Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1699: Gushe's layout

"No, don't go back to Chong Chong!" Gu Sheyong shook his head without hesitation. "This is the best opportunity for adults to meet Haohui Clan's Sound King, and I'm afraid I won't have it in the future!"

"Shoot ... Shoot King?" Yu Hua Xiao Hua was even more surprised.

"Go back first!" Gu She urged.

Xun Yuzheng Xiao Hua was a little hesitant. After all, he just rushed out of the Haohui clan and hacked one billion dragon captives. Now he is back, and he is not afraid to throw himself into the net!

In addition, the so-called shooting king, Yu Huan Xiao Hua did not want to meet in particular. He has too many secrets. As long as he is given time, he has enough confidence to set foot on the peak. This has nothing to do with meeting the shooting king. .

"What's wrong?" Seeing Yu Huan Xiao Hua hesitant, Gu She could not understand, "Is it true that the real person is afraid of shooting, Wang Ji remembers the secret of the real person?"

"Yes ..." Yuhua Xiao Hua grinned with a grin on his nose, "It's so a bit!"

"Cultivation from Qixian to Jinxian in the 100th century ..." Gu Shezhen looked at Yu Huan Xiao Hua and smiled, "It is indeed a bit shocking and shocking, presumably the real person also has its origin! But what about the real person's memory? It may not be awake, otherwise it will never be so swaggering ... "

After I said, Gu She looked up and looked around, and sighed, "If it wasn't for my fate, I would never mention inspiring memories. This kind of injury cannot be repaired by years and meditation ..."

"Huh ..." Gu Sheyu took a deep breath, "The real person should know that an immortal can't make waves in the fairy world, just like the same drop of water falls in the ocean! Only waves, only a lot of water droplets, and more Countless drops of water! "

"Live, do you know how many Celestial Masters are in Celestial Realm?"

"do not know……"

"Do you know how many **** there are in fairyland?"

"Then don't know any more!"

"Is it difficult to hear the title of Junyuan?"

"Yes ..." Yuhua Xiao Hua nodded and answered.

"But I told real people ..." Gu She 茕 meaningfully, "Tianzun is actually a mixed Yuan, would a real person feel strange?"

"Why ... what do you mean?" Yuhua Xiaohua was stunned and wondered, "Tianzun ... is not the perfect one ... Oh, the poor way to understand! The top level of the Immortal Gongfa is Hunyuan, but Tianzun It ’s a complete success! "

"But ..." Gu Sheyin asked, "Is it true that only the word of Tianzun is perfect? ​​Wouldn't other mixed Yuanxian have it? You know, the realm of immortality is far beyond what real people currently think. It ’s not just Tianzun who can engrave the perfect deed! But why are there only so many?

玉牒 Xiao Hua understood what he was saying, "Tianzunfu!"

"Nice ..." Gu She nodded and said, "Only the mixed Yuanxian who opened the house and built his teeth can be called Tianzun. Without his own forces, he can fight alone ... only mixed Yuanxian!"

I heard here, Yuhua Xiaohua did not know what was going on, and the image of a floating old man appeared in his mind!

But what surprised Yuhuan Xiao Hua was that the appearance of the floating old man in his mind was vague and unclear at all. If, as the floating old man himself said, he would not appear in any illusion in fairyland.

"These situations make up the sky! And even more ..." Gu Shezhen continued, "After all, make up the sky is a team form, starting with the lowest-ranking captain and flag leader, and getting the sound of shooting and air! The title of a force! Yue Xiao, without His Majesty, is like a tiger without teeth ... "

In the end, Gu She stared at Xiao Hua, suddenly kneeling on one knee, holding his fists in both hands, and said very earnestly: "Although I don't know what strength and realm the real person was before, but this life is so amazing, I am willing to assist the real person to set foot on the King of Air! "

The "before" mentioned by Auntie Shezhen naturally means past life.

He looked at Gu She and looked at himself, with fiery eyes in his eyes. Yuhua Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, and did not immediately lift up, but looked out of the illusion, his expression was complicated.

My aunt is not anxious to shoot, she seems to understand Xiao Hua's mindset and waits patiently.

In fact, the current situation is far beyond Gu Sheyu's thinking. In the fairyland space of Xiao Hua, after more than 3,000 years of development, the number of disciples is no longer imaginable, and Xiao Hua's strength ... Shoot as seen on the surface.

If, as Gu She said, Xiao Hua may not be short of disciples in the conditions for achieving Heavenly Respect, what he previously lacked was only time. But building a government building is not a matter of words, let alone disciples in the fairyland space can support.

Although Lu Shu, Zhou Xiaoming, Jiang Meihua, etc. can assist Xiao Hua, even Bai Ze, Yan Zhan, etc., these disciples are not suitable for appearance now, and Xiao Hua also needs more to support the future Tianzun Mansion or King Kong Fairy.

The gushe who was in front of her was the right candidate. Presumably she saw this opportunity, so she recommended herself.

"Is Brother Qing looking too high at Xiaomou?" Yuhua Xiao Hua gathered her thoughts and looked down at Gu She and smiled.

"How important is an adult to others, the end will not know ..." Gu She sternly said, "But the adult is really important to the end, it can be said that the adult is the most important person in this life!"

Xi Yuxi Xiao Hua smiled and touched her nose, "If you think about it, it's true!"

"Yes, adults may not know it!" Gu Shezhen continued, "The end will start thinking when the memories of previous lives begin to awaken. Think about when the end of the end of God's Tibetan yuan monument returned to the end of the soul, want to come If you want to go, there will be only adults. So the end will be forcibly awakened, understand the cause and effect of this life, then start to pay attention to the movements of adults, and start to think about the ins and outs of the whole thing. When the end will hear the master fall to the pole, the end I do n’t believe it. How could the fairy who could receive the end-beauty god's Tibetan Yuan tablet and also awaken the end be so casual? ”

"... Later, in order to avoid the enemies, the general will use some of the previous relationships to enter the Haohui team. The practice of the general is not smooth, because the forced awakening is very troublesome, and the physical body of this young child is not as thorough as the previous life. Training, but at the end you will find a strange thing. Whenever you will encounter insurmountable difficulties or bottlenecks, you will not need to do much. You just need to pray with all your heart. These difficulties and bottlenecks will disappear. Is it amazing? "

Qi Yuxi Xiao Hua appeared with a smile on his face, and asked, "Is this my husband so amazing?"

Gu Sheyi naturally would not answer. She continued: "Every time you encounter such a magical thing, the end will be thinking about how an adult exists, and which deity or fairy king the adult should be, because the end will never I ’ve heard that the King of King Kong is so magical. Actually, lord, do you know? I never expected to meet you so soon, but, just in the end, I will be caught in Long Xi, and I will be seen by an unknown little When the little fifth-level micro-Xuanlong was killed, the end general suddenly felt a sense of the presence of the adult, knowing that the adult would surely save the end general! "

Stop here, Gu She paused for a moment, and said, "At this time, the familiar Frost Sword is finally born!"

"Although the appearance of the adult has changed, although the strength of the adult is far beyond what the general will think, although ... although many different, but only with a frost sword and the feeling of the general, the general will know that the adult has returned ! "

"OK ..." Yuhua Xiaohua laughed, "Get up!"

"Sir, will Rong Mo be good?"

"Let's do it!" Yuhua Xiaohua did not know what Gu Sheyu wanted to say.

"The Admiral is eager to see the Lord, not only because the Admiral's body and some important things are in the hands of the Admiral, but also because the Admiral can hide in the Haohui team, but it is really not smooth in practice. It cannot be repaired, the cultivation of the cultivation is too busy, the required cultivation resources are also scarce, and these can be solved very well in adults ... "

Gu Sheyi seems to want to win the trust of Xiao Hua, so Xu Xuyi said a lot, but in the ears of Yu Hua Xiao Hua, I always feel that this is Gu She ’s been too long ~ ~ These secrets are looking for A reliable person confided, and when Gushe was a little bit dry, Yuhua Xiaohua took out some fairy fruits and said, "If you still have something, you might as well get up and talk while you eat!"

"Thank you, Master!" Gu Sheyong stood up and said, "The matter of the last general has been finished, can the adult allow the last thing to be said about the adult?"

嗯 "Huh, huh ..." Yuhua Xiao Hua picked up a fairy fruit and took a bite, "eat ..."

Gu Sheyu took a few fairy fruits and said after eating: "Actually, the adults now have some confidence. This billion true immortals will be stunned even by Long Qiongshuai. But the way adults use 100 million true immortals is wrong. The role of 100 million true immortals has not yet been fully exerted! "

"I will say before that the power of an immortal is limited. The hunting base must be the true immortal, but the true immortal is not necessarily the hunting base! One hundred million true immortals does not equal 100 million hunting bases, and adults only have to change one hundred million true immortals. When 100 million hunting bases are reached, this one hundred million true immortals can play their biggest role! "

"Adults first need to supplement the fairy soldiers and develop their own team based on the 100 million true immortals. Second, adults need to go up and find the strength to support the adults so that their teams can grow and develop, rather than becoming humans. The edible elixir! "

所以 "So lord ..." Gu Sheyu swallowed the fairy fruit into her belly and laughed, "This trip back to Long Yu Jie Chong, don't underestimate you, it's actually very important."

"You can meet the King of Sounds alone with a little Saint Lianzi?" Yuhua Xiaohua shook her head in disbelief, and asked, "If so, is this King of Sounds too bad?"

Aunt Gu shot and laughed and said, "Adult thought that this time when you returned to the Dragon Realm and rushed to see the King of Shots?"

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