Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1698: Younger brother

Busty and raccoon are both excited, saying: "Master is interested!"

"Jia Zi, they are the old man, but more of you ..." Yuhua Xiaohua said gravely. "They have a rattan-hunting hall in their hearts. Naturally, they also want to set up a rattan-hunting hall in Tiangong. The purpose is not to forget their original heart! "

"The kids are attentive!" Busan and nosy nodded their seemingly familiar memories, tears in their eyes.

"Okay ..." Yuhua Xiao Hua looked outside the Tenghuan Hall and said, "The old man will turn back and tell them about you waiting to return to the Tenghuan Hall. Now the old man will send you to see Zhang Ying and Li Yi ..."

Yuhuan Xiao Hua was going to follow Busty and Raccoon, but he looked at another part of the space and laughed, "My husband has something else, you have seen Zhang Ying and Li Yi, you might as well turn around here by yourself Just ... "

"Okay, master, please keep yourself busy!" Busan and Raccoon hurried to accompany the laughter, "I'll wait for the two to see Liu Er and Jiu Er ..."

Xun Yuzheng Xiao Hua sent Busi and Raccoon to Li Yi and Zhang Ying, and looked around. Then he returned to the Tao of Fortune, left a message for Qiao Sin, and turned around.

Yu Huan Xiao Hua slightly thought, raised his hand to cover the next fantasy, then raised his hand a little bit of the flag, released Gu Sheya, and while Gu Zhou went around, Yu Xiao Xiao Hua laughed: "Dare to ask is Brother Qing Son? "

It was even better for her to shoot. She had opened her mouth to ask questions. She could not help but cover her mouth with a smile, and twisted her eyebrows and eyes slightly to reveal her beauty. Then she said, "See Over Xiao Zhenren ... "

"Oh, please get up soon!" Yuhua Xiao Hua hurriedly raised her auntie and smiled, "You do n’t have to be polite, Xiao must thank him, if it is n’t for his brother's residual sword fairy, Xiao It's impossible to see Brother Qing at this time! "

"Live ..." Gu Shey stood up and asked immediately, "Where is this?"

"Oh, please be assured, Brother Qing!" Yu Hua Xiaohua explained, "This is Xiao's space fairy, and Xiao is a ray of gods. It's impossible for anyone to detect here."

既 "That's it ..." Gu She sighed with relief, and smiled slightly, "Relax!"

"Brother ..."

"Live ..."

Immediately, Yuhua Xiaohua and Gu Sheyi spoke at the same time, the two looked at each other and smiled. Yuhua Xiaohua raised her hand and said, "You are the first brother, please speak first!"

"Hee hee, okay!" Gu She smirked and asked, "Why is the real person called Xiaqing brother?"

Xi Yuyu Xiao Hua didn't answer immediately, but stared at Gu Shezhen, and asked, "Isn't Master Long Qiong looking for Xiao, want to use Xiao's space fairy to hide?"

"Live people are so prestigious today. Do they need to work before they leave the account?"

"That's not necessarily ..." Yuhua Xiaohua laughed. "It's always okay to have a smooth and unfamiliar name on the left and right?"

"Isn't the real person being embarrassed in Haohui's team?" Gu Shezhen asked again.

"You are wrong!" Said Yu Hua, Xiao Hua, "Xiao is in the Chongchong team, and is now under Wei Chongwei Yuexiao!"

Auntie shot and listened, slightly changed, and anxiously: "They didn't embarrass you?"

"Who?" Yuhua Xiao Hua smiled slightly and asked.

"Oh?" Gu She whispered, "Looking at real people, could they not recognize the Frost Sword?"

"Okay!" Yuhua Xiaohua patted his forehead, and decided not to play the mystery with Auntie She, saying, "Of course they recognize it, but they have no time to embarrass Xiao ..."

"Hehe ..." Gu Shezhen nodded and said, "It's the same, but for hundreds of centuries, real people have suddenly cultivated to the first stage of Jinxian, and their growth has far exceeded what they thought. It's up! "

"Who are they?" Yuhua Xiaohua asked.

"They should have nothing to do with real people now!" Gu She 茕 waved, "Real people know that they are not beautiful."

I saw that Gu She did n’t say it, and Yu Huan Xiao Hua did n’t want to ask more, watching Gu She said, “If the younger brother has finished asking, it ’s Xiao ’s turn!”

"Does the real person think I've finished the question?" Today's Gu Shezhen is completely different from Qing'er Qing'er, and she has a calm manner and even manner, she asked lightly.

"Okay ..." Yuhua Xiaohua thought for a moment, raised his hand and took out a Naxuan ring and handed it to Gushe, "This is the occasional income of Xiao Mou in Huang Zengtian's Abomination Mountain, and now it's complete return to Zhao!"

Gu Sheyu took the Naxuan ring. Although she had already prepared, she saw the corpse of the fairy inside the Naxuan ring, as well as the accessories and pendants on the corpse. She couldn't help but lost her mind, and a little was born in her eyes. At a loss and light.

However, it was only a moment, Gu She 茕 stretched out his hand again, "What else?"

"Sister ..." Yuhua Xiao Hua hurriedly guarded her waist, "Xiao Mou easily repaired the Frost Sword, it was not hot yet ..."

"Hmm ..." Gu Sheyu sneered, and said, "You hold the Frost Sword to show your might, how can I beg you to ask again? Besides, I have the Frost Sword. Does n’t everyone know who I am? I said It's the corpse of Qingniu ... "

"How do you know that the corpse of Qingniu is here with Xiaomou?" Yuhua Xiaohua reluctantly took out the corpse of Qingniu and handed it to Auntie.

She did not look at Qingniu's corpse directly, but looked at the illusion surrounding her: "Since I want to end up with Qingniu, I will definitely try to do it ..."

I watched Gushe's sadness, and Yuhua Xiaohua didn't say more.

My aunt shot and collected the corpse of Qingniu and her previous life, and laughed, "I'm done, it's your turn!"

"That's it?" Yuhua Xiao Hua touched his nose, obviously a little surprised.

怎么 "What?" Gu She chuckled. "Does the real person want to tell me, how did you cultivate to the first stage of Jinxian for centuries?"

"You want to ask, I don't want to say yet!" Xiao Hua pouted.

And Gu She 茕 is even more tit-for-tat: "I know you can't say it, so simply ignore it!"

"That ..." Yuhuan Xiao Hua opened her mouth, and finally said helplessly, "Xiao has nothing to ask."

"Hehe ..." Gu She laughed, "In fact, there is really nothing to ask, and I have nothing to say. Presumably the real person wants to ask me why I am in the world, why not find a place for retreat and retreat in Yujietian? ... "

"Yes!" Yuhua Xiaohua said, "Why?"

"Because even real people can think of it, my enemies can certainly think of it ..." Gu Sheyi replied faintly. "As long as some people in the Chong Chong team see the Frost Remnant Sword, they will definitely think of me, and I am in Dust Xiaohai Appeared ... and absolutely can't hide them. Is there a word in the world? Xiaoyin is in the wild and the city is hidden. Who can think of a long and handsome commander who will do another leader after reincarnation ...?

"Yeah, yeah!" Yuhua Xiao Hua nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"The real person is even more powerful ..." Gu Sheyu laughed. "We are a little hidden in the wild and a big hide in the city. The real person is a big hideaway in the dynasty! If I hadn't seen the Frost Sword, I would never have thought of this prestigious Jinxian first stage. It was the little dwarf before! "

Yuhuan Xiao Hua understood and nodded: "Xiao has a lot of favors from his younger brother. Now that he has met, younger brother should live temporarily in Xiaomou's space fairy. What Xiaomiao said is also the first stage of Jinxian. Now, it should be able to protect the younger brother one or two! And younger brother consciously awakens, this day's Daoji will be affected, younger brother is still good practice as soon as possible! "

"Hey ..." Gu She chuckled slightly, "This is one of them! I'm looking for a real person, I have a chance to give it to a real person!"

"Opportunity?" Yuhua Xiao Hua said for a moment, wondering, "Could the younger man understand?"

Auntie shot a pair of eyes like ice, staring at Xiao Hua and asked, "Should a real person have a little holy lotus in his hand?"

"How do you ... how do you know?" Yu Hua Xiaohua was shocked.

"The affairs of the business alliance, the accident that happened in Chen Xiaohai is not a secret, as long as you pay attention to it, you can find it!" Gu Sheyong said, "The only thing that surprised me was the strength of real people, but real people have this. Waiting for strength, you get more opportunities. "

"Oh?" Yuhua Xiao Hua was a little awakened and smiled, "It seems that every fairy who has cultivated to Jiugongxian is no accident!"

"Which is more than Jiugongxian?" Gu She sneered at the corner of her mouth, "Every Jinxian has its own story!"

"Okay!" Yuhua Xiaohua shrugged. "Where is the chance that Brother Qing said?"

"I don't know how effective your little sacred lotus seed is?" Gu She asked without answering ~ ~ If it is not satisfactory, it may be a disaster! "

Qi Yuyu's eyes turned and said: "The little sacred lotus is a business alliance, not Xiaomou ..."

"That's all right!" Gu She 追 didn't pursue it, nodded, "As long as you can contact the mysterious business alliance!"

"This is nature!" Yuhua Xiao Hua already had a plan in her heart, and laughed, "Except for Xiao, there is no one in the immortal world ..."

"What?" After waiting for Yu Hua Xiao Hua to finish, Gu She was surprised, "Luo Yi Shangmeng is not in the immortal world?"

"Yes!" Yuhua Xiaohua nodded, "How else could there be so many things outside the realm?"

"No wonder ..." Gu She 茕 understood and smiled, "The business alliance that even Yuxian is looking for can only be outside the fairy realm."

After saying that, Gu She urged: "Live a real person and send me out. I'll help a real person find a warlord near Jiechong!"

"Oh ..." Yuhua Xiao Hua slammed his forehead and said, "It's Xiao's fault!"

My aunt was surprised and asked quickly: "What's wrong?"

"This place is far away from Qing Geer's previous realm ..." Yu Hua Xiao Hua was rather distressed.

"Ah?" Gu She anxiously said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Aunt Grandma!" Yuhua Xiao Hua smiled bitterly. "You sneak up, Xiao must follow Jing Zhihong everywhere to rescue the besieged besieged soldiers. Where does Xiao have time to ask you? Now it's easy to get free, Xiao Someone is ready to return to the Chongchong team, so I quickly talk to you ... "

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