Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1759: Shuo Bing's Revenge

Guan Tianyue's practice is steady. Since he chose Tianfu Secret, it naturally has its reason. Although the danger of Tianfu Secret is somewhat beyond his expectation, but it doesn't take two or three months, Guan Tianyue has sorted out the chaotic fairy power. The halo in Xianxian gradually became pure. Looking at Guan Tianyue's silver flicker, some spots appeared like seeds. Shuo Bing knew that Guan Tianyue's qualifications were excellent. If the opportunity came, he would soon be able to set foot in the true Xian, the corner of her mouth couldn't help showing a faint smile.

Unfortunately, this smile just passed away.

"Binger ..." Guan Tianyue drew his strength, took a deep breath, and opened his eyes quite well. When he saw Shuo Bing still sitting cross-legged and took it out, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, Zhang Kai said.

"What's wrong?" Shuo Bing asked him with a calm look.

"It's okay!" Guan Tianyue smiled like a child, shaking his head vigorously.

"Well, it's okay!" Shuo Bing got up, raised his left hand and grabbed it in the air. "Woo ..." The sound of the wind howling, all the light and shadow in the left and right thousands of miles fell into her hands like jade.

Watching Shuo Bing so close the immortal ban, Guan Tianyue laughed: "What is your realm now? I'm afraid there are real immortals ... high-level, right?"

Shuo Bing started to fly, but stopped at this moment, hesitantly: "This ..."

Watching Shuo Bing's words stop, Guan Tian hurriedly waved and said: "Stop this! You can come back intact, I'm very happy ..."

"No!" Shuo Bing shook his head. "My strength is a little different from the realm of immortals, and I can't tell you at this time. If you talk about strength, this is the first stage of Tianxian!"

"Ah ????" Guan Tianyue screamed aloud, "It's ... all heavens? This ... how is this possible?"

"How impossible?" Shuo Bingzu stepped on Xianyun and flew in front of him, only to see Guan Tianyue's surprise, and replied, "I don't have Tianxian strength!"

"But ..." Guan Tianyue smiled bitterly. "Do you know how I cultivated over the years? I am now the master of Tianji Dian, a master of meditation, and elixir. Tianji Dian is also in charge of various secret realms, and I continue Exploring the mystery and searching for opportunities, this ... It ’s only been more than a hundred years that you have cultivated the spirit, which is already extremely fast in Tianzun Mansion! But this practice is compared to you, I ’m afraid it ’s the cloud and mud? ''

"What do you compare with me?" Shuo Bing turned and looked at Guan Tianyue, "You compare to Xiao Zhenren!"

"He?" Guan Tianyue suddenly remembered, anxiously, "What strength is Xiao Zhenren now?"

"I don't know!" Shuo Bing replied sharply. "The left and right sides are much higher than me, and I'm also different from him compared to him!"

"My God!" Guan Tianyue exclaimed again, "Binger, you ... can you tell me, how have you cultivated over the years?"

"No!" Shuo Bing answered only two words!

Then he asked, "Where's your fairy boat?"

"Do you really go to Qingyun Mountain?" Guan Tianyue didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly offered a fairy boat to ask.

Shuo Bing asked: "Why not?"

Then he added: "If you are in trouble, I will go by myself!"

"No, no, I'm fine!" Guan Tianyue excited Xianzhou and accompanied the laughter. "It's quite inconvenient for you to go to Huang Zengtian from here. I'll be best with you!"

Shuo Bing tilted him a glance and flashed Xianzhou on his body.

Guan Tianyue urged Xianzhou to laugh and groan, flying towards Jietian Passage, her heart was as sweet as honey.

Not to mention Shuo Bing is the strength of Tianxian, just to say that the three ways of Buddhism, Taoism and Demon in her body, the guardian of Tianzun Mansion who guards the heavenly passage of the world, will definitely not let her go down so easily. The emperor Huang Zengtian was unblocked all the way.

Guan Tianyue loves sailing, how she likes it. Although Shuo Bing is as cold as ice, Shuo Bing can come to his rescue, which naturally shows her affection in her heart.

Guan Tianyue wanted to ask about the monsters in Shuo Bing several times, but he raised the practice a little, and Shuo Bing frowned. At last he simply pointed out that Xiao Hua didn't allow disclosure. Guan Tianyue now treats Xiao Huawei as a god, naturally he wo n’t Mention again.

Seeing that Guan Tianyue was always speechless, Shuo Bing said, "Rather than pulling here, you might as well look at the identity of the sneak fairy! He is a true fairy, and he has the absolute confidence to kill you. Will hide too much ... "

"Huh, huh ..." Guan Tianyue nodded and offered a fairy tale to drive the boat, and he took out the real corpse.

Yannian swept over the corpse of the true immortal, and Guan Tianyue was a little dazed!

There were two scars on the corpse, one for the brows and the other for Xia Dantian.

There are five blood marks on the heart of the eyebrow, and the fairy marks are unknown. Xia Dantian Xianying also has a blood hole, and the fairy baby has no trace.

Guan Tianyue thought about the first day again, but it was a scream. This true immortal has fallen, showing how terrible Shuo Bing's strength is.

To the surprise of Shuo Bing, there was no such thing as a virtual ring on the body, only a token, and the token said "Shen"!

"Damn!" Guan Tianyue saw the token, and he didn't feel cursed. "Did Shen Shen dare to plot someone?"

"It's not the Shen family!" Shuo Bingtou didn't return, saying very surely.

"Why?" Guan Tianyue wondered. "Don't you say that this immortal is so confident that he won't hide his identity?"

"My feeling!" Shuo Bing thought for a moment and replied.

"How do you feel?" Guan Tian smiled and said, "Who would you say?"

"I don't feel like your enemies ..." Shuo Bing's tone was still affirmative, "If there is no accident, it should be the official of Tianzun Mansion!"

"Silk ..." Guan Tianyue took a breath of air, patted his forehead and said, "Yes, you are right! Since there is no such thing as a virtual ring on this true fairy, naturally there should be no order The token! This token is clearly intended to cause trouble to the Shen family! Moreover, when I came to this secret place, it was impossible for the Shen family to know that even if the Shen family sent someone over, there was someone in Tianzun House reporting it! "

"Yeah!" Shuo Bing nodded. "You are not strong enough to occupy the position of master. Of course, you are blocking the way of others. You are dead so that others can take over!"

"Maybe more than that ..." Guan Tianyue pinched his chin. "I am now favored by the Taoist Zun Tianxian officials. The Tian Zunxian officials may not dare to move, and it may not be a question of Tao Zun Tianfu!"

"You think too much!" Shuo Bing coldly said, "You ca n’t just gather Yuanxian, how can Daozun Tianfu care about you? Just look for it from around! Well, especially this true fairy, he is from the world of color, it should be Some clues ... "

"Also ..." Guan Tianyue's eyes turned sharply, while thinking about it, he talked to Shuo Bing. As long as he has a heart, there will always be topics!

Desire heaven is sixfold, Guan Tianyue really hopes that the six heavens are transformed into color heaven and eighteen, unfortunately, after crossing the heaven and earth channel, Guan Tianyue also gave birth to the law of the heavens and earth, Lace, which impressed his body. The law of Hexian mark was imprisoned, and Guan Tianyue knew that the sweetness of being alone with Shuo Bing was over.

Guan Tianyue's chosen Jietian Passage was naturally within the Enlightenment Continent, so the Jietian Passage was not far from Qingyun Mountain.

Guan Tianyue drove a boat, but ten days later, watching Tianyun in the distance, Guan Tianyue smiled: "I want to be the first day, I went to Qingyun Mountain from here to find you!"

"You hide it!" Shuo Bing did not smile, but solemnly said, "I'm afraid things are not good for you!"

"Not afraid!" Guan Tianyue thought and didn't want to shake his head.

"If you don't hide your appearance, then don't go!" Shuo coldly said, "Hurry to the Palace of the Realm, don't you say that there is a record of the true immortal underworld? Don't you be tampered with by others!"

"Okay, okay!" Guan Tianyue hurriedly sacrificed Tianzunfu's fairy wares, covering up his appearance, and said, "Are you still covering up the realm?"

"The realm is unnecessary!" Shuo Bing looked at Qingyun Mountain meaningfully. "At that time, in their eyes ... I'm afraid it's just me!"

Shuo Bing is right. Although hundreds of years have passed, when Shuo Bing, who is cold and beautiful, stands in front of the mountain gate of Qingyun Mountain, the leading disciples on duty recognize her at a glance: "You ... are you Shuo Bing ???? "

"Good!" Shuo Bing replied, "I'll come back to the mountain to see my master!"

"You ... wait a minute ..."

The disciple looked at Shuo Bing. He could not detect the strength of Shuo Bing, so he hurriedly instructed the other disciples to wait, promised himself, and turned to fly into the mountain gate.

Coincidentally, as soon as the disciple entered the mountain gate, he saw Ji Jiu accompanied by an immortal wearing a navy blue robe. The immortal had nearly eight hundred feet of immortal body, and at a glance, it could be seen that it was the peak of Erqi Xian.

"Master Ji ..." The disciple stopped and hurriedly, respectfully, "I have Qingyun Mountain abandoned Shuo Bing outside the gate of the mountain, and said he wanted to enter the mountain to see his master!"

"Shuo Bing?" Ji Jiu took a moment to look at the fairy next to him, wondering, "She ... why is she here now?"

"This evil barrier!" The fairy reacted differently from Ji Jiu, and immediately cursed, "Want to be alive, how could Bo Chong fall if it weren't for her ?? Since she is my abandoner of Sapphire Gate, did she want to come back? Let me go and see if she's beside Bo Chong's demon spirit !!! "

After that, the immortal urged her body shape, and her coercion suddenly released, rushing directly to the mountain gate!

"Brother Yicheng, Brother Yicheng ..." Ji Jiu was shocked and hurriedly, "Things are by no means simple as you think, this Shuo Bing ..."

Ji Jiu hasn't finished talking yet ~ ~ The two Qixian named Yicheng have flew out of the mountain gate!

"Hmm ..." Ji Jiu sighed, followed the fly out, and whispered in his mouth, "This Qiu Yicheng still remembers hating Qiu Bochong in his lifetime!"

In that year, Qiu Bochong discovered the image of Shuo Bing's demon spirit, and wanted to use Shuo Bing to fight against Ebilian. The first time he circulated was Qiu Yicheng. Then he shook Bing's life as a threat, and wanted to be strong. Qiu Yicheng spoke the same.

Although Ji Jiu was disdainful, he opened his eyes and closed his eyes for the move of the disciple who was in charge of the discipleship in Li Chengge.

"Evil barrier ..." Qiu Yicheng had not yet flew out of the mountain gate, and had let out the coercion. He yelled, "In the broad daylight, you dare to come to my arrogant sapphire gate ..."

The coercion poured down like a torrent of floods and hit the gate directly.

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