Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1743: Sengoku Youshiba

With the thirty-six steps of Yao Yao in unison, the thirty-six Xiaguangs flew up in unison, and rushed into the thirty-six stars!

According to Wei Chong's arrangement, at this time, Qian Yaohan and other yaoyao avatars cannot enter the Zhou Tianxing Qin array, which will cause the array to collapse!

However, Qian Yuhan and others are the best of all battles. Seeing the monster tribe so big, knowing that if he and others don't enter the star array, the star array will certainly collapse in one hit.

As Qian Yuhan and other twins fell into the stars, "Buzz ..." Thirty-six stars glowed tenfold, and the entire star dome seemed overwhelmed, spreading rapidly outside!

Looking beyond the large array, within hundreds of millions of miles, twenty-four colorful galaxies carried thousands of stars, rushing from all directions, the star dome array accelerated to run, thirty-six stars staggered, thousands of stars !!

Whether it is a human-general fairy general or a monster-genious general, the heart is suspended, and the distance between all the generals and the generals is nearly ten thousand miles, and Qian Yuhan feels he is about to suffocate!

The power of the galaxy is too strong, the power of the smashing force breaks all the rules, let alone the starlight destroys the fairy power! !!

"Boom ... Boom ... Boom ..." Twenty-four Xinghe finally hit the star dome array, darkness was roaring, light and shadow were groaning, and the power of life and death was roaring, in the perfect eyes of Qian Yuhan The large array was shaken instantly.

Twenty-four locations were strongly compressed by the stars, "噗噗 噗 ......" Thousands of thousands of immortal soldiers exploded in their fingers, fluttering in the darkness for hundreds of millions of miles, flickering with flesh and blood!

Chiba Han and other huge body tremors, the original distortion of the Yuanshen shape was torn apart, many silver light fragments into the star array!

"Persist, persevere ..." Su Shi and other anxieties, desperately urged Xianli, while maintaining the stars and encouraging the fairy soldiers!

"Boom ..." A huge star appeared in a galaxy, where it fell, tens of thousands of immortal soldiers burst into pieces, and then, the Zhou Tianxing Qin array was torn apart!

"not good!"

Li Nian and Xiao Yuan were within Jiechong. He could see clearly and hurriedly took out his space fairy.

However, just when Li Nianxiao wanted to urge, "Buzz ..." Where the large array of torn stars burst, and some stars accelerated to spin, the halo like water gradually repaired the large array!

"Huh ..." Li Nianxiao made a long breath and secretly said, "A certain family still lacks the strength, after all, it is the make-up team, how could it be defeated in one shot!"

Li Nian Xiao Song breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly looking at the starlight that erupted like clouds, and wondered, "What is this ...?"

Starlights converged around Jiechong 1949, and slowly rose at night. That's where Jiechong 1949 is!

"Zhu Jiang ..." Green Ape was in the Xinghe Formation, watching the Xingqiong formation being distorted, and laughed, "Hurry up the demon soldiers, I'll wait for the victory!"

"No ..." Qingyu suddenly whispered, "Green ape, this is by no means an ordinary Xinghe array, why ... why is there a fairy power?"

"Haha ..." Green Ape laughed, and said, "You're still awesome, and ask the children to attack with all their strength. At this time, the key to motivating there is, I'll wait to fight and say ..."

"Booming booming ..." Qingguang spread like water again, and the pale-faced demon soldiers had already been revealed in the bluelight. Xinghe hit the star dome array, and the stars turned back in Xinghe, it seemed to be blocked by the star dome array. It is more like being taken back by the Xinghe Array, because when the stars return, there is a fairy spirit condensing in it!

Let ’s look at the return of the stars, a circulation in the blue light. The strange waves have absorbed the immortal energy. These immortal energy has been transformed into threads in the blue light, and it is quickly transpiration. If there is a twisted dry branch, there are silver light and green light in this dry branch. The two light and shadow are tangled together, like a subtle monster text!

The monster text rushed into the dark world and straight up, a huge blood-colored blue lion totem was spread all over the sky. As these monster texts fell in, a little bubble began to emerge. This bubble was like boiling water, first the size of the needle tip. , Then thumb-like, and then began to produce abnormal changes, the existing black and white light and shadow inside the bubble, and then, the black luster fell like a pinpoint, the white luster turned into aerosol soaring!

As the aerosol became more and more heavy, the texture of black and white marble began to appear, and the texture was very clear. It was completely the same as the monster-like thing Xiao Hua saw in Jiechong 1494. same!

"Everyone ..." The green ape watched the galaxy burst into the human race, Zhou Tianxing Dome, and Qing Xiong and other stunned watched these changes, not knowing the blood color shaded by the blue light, and what black and white textures, proudly said "Do you wait to know what this is?"

Where is Qing Xiong's patience, he anxiously said, "What is this? Why are there so many demon corpses in Jiechong?"

Yu Zheng was surprised: "This ... this seems to be a fairy stone monster, right?"

"What fairy stone monster Zhi?" Qingyu also waked up and called, "This is Yin and Yang dull!"

"Um, um ..." Qingyou smiled. "You are right, but do you know the use of Yin and Yang?"

"Who knows!" Qingyu puzzled, "I only know that this is a weird monster on the edge of the League of Demons. It looks like a dead branch, has black and white colors, has no power, does not taste good, and no monsters eat it. ... "

"I do know some ..." Yu said, "This thing is called the Fairy Stone Fairy Chi, which is in the shape of the magic of the League of Demons, and in the spirit of the Fairy Spirit, it is the golden stone!"

"Yu Xun said extremely yes!" Green Ape stroked his palm, "Master Qingshi heard that Hein Wei was invited to fight here, and sent me over to investigate. I found this by accident, and somehow I took it back to sue the adult. When the adults saw this, they didn't feel overjoyed, and immediately thought of a clever plan to kill Buyao of the human race. After several deliberations, this came to an end ... "

"What a trick?" Qing Xiong rejoiced and asked.

Qingyu thoughtfully: "The trick is secondary, maybe this fairy stone monster is the key!"

"Yes, right!" Qingyou said, "Yu Qingyu is absolutely right! Jiechong's fairy stone monster is hundreds of thousands of miles away. From an adult's perspective, I'm afraid I don't know how many years ago, Jiechong At the beginning, the territory of my demon league drifted into the realm, and everything else turned into nothingness in the realm. Only this huge amount of fairy stone monsters turned into gold stones under the influence of fairy power, and the gold stones became more and more, Just pile up into strata ... "

"... The layers of rock accumulate over time, and they are hidden between the two realms. If we ca n’t easily find them, we ca n’t wake up without the blood of the lion and the monster!"

"The problem is ..." Qing Xiong still puzzled, "Even if this thing is awakened, what use is it?"

"What's the use?" Hu Qi sneered, "Without the blood of the Green Lion and the Star Wars, this thing is useless. But with the demon blood of the strong stars and the power of the stars, the yin and yang will die. It's not useless dead branches anymore, you wait and see ... "

Hu Qi pointed around and said, "The black demon light divided by Yin and Yang's silence has spread across hundreds of millions of miles. This demon light not only shields the immortal rule, but also fills the space of the boundary ..."

"I ... I know!" Qingyu was pleasantly surprised. "Jie Chong is getting more solid now. I can wait for the body to get here!"

"Yes, yes!" Green Ape laughed again, "Although the Terran team is fierce, the Star Array is wonderful, but ... their Buddhism is just a clone, and I have come to the body, you talk about ... Wasn't this victory long ago? "

"Master Qingshi is really wise, I can't wait!" Qingyu couldn't help sighing.

"More than that ..." Hu Qi said lightly, "Even if I don't wait for the ontology, this war will be the end of the human race!"

"Why?" Yu Yue was puzzled.

"Human races depend on this starry sky array ..." Hu Qi laughed, "but they don't know, I use the magic power of their starry sky array, the longer they support, the yin and yang awakened by the adults The more dullness, the more dullness of yin and yang, the more closed space, the thinner the law of the fairyland, the human race will eventually collapse; and if they find that it is not good, they will no longer urge the starry sky array, how can I wait? Isn't it a direct drive to kill the human race directly? "

"I ... I'll go!" Qing Xiong came to his senses at this time and called, "Master ... too great!"

"But ..." Qingyu wondered a little, and asked, "Yin and Yang dullness was awakened by the adults' galaxy, divided into black light and white gas, then ... what about those white gas?"

The green ape shook his head and said, "That's an adult thing, I don't need to know!"

"Haha, yes, yes!" Qing Xiong yelled, "Since the adult is not here, he must have invited Zhan Wei to charge. I waited for the fight, the space was stable, I called the body over and killed it. Earthshaking! "

"Kill !!" Seeing that this is a winning battle, all the demons will be very happy ~ ~ roaring, directing the demons to rush to the Zhou Tianxing Qin array.

"Damn!" Su Shi commanded the immortal soldiers, and it was easy to stabilize the stars. Then, the galaxy was like a rushing current, and the stars collided like sand and gravel reefs. The immortal soldiers would not be able to stand at all. In Qingguang, hundreds of millions of demon soldiers flew out of the demon weapon, and he couldn't help cursing.

Su Shi's eyes rolled slightly, thinking a little, and he quickly patted Yin Xi and said, "Qian Buyao, Chen Buyao, etc., we all divided into 30% of the troops, and let them evolve and protect the halo around the array ..."

"Brother Su ..." Chen Jin anxiously said, "I'm afraid it won't work. I'm surprised here. These stars are too fierce. Taking out 30% of their troops might cause a big burst!"

"Su Buyao ..." Qian Yuhan also shouted, "I waited for three stars to run, and I was able to divide 20% of my troops!"

"Then 20%!" Su Shi gritted his teeth, "quick out, otherwise it will be broken by the monster!"

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