Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1745: anger

"Om" Wei Chong seemed to be embarrassed and angry. When he raised his hand, Jin Chancan's light was generated. With Wei Chong's raised hand, the interface around it was roaring and shaking, but Qian Yuhan, not far from Wei Chong, was a little bit chilled because she I knew in my heart that if it was unusual, Wei Chong's rising power was definitely not the case. The force of the law forbidden weakened Wei Chong's strength by more than 30%!

"Booming" Wei Chong's arm is where the immortal looks like yin and yang. The immortal trembles rapidly and grows wildly, but at the edge of the immortal, there are also faint ripples, as if trying to ban the immortal.

The Xianxian gradually became transparent and turned into a huge mirror. Wei Chong pointed his finger a little, and the mirror slipped around in mid-air, and there were seven or forty-nine identical lights and shadows everywhere!

Everyone looked at it and took a breath of air!

But in the light and shadow, countless large arcs, as if running through the sky and the earth, these arcs are pale white, with bloodshot in them, and these arcs are swiftly moving. It is engraved on it!

"Break ... Break the world xuanku?" Wei Chong saw those totems, his eyes narrowed, and whispered, "You ... Where did you get so many breaks!"

"Haha, haha ​​..." The green lion laughed, "Wei Chong, are you ignorant? Where is this breaking the world? This is the fairy stone monster of my demon league!"

"Xianshi Yaozhi?" Wei Chong frowned. "What is Xianshi Yaozhi?"

"Blue ape," the blue lion coldly, "you tell Wei Yuexiao, what is the fairy stone demon!"

"Yes, sir," not far from the green lion, the green ape also showed his body, but the green ape, like the green lion, was in the form of white gas and did not leave, the green ape respectfully said, "Good teaching. Master Wei knows that the so-called fairy stone demon zhi is a low-level monster in my demon league. In the demon league, it is Muzhi. Generally, the demon clan will not eat it, and under the spirit of the fairy spirit, it will turn into a golden stone! "

"Damn!" Wei Chong whispered, as if he understood something, and hurriedly waved, the forty-nine lights and shadows shone under the interface, and sure enough, everyone was covered with thick white arcs. These arcs were like tree vines. Standing up, it's more like a rock that seals the heavens!

"Master Wei, you don't have to watch it again," Qing Ao said lightly, "My grown-up has closed nearly hundreds of millions of miles!"

大 "Master," Ji Zhongji hurriedly said, "This green lion must be delaying, even the forbidden space needs time to arrange!"

"Yes!" Ji Zhong said, and some Yao Yao clamored beside him. "Sir, I'm going to attack quickly, you will play against the green lion, I will kill the green ape !! Don't wait for the forbidden space to take shape, I will even resist No power ... "

Wei Chong didn't say anything. He knew better than anyone else. It was he and the green lion who decided the battle. The reason why the green lion brought only the green ape was also the green lion. As long as the green lion was better than himself, he had 36 steps. Yao off no physiology!

As Yue Xiao, Wei Chong's grace is still there. He looked at the green lion and stepped out, "Boom ... Boom ... Boom ..." Every time Wei Chong took a step, Jiechong gave birth to a golden light, and Wei Chong walked away. At Gaotian, he said lightly, "Blue Lion, can we fight?"

若 "If it were me," the green lion still stood in the white gas, said coldly, "just figure out what's going on before you start!"

"Haha ..." Wei Chong laughed and said, "That's you! And ... you're not me!"

Speaking, Wei Chong gave birth to the dazzling golden light around him. This golden light was first speckled and then connected. As the golden light appeared, more powerful momentum began to diffuse around Jiechong, and at the same time, the white gas around Jiechong also Even more agitated!

I saw that an unsatisfactory formation appeared on Wei Chong's body surface. Wei Chong raised his hand in the eyebrow and patted it. In the light and shadow of gold and silver interlaced, a sharp purple sword flew!

Xie Wei rushed to the left hand, "Om" purple gold sword trembled, countless fine knife marks gushing wildly, the rules around it were broken!

Xi Wei rushed up to the green lion, and the golden footprints were printed in the air!

Although Wei Weichong stepped in the past, but ... it was not half a minute slower than Fei Fei, but it was just a few steps. Wei Chong had already walked in front of the Green Lion!

"Woo" Wei raised his hand and waved extremely easily!

Even Xiao Hua's eyes were mistaken, I felt that the whole world was gone, and all the light and shadow were turned into free golden light, and as the golden light on Wei Chongxian's body surface poured into the mouth of the purple gold sword!

"Boom" Jinguang has just bloomed, and has already produced a roar, but seeing a string of swords and shadows rushing to the green lion, it seems that the star river is stronger than the star river.

"Wow," unexpectedly everyone, the green lion groaned strangely all over his body, like a rooster, and then saw the blue lion's outline burst out!

Qingshi actually boxed empty-handed towards Zijin!

青 "Green Lion," Wei Chong was furious, and shouted, "You are too underestimated ..."

"噗噗 噗" At this time, the purple gold sword has been cut to the top of the blue lion, and the golden light is everywhere. The outline of the blue lion is turned into thousands of fragments, and within each fragment there is a blue lion silhouette, this silhouette ... ... still constructed by white arcs!

At the same time as the "humming" blue lion's outline is broken, the white gas from around ten million miles emits a trembling trembling sound, and the billions of white gas arcs inside it grow wildly, rushing toward the depths of the interface!

"My lord," seeing Bai Qi's arc carrying Jinxian's high-grade golden light directly into the world, Xiao Hua suddenly woke up and screamed, "This ... this forbidden space must follow Is the Xinghe Formation of Jie Chong 4 or 4 related? "

He said, Xiao Hua didn't care about that much anymore. He patted his eyebrows and opened his eyes with arrogance.

Xiao Hua's complexion changed again instantly, because he could see clearly, the white gas was truthful, and he poured gold into the heaven like mercury, and the white barriers like stratospheres in the heaven saw the sky thicken and thicken!

"Damn!" Wei Chong ignored Xiao Hua and looked at Bai Qi and roared. "Blue Lion, why are you shrinking your head? Are you going to fight the old husband?"

哈 "Haha" the green lion laughed again, and the figure appeared again in front of Wei Chong, and said, "I've been fighting with you forever? From the moment you found Jie Chong's Fairy Stone Monster ..."

"How ... how is that possible?" Wei Chong's face turned pale.

"How is that impossible?" The blue lion looked at the left and smiled, "If I didn't know this, how could I find the fairy stone monsters buried deep in the distance? How could it be possible to draw some fairy stone monsters away and surround them? Laying such a large space for banning the law? And let's not tell you, this banning space really tells Xiao Zhenren that it is linked to the Xinghe Formation ... "

"Who?" Wei Chongmu's eyes broke, and he turned around and swept thirty-six steps, yelling, "Who leaked the news?"

大 "Master," Ji Zhong and so on hurriedly smiled, "I waited for the fourteen four Realm to rush with the adult, we do not know the secret realm here, we only know the fourteen three Realm!"

"Are you?" Wei Chong looked at Qian Yuhan!

Xi Weichong was obviously angry. Although it was a simple question, the pressure of the mountain was enough to make Qian Yu chill and tremble. She couldn't help but fly upside down, the fairy shivered, and some golden light leaked from her body!

"Well," Xiao Hua was worried that Jie Chong's battle in 1949 was about to find a way to cross this forbidden space. He didn't want to stand up, but when he saw Wei Chong's intention to be angry, he might kill Qian Yu for his face. Han, so he could only urge his body to stand in front of Qian Yuhan, and sighed: "Sir, Mo won't let other people provoke alienation!"

"Haha, instigate alienation?" Wei Chong laughed and shouted, "The old man has made countless layouts and carefully concealed the world to rush to 1494, but this green lion knew from the beginning, it was laid out behind the old man, Do you think my husband is a fool? "

In the anger of Wei Chong, he did not seem to notice that Xiao Hua was not afraid of his coercion, and all the Yaoyao had trembled, let alone thinking, even Su Shi would fly out, shouting: "Master, no matter Is it Qian Buyao or Xiao Tunteng ... "

"Shut up!" Wei yelled at Su Shi, "Do you think the old man is a fool? Xiao Zhenren brought Qian Yuhan to the realm here in advance. After entering the secret realm, Xiao real person also came out to inspect! Everyone was afraid of the realm. The rule of punch, only he is not afraid! "

"Xiao Zhenren," Wei Chong turned to look at Xiao Hua, and said, "Are you an elaborate alliance! You and Qing Ape have performed a good show and fooled me all?"

"Impossible!" Chen Jin yelled from a distance ~ ~ Master Wei, the end will be willing to guarantee Xiao Zhenren ... "

"Haha," the green ape showed his stature in the distance, and laughed. "Zhen Zhenren, since it is seen through, then ... forget it! Now the Lord Green Lion has trapped Wei Chong and your task is completed. Now, let's go back to the monster league ... "

"Hey," Xiao Hua smiled slightly without panic and didn't answer a word ...

"It turned out that you really!" Wei Chong's eyes spit fire, staring at Xiao Hua, the golden flames around him began to burn!

It wasn't just Wei Chong's eyes that spit fire, Jie Chong's four or ninety-four, the heavy Yuan Shenhua also covered his chest with his right hand, his eyes spitting and looking at the arrogant disease.

A shot of dysentery was shot, and Ji Zhong tried to avoid it. Although he avoided the key points, the left shoulder socket of Yuan Shenhua was still pierced by an arrow-like dead branch!

"No ... no!" Although Ji Zhong was angry, his mind turned sharply, and he secretly said, "Dry, but the Purple Star Heng General, is comparable to the first-level warrior of my fairy world Jinxian. His body is here, The Zhou Tianxingqiang array couldn't resist ... "

"Everyone," Chen Jin and Su Shi glanced at each other at the same time, yelling at the seal seal at the same time, "I and I are all metamorphosis, only the body is 40% of the strength, it is impossible that these purple star monsters will be rivals What I have to do ... I only hold on to the Zhou Tianxing Dome, and show my power with all my strength, waiting for Master Wei to send me to the body ... "

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