiled and waved his hand again: "The two grown-ups are interested, and this matter need not be mentioned again!"

"Sir ..." Su Shi was obviously disappointed and said in a hurry, "this matter ..."

"Hehe ..." Xiao Hua raised his hand and took out the poor Qi Yinxi and laughed. "Su Buyao, Qianbuyao obey!"

Su Shi and Qian Yuhan were shocked, looked at each other, and said anxiously, "Sir?"

"On the orders of the demon handsome demon, Xiao Mou temporarily took the deputy Yuexiao military post ..." Xiao Hua was serious, "Now temporarily you are waiting for two, and the former Wei Chongwei Yue Xiao sacrifice one billion immortal soldiers to Xiao For a certain purpose, go to the fairyland to destroy the invading monster alliance monster soldier! "

"Yes ..." Qian Yuhan and Su Shi were surprised and delighted, and hurriedly bowed. "The end will obey the military command of Master Yuexiao!"

"Sir ..." Qian Yuhan stood up and said immediately, "There are too few one billion immortal soldiers, how can there be two billion!"

"What?" Xiao Hua shuddered. He had only remembered 500 million before, and Si Nankong gave it to 1 billion. When he arrived at Qian Yuhan, he wanted to get rid of 2 billion by himself!

"It's like this ..." Zhi Qian Yuhan, no more than Su Shi, he laughed, "There are about 500 million immortal soldiers under the command of Master Qian, and there are only more than 400 million after the war. When the adults never returned, the end I will take a look at the fall of His Majesty's Seven Buddhism, there should be about 1.5 billion, plus the private soldiers who survived by Yue Yuexiao, exactly 2 billion! "

"Master ..." Qian Yuhan said, "The 1.5 billion immortal soldiers are unowned. You don't need it now. After this village, there is no such shop ..."

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and asked, "Where are they?"

"Naturally led by the general ..." Su Shi smiled bitterly, "After all, Master Wei Xi is still here!"

"Quick team ..." Xiao Hua commanded, "follow Xiao back to the fairyland."

Su Shi took out the poor seal of the seal and tempted, "What about the seal of Lord Wei?"

"What do you say?" Xiao Hua asked back.

"At the end of the day, I think it's appropriate to hold Mr. Chen Jin and Chen Chen!"

"Chen Jin is gone!" Chiba smiled coldly.

"Rest assured ..." Su Shi laughed, "I don't know him yet? Just mess up, he will return immediately!"

"You don't have to let him go back, send someone over!" Xiao Hua commanded, "You wait to reorganize the team immediately, Zhan Xiu, Yan Ran, Qin Xin, Li Boyi, you wait for nine, together with Qian Buyao, Su Buyao, will One hundred million true immortal warriors will be incorporated into two billion immortal soldiers. Don't be afraid of a large structure, there will be more immortal soldiers in the team in the future! "

"Yes, sir ..." Zhan Xiu and other great joy, Qi Qi answered.

"Master ..." Qian Hanhan was also a little excited, and said, "You ... you are a bit too small to make a big deal? 100 million true immortals is 100 million hunting bases, and one hunting base has an average of 20 immortal soldiers. How can they bring Bing? "

"This is what you are waiting for ..." Xiao Hua whispered, "First bring two billion immortal soldiers, Xiaomou will give you wine to celebrate!"

"Lord, wait!" Su Shi laughed with joy in his eyes and smiled, "I'll soon be drinking his celebratory wine."

Seeing Qin Xin waiting to go, Changyue whispered: "Sir, isn't the action too big? You didn't ask Qian Buyao and Su Buyao if they were willing?"

"Su Shi came here to show his heart!" Xiao Hua said, "He and Qian Yuhan had taken care of Xiao Mo before, and at this time Xiao Mo also gave them a high look. If Xiao Mo got the Poor Qixi Seal normally, They will naturally be able to move smoothly. If Xiao is pushed out by others, they will inevitably be embarrassed in the face of the new Yuexiao, so they simply come, and this cannot wait for them to say, Xiao must first say! "

"My lord!" Chang Yue looked at Xiao Hua up and down, "You are almost completely different from a hundred years ago. You look like you are born!"

"If it hasn't changed, wouldn't it have failed the test of time and the dead ... disciples?"

Xiao Hua said, looking at the dark, swaying fairy boats and shadows.

Chang Yue didn't quite understand what Xiao Hua said, but she could clearly perceive the meaning in Xiao Hua's words, so she stopped saying more.

While waiting, Xiao Hua took a look at the message left by Si Nankong in the Poor Qi Yinxi. The message was very simple. In addition to what Si Nankong said earlier, there was also Xiao Hua holding the Poor Qi Yinxi and his tokens. The palace of Yujie in Yujietian, waiting for the special envoy of Tianzunfu, to see what Tianzunfu means. As for the killing of Yujietian or Sejietian, Si Nankong let Xiao Hua act cheaply!

Si Nankong has only one request, don't embarrass yourself.

"What does it mean to lose face?" Xiao Hua frowned slightly, holding Yin Xi, and Ren Yin Xi rolled between his fingers, thinking secretly.

Facial is simple to say, but it's really more real, it's really complicated. Xiao Hua's research on face relies on his strength. He really doesn't know what Si Nankong wants to say.

"Khan ..." After thinking for a while, Xiao Hua saw Changyue and secretly said, "Is this directly asking Changyue better than anything?"

Hearing Xiao Hua's context, Chang Yue laughed: "According to what the end will know, adults are afraid to think things are simple! Lord Sinan thinks that adults are not really immortals, so he must only arrange for adults to investigate. Adult one billion fairy soldiers, after the one billion fairy soldiers ... it is not necessary to return it, what a temptation, before Lord Sinan, oh, maybe even other adults have arrangements, since Lord Sinan gave it to adults, it may be There is a certain pressure, so adults must do things beautifully. Even if they can't kill the monsters who sneak into the fairyland, they must find their tracks. To put it bluntly, at least some monsters must be killed! "

"It turned out to be quite difficult!" Xiao Hua frowned, far from just taking advantage of it and grabbing two billion immortals!

"Master!" Changyue laughed, "Master Sinan gave you a billion soldiers, and you have to give a price! In fact, if the master Sinan is not happy, in the end, you will feel that 500 million is enough!"

"Huh ..." Xiao Hua nodded, "Has the military newspaper reported for two months, hasn't it? Master Sinan hasn't seen it yet, and his old man is naturally a little bit angry, otherwise he won't put a block on others!"

"You are more powerful!" Changyue gave a thumbs up, "Take two billion directly! So, if you can't kill the infiltrated monster, you will feel embarrassed, right?"

"The problem is ..." Xiao Hua scratched his head. "The demon clan that even the commander of the sky kills, they should be very powerful!"

"There is also Tianzun Mansion!" Changyue said, "They are looking for our team. One is to take accountability, the other is to share responsibilities, and the third is to use our hundred war immortal soldiers to kill the demons. They must be prepared!"

Xiao Hua tentatively said, "I just don't know which Tianzun Mansion is this Tianzun Mansion?"

"I don't know the end!" Changyue shook his head.

Fortunately, Tianzun Mansion. If it was the Palace of the Rule, Xiao Hua would have been hiding as far away as possible.

In a word, Qian Yuhan and Qin Xin have returned. At this time, most of the fairy boats outside the realm of the world have been lost, and needless to say, they have all been used by Qin Xin and other income fairies.

The space fairy is not rare in the immortal world, but there are not many good qualities. Qin Xin is considered a disciple outside the gate of good fortune. The good space fairy is supposed to fail their turn, but for the sake of leading troops, everyone still took it. One, beautiful name is the marching fairy.

At this time, two billion fairy soldiers were all included in the space fairy of Qin Xin and others.

This is actually very dangerous. Once Qin Xin waits for the battle to fail, these immortal soldiers have no chance to come out. Qian Yuhan and Su Shi had to make a suggestion, but when Qin Xin waited for the return, Xiao Hua sacrificed the Kunlun mirror. They were collected, and after a while, Qian Yuhan and others naturally knew that the two billion immortal soldiers were collected by Xiao Hua himself, and they shut up with interest.

"Adult ..." After receiving a voice from Xiao Hua, Qin Xin respected Qian Yuhan, "The general would like to invite the adult to see the fairy space of my adult. I wonder if it is possible?"

"This ..." Qian Yuhan was a little hesitant. Look at Su Shi and take refuge in Xiao Hua, which is a little different from entering the fairy space of Xiao Hua.

"Adult ..." Seeing Qian Yuhan doing this, Changyue also laughed, "The General has also been there before. Master Xiao's space fairy is of excellent quality. Not only is the fantasy real in the inner, but also cultivation!"

"Really?" Chi Yuhan was a little bit strange.

"Xiao's fairyware is something special ..." Xiao Hua pointed to Kunlun Mirror and said, "It can communicate with the immortal world, and it can enter both the fairy spirit and the fairy light!"

"It's no wonder that adults have such achievements ~ ~ It turned out to be ceremonial!" Su Shi smiled and said, "I want to go and see first!"

"Okay!" Xiao Hua nodded, raised his finger, Kunlun Jing Qingguang fell, covering Su Shi and Li Bo, sending them into the fairyland space!

After about half a cup of tea, Xiao Hua sent them out!

"How?" Qian Yuhan frowned and asked quickly.

"What a wonderful paradise!" Su Shi sighed. "Not only are the illusions realistic, but they can also be cultivated. Most importantly ... two billion fairy soldiers can also practice in the middle!"

"That's great!" Qian Yuhan gave the palm of his hand, "This is how the secret treasures can train the dreadful demon team!"

"Sir ..." Su Shi said with a bright eye. "Would your team be called the Dancing Monster Team?"

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