Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1744: Wei Chong miscalculated, forbidden demon formation

"Not afraid!" Qian Yuhan laughed,

"Master Dewei gave orders, I'll wait for the main body to come, the big things are settled!"

"Not afraid!" Chiba Han laughed,

"Master Dewei gave orders, I'll wait for the main body to come, the big things are settled!"

"Yes!" Su Shi looked up at the dark world and smiled,

"I'll wait for Master Wei's military order!" Qian Yuhan and other soldiers naturally thought of it here, so, in addition to maintaining the Celestial Warriors in the Celestial Array, another two billion Celestial soldiers will be led by the battle. Flying out of star halo!

"Kill ..." Watching the demon soldiers coming in, the immortal soldier roared, urging the immortal to fly out. Fortunately, the Xinghe Formation of the League of Demon Leagues also needs the maintenance of demon soldiers. The number of demon soldiers flying from the blue light is limited, but even so, within the space of billions of miles, 4 billion immortals and demon soldiers fought and set off. , Splashing starlight, not only flesh and blood flew, but also bones annihilated, the interface faded for a while!

It seems that there are fairy soldiers or demon soldiers falling at all times. It seems that there are shouts and kills all over the world. Although there is no alternation of the sun and the moon, the killing lasts for three days and nights!

24 billion fairy soldiers and demon soldiers are half less! But both the monster soldier and the fairy soldier know that this ... is just the beginning. The two large arrays have not collapsed yet. The slaughter ... has not yet begun!

"No !!!!" Chi Yuhan, who was spurring the battle, suddenly felt an unspeakable suffocation. She hurriedly looked around. Sure enough, in the original star-swaying array, the starlight had been dim a lot, which was unsustainable. Defeated!

"How is this possible?" Chi Yuhan was startled. At this time,

"Boom boom ..." Within the green light not far away, there was another tremor roaring, but seeing more than twenty demons, such as Qingxiong, Qingyu, Blight, and Yuzhe, will fly over the starlight, Those thousands of torso-sized bodies tore up the space of Jiechong, but the Jiechong did not collapse!

"Damn!" Chen Jin was disappointed when he saw this, exclaimed,

"How can they come?"

"Brother Chen ..." Su Shi had realized it was not good, and said lightly,

"Since Master Wei can find the anomaly here, presumably the green lion can also do it! Even so, I will wait for you and me to come here, and I will share the life with the green ape ..."

"No!" Qian Yuhan exclaimed again,

"Among the twenty-two demon clan, there are no green apes, and ... no pot begging !!" Qian Yuhan and others just said that the blue bears and others have flew out of the blue light, and they each performed their magical power and rushed to the Zhou Tianxing Qin array prior to,

"Boom ..." Qing Xiong raised his hand, and there was a blue light like a pillar, which hit the star halo directly! The array shook, and thousands of immortal soldiers were bursting inside!

This is the Purple Star Heng Yaojiang, comparable to Jinxian Junior!

"Look at me!" The blighted avatar was destroyed. At this moment, he wanted to make a great contribution, and when he got close, he yelled, and the dead branch gave birth to a monster like a bow!

Longbow pulled,

A clear whistle of 铿 "铿", a dead branch directly pierced through the large array, wherever immortal soldiers went, they would be turned into dust!

"Old sickness ..." In the distance, Buyao roared,

"Your opponent is Jimou!"

"Haha ..." laughed sickly,

"Jie Ji, Mo Ji, wait until I kill your Majesty, and then kill your avatar!" After finishing, Longbow moved again,

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, there are screams, and thousands of immortal soldiers have fallen!"

"Mr. Wei, what are you waiting for?" Mo said Ji Ji is heavy, even Qian Yuhan and so on are all indifferent, can't help looking up and rushing into the dark world, where there is nothing like snow.

At this moment, the avatar's clone suddenly patted himself on the top door,

"Boom ..." A blue light broke again, a green lion ghost appeared, and the ghost arrogantly watched the entire battle for hundreds of millions of miles, and then roared, crying, "Listen to my order, directly attack Bu Yao's clone !! ! "

"Yes, sir!" Blight shouldn't wait for neglect, promised, urged the demon weapon, and directly attacked the stars in Zhou Tianxing's vault!

"嗖 ......" Withered branches like arrows, once again pierced through the large array, straight toward Ji Zhongyuan's deified chest ...

"Damn!" Qing Yu suddenly heard the sound of the green ape leaping into his ear,

"Hurry up and notify the sick, don't kill any of the yao yao, just drag them!"

"This ..." Bingkuo heard Qingyu's voice and was dumbfounded. He wanted to make a contribution, and it was too difficult to know how to make a mistake again!

It's not only sickness that is too hard to die, but also Wei Chong! !! !! As early as when Xiao Hua returned and inspected the 1494 Realm again, Wei Chong had urged the fairy to resemble the yin and yang two rites. Of course, this urge was different from the previous one, only some light and shadow flickered, and Jietian Channel has not been opened!

Seeing the Xiahe Formation, the Wei Chong and Su Shi all changed slightly. Although they could not hear the screams of the immortal soldiers, and could not see everything after the Xinghe Formation, they could imagine the Demon Clan The arrogance of a general

"Master ..." Ji Zhong couldn't help but cried,

"Let's go, go down and kill the sick!"

"If you can't bear it, you will make a big deal!" Wei Chong glanced at him,

"The lion's avatar hasn't appeared, and the Xinghe array hasn't come up. You can only disturb the monsters when you go down!"

"Yes!" Ji Zhong gritted his teeth and cut his teeth. Jie Chong killed four days and four nights. Wei Chong waited for three days and nights. The light and shadow in the light grew more and more turbid, but looking at the fairy soldiers will still be able to persist, Wei Chong did not order !!

"Master ..." Su Shi finally couldn't help but whispered,

"It's time, 10 billion soldiers, has now been damaged ... billions, as the price of seducing the blue lion, it is enough, maybe the blue lion is hiding behind the blue light of the galaxy and waiting for adults ..."

"No!" Wei Chong thought and didn't want to shake his head,

"If you don't see the Green Lion clone, the husband must not let you wait for the Nether! This secret can only be used once ..." Wei Chong's words haven't finished yet. In the light and shadow, the Green Ape slaps on the top door, and the Green Lion ghost flies out ... … Wei Chong laughed: "Haha, it turns out that this magpie is hiding in the green ape! Gens, listen to my orders, the lower bound ..."

"Master, lord ..." Just now, Ji Zhong suddenly changed his face slightly, shouting at the cloudy light,

"Why are there two blue bears?" Wei Chong's fairy was uncertain, and he did not see the appearance of the Qing Bear and other entities. At this time, Wei Chong could not control so much, and laughed: "There must be two avatars. , Don't bother, you wait, a body kills all of their avatars ... "As Wei Chong raised his hand a little, the spinning yin and yang fish sank again, showing the four images.

However, just before the roar of the four elephants, it unexpectedly appeared. Although the rings in front of the immortals quickly became transparent, Kejie Chong was not uncovered, but a heavy blood appeared!

Within the blood color is filled with heavy white air silk! Qian Yuhan and others could not even perceive his own metamorphosis!

"This ... this ..." Wei Chong's face changed dramatically, and he hurriedly patted his brows,

"Brush" Two immortal marks are opened, and two pillars of silver light are shot into the immortal!

"Buzz ..." The ring roared again, and the four elephants were almost solid! Maybe, blood and white gas do not move at all!

"What's going on?" Wei Chong couldn't think of anything wrong with this section of bones!

At this moment, the blood color suddenly gathered in the middle of the four elephants. Everyone drew a flower in front of them, the blood color turned into a lion shape, and a pair of eyes stared at Wei Chong, all mocking!

"Ah?" Wei Chong exclaimed!

"Master, sir ..." At this moment, an exclamation from Xianjin came from the seal of Chen Jin.

"The big deal is bad!"

"What's wrong?" Chen Jin hurriedly lowered his voice and scolded,

"What's the big deal, panic now?"

"The world ... beyond the world ..." The immortal would rush,

"Suddenly, there is infinite white mist ..."

"It's just white mist, isn't it?" Ji Zhong said,

"Shut up, don't delay Master Wei ..."

"... Baiwu is approaching towards the realm, and wherever I go, Xianli and others are imprisoned ..."

"Ah?" Mo said Chen Jin, even Qian Yuhan, etc. was frightened!

"Fast ..." Qian Yu rushed to Xiao Hua,

"Come and see!" Before waiting for Xiao Hua to speak, Wei Chong's seal seal flickered, and Xianxu shouted in panic: "Master Wei, the big thing is bad, I will wait for Xianli to disappear. The rushing sword array collapsed, and eighty-one fortresses fell from mid-air, and can no longer be urged ... "

"This ... this is a law-enhancing demon array ???" Su Shi seemed to think something, anxiously,

"Master, I ... when will I be caught in the forbidden demon circle of the Green Lion?" Wei Chong naturally changed his face suddenly, what he was about to say,

"Ka-chan ..." This is a mystery of countless rings condensing and breaking! The broken ring also turned into black and white ~ ~ gradually dissipated in the air!

Xiao Hua frowned and felt the changes in his body. As Su Shi said, the fairy power in his body had begun to recede, and the fairy marks were getting drier, as if he couldn't open like drowsy!

"Ka-chan ... Ka-chan ..." Chi Yuhan and other step-by-step rings also burst!

"Boom ..." Jinxian's first momentum immediately burst out! However, this momentum just rushed out more than a thousand miles and encountered a wind like a candle, and was instantly blown away! !!

"Click ..." At this time, Wei Chong's ring was also broken, and Jinxian's high-level breath was more turbulent, but at this moment,

A roar of "lion ..." Aside from Jie Chong 1494, a blue light shot like Changhong Guanri from the white gas, straight through the cracked Jie Chong, and hit Wei Chong's soaring fairy body. !!

"Boom ..." The world shook, the blue light annihilated, and the silver light of Wei Chong's body was splashing like fireworks!

"Green lion ..." Wei Chong stabilized his body, looked at where the white gas was tumbling, gritted his teeth and cut his teeth,

"you you……"

"What's wrong with me?" The blue lion proudly showed its figure, which was thousands of feet in size, and could not see clearly. It still stood on the edge of white gas, and the plumes of white gas rolled wildly.

Wu Weichong didn't know what he wanted to say. He felt his head was empty, and all the plans were empty at this time. He didn't know where the problem was if he wanted to break his head!

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