Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1697: Tian Wai Tian Teng Huan Dian

Even Li Yan did n’t know where it was, Jing Zhihong and others would not find it, and Xiao Hua was not in a hurry to return to the team. Naturally, it would take time to stay here. Xiao Huacai's returning team!

After sitting down, Xiao Hua's mind first fell into the fairyland space. He originally told Qin Xin and his disciples to say a few words. You can see that Jiang Hong divided the billion dragons into different teams and practiced separately, while Xiao Jinzhi flew high in the air. Reprimanding some disobedient dragons, Yuhua Xiaohua felt that there was no need to show up!

Xiao Hua captures the Dragon Clan, but he wants to use it as an introduction. In the future, the Dragon Clan will have an excuse to show up. How do you know that this cue is too big? It seems that the Dragon Clan will not use the Dragon Clan in a short time!

Qiu Yuxi Xiao Hua looked around and was about to get out of space. Suddenly she thought about it and looked at Jiu Zhongtian. But inside the palace, a fairy was burning incense and praying, wasn't it Zhang Jing?

Seeing Zhang Jing, Yuhua Xiaohua already understood, so he looked up to see the depths of the immortal world, where there was no smoke, Zhang Ying was walking deep with Li Yi shallow!

"咦?" Yuhua Xiaohua was a little surprised, and secretly said, "Li Yi and Zhang Ying actually concealed their abilities, and they really looked regretful?"

He then flew into a small figure, Yuhua Xiao Hua, fell in front of Zhang Jing and asked gently: "Zhang Jing ..."

"Master!" Zhang Jing saw Yuhuan Xiaohua just when she burned incense and prayed. She was overjoyed, and said, "A disciple sees Qin Xin waiting to return, knowing that the master is temporarily free. Then I burn the incense. I wonder if I disturb the master?" "

"It doesn't matter ..." Yuhua Xiao Hua lifted Zhang Jingdao's sleeves, "what's the most important thing for you?"

"Master ..." Zhang Jing whispered, "As the disciples asked, naturally it was the situation of sisters!"

"It's okay!" Yuhua Xiao Hua raised his hand a little, a gleam of light was revealed, and the figures of Li Yi and Zhang Ying appeared in it.

"Thank you Master!" Watching Zhang Ying walked awkwardly, Zhang Jing's tears almost fell, and she hurried to thank her.

"You don't have to ask the husband for understanding ..." Yuhua Xiaohua said, "The husband didn't actually plan to reprimand her in the first day, after all, she also had one under her knee, she always wanted to give her. How could she know she wanted to exile and atonement , The old man can only do it ... "

"Master ..." Zhang Jing laughed with companionship. "The disciples did not dare to ask the master for such kindness. The disciples have been away from their younger sisters and have been thinking about these days. Why did the younger sisters become like that, after thinking about it for a long time, the younger students think of childhood When Grandpa Shu and Aunt Raccoon nurtured us, her disciples took care of and gave the younger sister, which made her greedy more than others. Now she travels a long distance, and she doesn't know if she knows where she is wrong ... "

When he said that, Zhang Jing took a peek at the face of Yuhua Xiao Hua, bravely, and whispered softly, "The disciples are brave, I beg you, can you let Grandpa Shu and Aunt Raccoon go to persuade him?"

Yuhuan Xiao Hua thought for a moment and nodded: "You have a point. After all, you are all busy and raised by raccoon. They are more important to you than the old man in your eyes! The old man should respond to this matter. arrangement!"

"Thank you Master, thank you Master!" Zhang Jing hurriedly bowed again, and when she got up, Yu Hua Xiao Hua was no longer there.

"Master ..." Zhang Jing shouted angrily at midair, "If possible, the disciples would also like to see grandpa and aunt ..."

嗯 "Well, my husband knows!" Yu Jing Xiao Hua's voice sounded in Zhang Jing's ear.

"Thank you, Master, thank you!" Zhang Jing gimmicked again.

Xun Yuzheng Xiao Hua's figure fell into the spiritual realm. At this time, the busyness was no different from the previous one, except that the dead vine was now in the new year, and a lot of spirits roamed up and down the dry vine.

As for the raccoon, it is still so quiet and cultivates alone.

Xun Yuzheng Xiao Hua showed his body shape, and he immediately sensed it, hurriedly flew out, and arched, "I have seen the old master who teaches ..."

I didn't dare to sacrifice the ground and quickly saluted.

"Is it okay here?" Yuhua Xiao Hua asked with a smile.

He busily chuckled and laughed: "Happiness here is far beyond what old-time thought, old-time is very fortunate. You can meet and teach Master in Yuanlingshan!"

Raccoon also laughed: "I also like the body, but ..."

"What's wrong?" Busy whispered, "Are you still dissatisfied?"

有 "Yes!" Raccoon laughed. "I miss some of them ..."

Hearing Jiazi, Yuhua Xiaohua laughed first, and she had a fever on her face. At that time, Xiao Hua had just sent 20,000 babies into the fairyland space and gave them to the busy raccoon and the raccoon grass. Because it was difficult to distinguish, the busy babies gave a name to the 20,000 children.

Of course, the names of Qiao Sinhuan and Li Yi are not busy. He shows off his knowledge and simply uses the ten-day branches "A, B, C, D, E, G, G, Xin, Ren, Gui" and the twelve earthly branches. "Zi, Ugly, Yin, Ji, Chen, Ji, Wu, Wei, Shen, Ji, Ji, Ji, Hai" is the surname and the number is the name. If the accidental Joe's reincarnation name is Jia Ziyi.

乔 And the name of Joe's reincarnation was only after Jiutianxuan Niangniang arrived in space.

The raccoon "jiazi" actually represents more than 300 children.

"The children miss you too ..." Yuhua Xiao Hua nodded slightly, and said, "Jang Jing just burned incense and prayed, and I want my husband to take you there!"

"Oh ..." Sigh sighed, "They are all good children, they have their own cultivation, their own children, and their own future, do we ..."

I said, the raccoon turned to look at the busy one, and the two exchanged their gazes. There were both misses and hesitations in the gaze, and they let go, and then said, "Let's not bother them!"

"Do n’t think about it more ..." Busy hurriedly explained again, "A time when we passed and would bother them, it is already 3,247, right? Under the master's adjustment, they must already be the masters of the spirits. The existence of ours will certainly cause a lot of trouble; in addition, the interface we are in now is different. If it was in the past, we still have to worry about the master ... "

"Three thousand two hundred and forty-seven years?" Yuhua Xiaohua said a bit bitter in her mouth, and said, "If you don't remember them, how can you remember so clearly?"

"Master ..." Raccoon said in a hurry, "If you don't want to, that's deceiving the master, but also we deceive ourselves. After all, human babies are intelligent and favored by the heavens. They have been flattering since childhood, far more than 10,000 times stronger than my spiritual tribe. Now when I see my Lingzu seedlings, we can't help but think of Jiazi them, but ... "

"Just taboo too much, afraid to trouble them?"

Qiu Yu laughed Xiao Hua.

"Yes, yes ..." Busy anxiously, "And what they really need is a master, not us."

其实 "Actually ..." Yuhua Xiao Hua looked at Busy, looked at the raccoon, and laughed, "You and your husband are thinking wrong."

啊 "Ah?" Both Raccoon and Busty were taken aback, asking, "Why are we wrong?"

"Where is the first?" Xiaohua Xiaohua laughed. "The husband and you have been ignorant for the rest of the year. You feed them and grow up with them. The impact on them during that time is that of a lifetime, yes Unparalleled! Although the old man has an image in their hearts, but it is far worse than your feeding, your voice and smile. These are the first glances of the world they are learning. You are actually their original world and the starting point to the complete world. ... "

"What about the second?" Busan asked.

"What about the second?" Yuhua Xiaohuafen said, "Except for this heaven and earth, the fairy space at that time was you, and they all depended on you. From the heart, you are actually heaven and earth, in fact, everything is dependent, they are in your heart. I have taken you as your last strength! "

"No, no, Master is the world ..." Busy hurriedly waved.

"This is your mistake, and it's our fault!" Yuhua Xiaohua laughed. "My husband is heaven and earth, you are their grandpa and aunt, in fact, they are their father and mother! Grandpa Shu and Acacia protect them. And then there is a world for the old man to fly for them! "

"Master ..." Suddenly suddenly woke up, anxiously, "Is something wrong?"

"Hmm ..." Yuhua Xiao Hua talked about Zhang Jing and bust her chest and said, "Jia Ziliu has been fighting and winning since she was young ~ ~ It ’s more than half a mouthful to eat milk ..."

所以 "So!" Yuhua Xiaohua laughed, "Actually Zhang Jing's heart hasn't loosened yet. Let her find a way to untie it. I'm afraid it's bad, and she will easily go astray!"

"Sure!" Raccoon frowned, "Liuer will cry ..."

"Look ..." Yuhua Xiaohua said, "How could the old man know these things? Without you, the old man wouldn't know how to proceed ..."

"Master ..." What did Raccoon think of, whispered, "What is the realm of Liu Er now?"

"Tianxian ..."

"God ... Tianxian?" Busy stunned, and said, "It seems ... very advanced, right?"

"No matter how advanced!" Yuhua Xiaohua said, "They are also your children!"

"Okay!" Raccoon nodded. "I promised my master ..."

Busy 叟 also nodded: "It is not easy for children to practice at such a high level. What we can do for our children will definitely do it!"

Yuhuan Xiao Hua smiled slightly, raised his hands on the raccoon and busy hoe, a little bit of golden light flashed, and said, "The old man made a ninth heaven in the previous place. And the children, they also created a heavenly palace in Tiantian. They built a vine-hunting temple in Tiangong, which is reserved for you. The old man has given you supernatural powers. I can return to the vine-hunting temple anytime, anywhere, but from the vine-hunting temple, I can only come here ... ... "

The raccoon and the bustle were overjoyed and hurriedly bowed down to give a salute, but with a little thought, the figure "brushed" fell to a temple, which was full of dead vines and raccoon grass. At first glance, it looked like when the fairyland space was first formed. Exactly the same!

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